Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by Sapphire, Jan 14, 2009.

  1. Sapphire

    Sapphire Level II

    Jan 13, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Chi Chi


    Well, I see many people here have problem choosing their weapons for their set; not only limited budget is the main factor but also what type of weapons to have in their set. So I hope this guide will help you guys make better choices on what to have in your Battledome set.

    The Fundamental

    Attacking Weapon [MUST HAVE]
    I recommended having AT LEAST 2 attacking weapons. Attacking weapon is one of the most important thing in BD, it must be carefully choose because You don't want to get a weapon that is totally blocked by Sink, Burrow, or a Leaf Shield; else you will have an extremely small chance of winning the fight. The higher attack icons, the more damage you be able to inflict upon your enermy. The stable attacking icons are: 6 and beyond.

    Defending Weapon [MUST HAVE]
    1 of this is all you need. There are a lot of shields in Neopets but a few that are exactly useful. One of the most popular one will have to be Leaf Shield, this is widely use in 1p simply because it can block most of the common attack icons from 1p enemy.

    Defense have similar principle as attack, therefore choosing your defense weapon could be tricky. For example; If you are battling unknown stats player in 1p or 2p doesn't matter at this moment. You would want to make sure that you are able to block their attack; using Burrow will only cover -air -earth -fire -water -physical by having Sophies Magic Hat you then be able to block -dark icon also, and only light icon that you will be inflicted on. What I'm trying to say is 'covering you flaws'.

    Blocker [MUST HAVE]
    Good blockers, allow you to fully block enemy's attack; it can be handy when you are in tight spot. It is always good to have 1 with you.

    Blocker is pretty much a defense weapon, but I categorize it differently as you can only use it 'Once Per Battle'. Most of the good blocker will either block from 50% and above. I recommend everyone from newb to advance to have blocker in their set, "Downsize!" as everyone have heard is the cheapest and the most useful blocker around; unless you are rich and able to afford "Thyoras Tear" which block 100% for all icons. Don't be sad though, you still can have a full blocker if you are poor, "Thick Smoke Bomb" but it is a single use weapon.

    Dual Weapon [OPTIONAL]
    This type of weapons is totally up to your strategy, some people prefer having this weapon to replace one of their full attacking weapon. I have a dual weapon in my set myself, I been finding it useful when you want to have a quick 1p battle. I uses "Golden Compass" to cover my "Burrow" while freezing the enemy on the 1st turn, it also does a bit of damage making it faster to bet the enemy. I recommend "Golden Compass" or "Ring of the Lost". "Ring of the Lost" is real useful in 2p since it cripples the "Sword of Skardsen" and people who do not train defense.

    Bomb [MUST HAVE]
    *BOOM* These are once per battle weapon; but it will do a lot of damage to your enemy! MUST HAVE at least 1. Bomb is simply consider as attack weapon but are use 'One Per Battle'. Good bombs are usually 6+ icons; I'm sure that everyone who play 2p will have one of this in there set, so be prepare to carry one out with you; I prefer having a bomb that's use once per battle, instead of single use since it's a long term saving and they are generally much better. for 1p, "Honey Potion" will do or if you have $$$ get "Ghostkerbomb" its the best bomb out there.

    Healer [MUST HAVE]
    DUH...1 of this will do. It's to obvious to mention, but it must. Most of us will probably have a problem choosing whether to get 'Overhealers' or 'Normal Healers' , again this is totally depends on your pet stats and you strategy.

    Just in case you don't know what 'Overhealers' is: "Overhealers heal over your maximum HP before deducting damage. After all calculations are done, if your current HP is higher than your maximum HP, then it is lowered to your maximum HP."
    and for 'Normal Healer': "Only heal up to your maximum HP before calculating damage".

    There are a few good 'Overhealers' such as Blue Scorchstones, and Everlasting Crystal Apple. Everlasting Crystal Apple is widely use by n00binators (low-end 2p pets) , so if you are planning to be noobinator get one of this!

    Freezer [MUST HAVE]
    Must get 1. Freezing your enemy lets you do as much damage as you can in one turn and your opponant can't block or do anything about it! It is the best way to shut your enemy down.

    What you need to know is that there are 3 types of freezer:

    Non-100% freezers -
    simply mean that the freezer do not have a 100% freeze rate, but having chance of freezing (chance freezer) such as *Frost Cannons. They are not that reliable but they will have to do for those who do not have enough money to buy 100% freezer.

    100% freezers -
    are freezers that freeze your enemy every time you use it, such as "H4000 Helmet" (best freezer out there). If you are playing 2p it is guarantee that this will be use in the first turn, because it is the safest move there is; in a lot of battling cases, being a punching bag for a turn will usually result in defeat from your enemy. So freeze them before they freeze you!

    Multi-freezers -
    are freezers that you can use multiple times in a single battle. Multi-freezers are best for extremely high HP stat pets (1100+) that can take a lot of beating if frozen in 2-player and it's NOT recommended for low stat pets, because it will not be effective in your battling unless your pet suits it. "Slumberberry Potion" is said to be the best multi-freezers.

    Reflector [OPTIONAL]
    This type of weapons allows you to take damage done by your enemy and have it damage them back! It's not widely use since it's so unpredictable to use, as reflector only allow one type of icon to be reflect. It is a bad idea to use reflector in 2p, unless you have combination of weapons and ability to back it up. Not only that it is unpredictable, any icons you reflect to your enemy can be reflected/blocked. However, you are unable to reflect/block any icons reflected back to you. Clearly, your enemy would be at an advantage from this

    Stealer [OPTIONAL]
    This weapon safe my life a lot of time believe it or not (in 1p). These weapons have a chance of stealing one of your enemy's weapon for the duration of the battle. You don't get to keep the weapon you steal but you can use it for that battle. Only one stealing weapon can be equipped at a time and they are once per battle.

    I suggest to not have this in your set if you are planning to play in 2p, since most of exp 2p player will always have the worst/useless weapon first. But if you are planning to play in 1p it can be very handy, some of the enemy required you to steal the weapon in order to win (if you have low stat pet).

    So this is what we should have on a standard 1p BD set:

    2 x Full Attack Weapons
    1 x Defend Weapon
    1 x Blocker
    1 x Bomb
    1 x Healer
    1 x Freezer
    1 x Stealer

    That's 8 weapons.
    You see, its pretty stable having set like this; in term of general combat:
    1st Turn - Freeze and Steal
    2nd Turn - Full Attack
    3rd Turn - Block and Attack
    4th Turn - Heal and Defend
    and so on...

    for 2p set is total up to your strategy,style, and your pet stat. If I suggest anything I'm sure there will be a lot of argument fly back to me [...]

    Now, it's just choosing weapons that suit you and your budgets.

    Choices of Weapons

    I will list the weapons into 7 categories:

    They are sorted by "Rating" by IDB from the highest to lowest; regarding of price!
    I won't of course list all of them :nope: Only note-able ones and affordability too :yup:
    So, you make your own choices according to your budgets and other factors.

    (I will consider dual weapons into this category)
    NAME ::: Ring of the Lost
    Rating ::: 9.00
    TYPE ::: Multiple Use
    PRICE ::: 20,000,000 NP
    ATTACK ::: 5x[​IMG] 4.5x[​IMG]
    DEFENSE ::: All[​IMG]
    COMMENT :::
    One of the best dual duties, some says it is an alternative to "Ghostkershield". The attack is very strong for a full blocker, and it just so happens to hit weak points in both "Ghostkershield" and "Faerie Tabard". In 2p this weapon will own "Sword of Skardsen". In 1p this weapon can be some what useless, because of the general lack of weapons in the specific icon type. You will see dark icons on some opponents whereas for others, you won't.

    NAME ::: Sword of Skardsen
    Rating ::: 9.00
    TYPE ::: Multiple Use
    PRICE ::: 10,500,000 NP
    ATTACK ::: 15x[​IMG] 1.25-9[​IMG]
    COMMENT :::
    "This is the strongest of the affordable weapons for 1p". Simply because it offers a lot of power for a reasonable price. But for 2p, it's not so good these days, as everyone starting to have dark blocker in their set. As I said earlier having "Ring of the Lost" and "Ghostkershield" will totally shutdown this weapon. I don't recommend having this weapon by its own, it is a good idea to have "Pirate Captains Cutlass" as it allows you to flash this weapon a few times; keep your opponent off guard

    NAME ::: Scarab Ring
    TYPE ::: Multiple Use
    PRICE ::: 1,000 NP
    ATTACK ::: 2x[​IMG] 2x[​IMG] 2x[​IMG]
    DEFENSE ::: 3x[​IMG] 3x[​IMG]

    NAME ::: Wand of Reality
    Rating ::: 8.14
    TYPE ::: Multiple Use
    PRICE ::: 3,000,000 NP
    ATTACK ::: 5x[​IMG] 5x[​IMG] 3x[​IMG]

    NAME ::: Ylanas Blaster
    Rating ::: 8.00
    TYPE ::: Multiple Use
    PRICE ::: 1,250,000 NP
    ATTACK ::: 2.63x[​IMG] 2x[​IMG] 5x[​IMG] 3x[​IMG]

    NAME ::: Golden Compass
    Rating ::: 8.00
    TYPE ::: Multiple Use
    PRICE ::: 82,000 NP
    ATTACK ::: 3x[​IMG] 3x[​IMG] 3x[​IMG]
    DEFENSE ::: 2.6[​IMG]
    NAME ::: Ghostkershield
    Rating ::: 8.47
    TYPE ::: Multiple Use
    PRICE ::: 7,800,000 NP
    DEFENSE ::: All[​IMG] 5x[​IMG] 3x[​IMG] 3x[​IMG] 5x[​IMG]

    NAME ::: Pirate Captains Hat
    Rating ::: 7.00
    TYPE ::: Semi-Fragile
    PRICE ::: 4,500,000 NP
    DEFENSE ::: All[​IMG] 5x[​IMG] All[​IMG]

    NAME ::: Leaf Shield
    Rating ::: 7.00
    TYPE ::: Multiple Use
    PRICE ::: 10,000 NP
    DEFENSE ::: 5x[​IMG] 5x[​IMG] 3x[​IMG]

    NAME ::: Faerie Tabard
    Rating ::: 7.00
    TYPE ::: Multiple Use
    PRICE ::: 7,300,000 NP
    DEFENSE ::: All[​IMG] 3x[​IMG] 3x[​IMG] 5x[​IMG] 5x[​IMG]

    NAME ::: Sophies Magic Hat
    Rating ::: 6.00
    TYPE ::: Multiple Use
    PRICE ::: 140,000 NP
    DEFENSE ::: 5x[​IMG] 3x[​IMG] 3x[​IMG] 3x[​IMG]
    NAME ::: Downsize!
    Rating ::: 9.00
    TYPE ::: Once Per Battle
    PRICE ::: 4,800 NP
    DEFENSE ::: Block 50% of All Types

    NAME ::: Thick Smoke Bomb
    Rating ::: 7.00
    TYPE ::: Single Use
    PRICE ::: 9,000 NP
    DEFENSE ::: Block 100% of All Types

    NAME ::: Thyoras Tear
    Rating ::: 7.00
    TYPE ::: Once Per Battle
    PRICE ::: 49,000,000 NP
    DEFENSE ::: Block 100% of All Types
    NAME ::: Ghostkerbomb
    Rating ::: 9.00
    TYPE ::: Once Per Battle
    PRICE ::: 7,300,000 NP
    ATTACK ::: 10x[​IMG] 10x[​IMG] 1-10x[​IMG]

    NAME ::: Honey Potion
    Rating ::: 8.00
    TYPE ::: Once Per Battle
    PRICE ::: 750,000 NP
    ATTACK ::: 13x[​IMG] 0.3-3X[​IMG]

    NAME ::: Shooting Star Muffin
    Rating ::: 7.00
    TYPE ::: Single Use
    PRICE ::: 5,800 NP
    ATTACK ::: 5x[​IMG] 5x[​IMG] 5x[​IMG]
    NAME ::: Leaded Elemental Vial
    Rating ::: 9.00
    TYPE ::: Once Per Battle
    PRICE ::: 44,000,000 NP
    DEFENSE ::: [​IMG]Full Heal

    NAME ::: Kacheek Life Potion
    Rating ::: 8.00
    TYPE ::: Once Per Battle
    PRICE ::: 150,000 NP
    DEFENSE ::: [​IMG] 33% of Max HP when you have 33% or less of your Max HP
    [​IMG]Full when you're over 33%
    NOTE ::: Species Weapons - Kacheek Only

    NAME ::: Gelert Healing Remedy
    Rating :::8.00
    TYPE ::: Once Per Battle
    PRICE ::: 68,000 NP
    DEFENSE :::[​IMG]50% Max HP
    NOTE ::: Species Weapons - Gelert Only

    NAME ::: Elephante Unguent
    Rating ::: 8.00
    TYPE ::: Once Per Battle
    PRICE ::: 99,000 NP
    DEFENSE :::[​IMG]50% Max HP
    NOTE ::: Species Weapons - Elephante Only

    NAME ::: Bag of Healing Dust
    Rating ::: 7.00
    TYPE ::: Once Per Battle
    PRICE ::: 9,000,000 NP
    DEFENSE :::[​IMG]50% Max HP

    NAME ::: Greater Healing Scroll
    Rating ::: 7.00
    TYPE ::: Once Per Battle
    PRICE ::: 33,000 NP
    DEFENSE ::: [​IMG]up to 50 HP

    NAME ::: Blue Scorchstone
    Rating ::: 6.00
    TYPE ::: Once Per Battle
    PRICE ::: 51,000 NP
    DEFENSE ::: [​IMG]30 HP
    NAME ::: H4000 Helmet
    Rating ::: 9.00
    TYPE ::: Once Per Battle
    PRICE ::: 7,600,000 NP
    DEFENSE ::: [​IMG] 100%

    NAME ::: Magical Marbles of Mystery
    Rating ::: 8.00
    TYPE ::: Once Per Battle
    PRICE ::: 7,700,000 NP
    ATTACK ::: 3x[​IMG]
    DEFENSE ::: [​IMG] 100%

    NAME ::: Entangling Lenny Lasso
    Rating ::: 8.00
    TYPE ::: Once Per Battle
    PRICE ::: 3,800,000 NP
    DEFENSE ::: [​IMG] 100%
    NOTE ::: Species Weapons - Lenny Only

    NAME ::: Black Frost Cannon
    Rating ::: 7.00
    TYPE ::: Semi-Fragile
    PRICE ::: 360,000 NP
    ATTACK ::: 3x[​IMG] 0-2x[​IMG]
    DEFENSE ::: [​IMG]May freeze opponent. 23%

    NAME ::: Snowglobe Staff
    Rating ::: 5.00
    TYPE ::: Semi-Fragile
    PRICE ::: 46,000 NP
    ATTACK ::: 0-3x[​IMG] 0-3x[​IMG]
    DEFENSE ::: [​IMG]May Freeze Oponent
    NOTE ::: "Either freezes, attacks, gives yellow snowball,
    defends against icy snowball (does nothing if one isn't available),
    or breaks temporarily." Quote from IDB
    NAME ::: Heavy Robe Of Thievery
    Rating ::: 8.00
    TYPE ::: Once Per Battle
    PRICE ::: 160,000 NP
    DEFENSE ::: 2x[​IMG]. 100% Steal
    NOTE ::: Your pet must be 200+ Agility and 67+ Intelligence

    NAME ::: Purple Sticky Hand
    Rating ::: 7.00
    TYPE ::: Multiple Use
    PRICE ::: 5,800 NP
    DEFENSE ::: Can steal opponent weapon. 55.35% +/- 2%
    Well, here you have it; I pretty much covered most of the top weapons in Neopets out there, of course some of the best one I don't list them there because of their prices, almost impossible to get :(
    Hope you enjoy the guide, and help you in some way...and Oh, don't forget Faerie Abilities they are as important!

    P.S. I'm a member of IDB, you might come across some of my comments in that site also.


    Credit to:
    Cacklenub and Commy like this.
  2. Ice Nine

    Ice Nine Level IV

    Nov 15, 2008
    Likes Received:
    PA, USA


    This is why I am fundamentally opposed to BD guides...in order for them to be considered useful, they have to be EXTREMELY comprehensive...and this guide, unfortunately, needs a ton of work to get there. First, perhaps there should be a discussion about the differences between 1p and 2p BDing...no, not perhaps...in order for this guide to be taken seriously there MUST be such a discussion...

    In addition, just listing a couple of "high rated" weps doesn't do anybody any good. We can all go to IDB and look things up for ourselves. What a guide needs to have is a discussion about how to create a good set, what kinds of advantages and disadvantages there are to using different combinations of icons, how the stats of your pet affect what types of weapons you might want to acquire...the list goes on and on. (Also, to ignore price, as you state that you have done above, is one of the worst decisions ever...and I don't think I need to explain that)

    All that this "guide" does is suggest what types of weps your 8 slots should be filled with. While this is an essential part of a guide, it is only one very VERY small part. Not to mention that without discussion on why you would have things like a stealer (which is not all that useful in most cases, depending on 1p or 2p, contrary to what you might think) it just becomes a list and the reader doesn't actually learn anything about how the BD works from reading said list...

    Sorry if any of this offends you, but this guide really needs a crap-ton of work
    Hally likes this.
  3. Hally

    Hally Level IV

    Nov 16, 2006
    Likes Received:

    I'm going to have to completely agree with I9 here.

    Your guide IS a good start, but it doesn't really address the intricacies of developing sets.

    Every since League battling popped up about 2-3 years ago, battling's gotten tons more complex. It used to be that everyone had the same "Standard" set: Gbomb, Gshield, SoS, Pcc, Downsize!, Healer, and 2 other random weapons. Now a lot has changed. Unfortunately there's so many different "builds" of pets now (ie: Tank, noobinator, etc) that it's difficult to explain building sets to everyone.

    You seem to know your stuff, if people have questions about their own battling strategies, can they PM you and ask?
  4. Sapphire

    Sapphire Level II

    Jan 13, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Chi Chi

    sorry for wasting your time reading then, i forgot to add at the bottom, that the guide is not fully completed.
    i'm adding more...just been having school...dont have time...
  5. Cacklenub

    Cacklenub Level IV

    May 10, 2008
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    As a frequent battler myself(trust me, I know my stuff ;) ), I think it was a good guide for a 1p set.

    However, nowadays almost all 2player battles outlaw freezing. Stealing is usually useless for 2p as well because it only takes what is in your opponents first slot - could be garbage on purpose. Reflectors aren't good for 2player because you're taking a 1/7 guess at what it will be.

    Typically, the average 2p set consists of:

    2 Constants, shield buster(pkiln/rsb is typical), bomb, shield, & healer. Dual duties are also common depending on the shield. Some battlers use 3 constants to mix it up, some use 2 shields so you won't know what weapon to use. I've fought some battlers who had a Gshield, Ftab, and PCH. It gets really complex when you start to throw in species weapon and resistances. You also need to build around your pet's individual stats.

    Your guide was good for 1player, though. In 1player, you know what you can steal(check IDB for those of you who don't) and you can buy a reflector depending on who you're facing. So for the snow beast, UBoGJ works well as a reflector, however, some opponents use a variety of icons, so you need to essentially "guess" right.

    Overall, good guide. It is better for 1p than 2p, though. +rep'd
  6. Ice Nine

    Ice Nine Level IV

    Nov 15, 2008
    Likes Received:
    PA, USA

    Since when do 2 player battles outlaw freezing?...and why? That makes no sense to me...perhaps for lower league pets, but still...stupid
  7. CoS

    CoS Level IV

    Jun 16, 2008
    Likes Received:

    yeah freezing is only 50/50 chance of being disallowed.
    but i h8 tht lower lg pets have it banned most often. it will destroy my set :(

    also keep adding to the guide and i am sure it will get much better and become very useful.
  8. Cacklenub

    Cacklenub Level IV

    May 10, 2008
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    Most people outlaw it because it's just a wasted move. You both freeze on the first turn, then it just cancels and it's dumb. Invest the 7m(or 3m if you're chia/lenny) into a real weapon. Although some people are just poor and can't afford one anyways.

    Higher leagues usually allow it, though.

    League 8 below doesn't usually allow freeze, though. Occasionally league 9s.
  9. Sapphire

    Sapphire Level II

    Jan 13, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Chi Chi
    I fixed some of the things...
    sorry for making crappy guide.
  10. interhacker

    interhacker Level IV

    Jul 24, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Nothing`s crappy, we are all grateful for all contributions!
  11. Sapphire

    Sapphire Level II

    Jan 13, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Chi Chi
    thanks alot...

    i'll try to improve it, as much as i can
  12. dwarvie

    dwarvie Level I

    Jan 15, 2009
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    i find if you hae 60 mil, you should get 750 str boost first, better than any weapon
  13. Sapphire

    Sapphire Level II

    Jan 13, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Chi Chi
    i think, you just spamming, please stop.

    you are talking out of context...

    this guide has nothing to do with training.

    it about helping ppl choose thier weapons for thier set
  14. Ice Nine

    Ice Nine Level IV

    Nov 15, 2008
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    PA, USA
    Also, Hally and I were talking in the chatbox a couple days ago and he mentioned that since wars do ranks now, or at least the last one or something did, then if you are trying to make a good pet for wars you should get a good set first, before you train...that way you will do better within your rank, and you will get better prizes :p
  15. Will

    Will Level IV

    Mar 1, 2009
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    There is no 750 boost. The boosts stop at 700 strength.

    And 60 mil can't buy 700 boost with F-neggs with enough left over to buy a decent 1P, let alone 2P set.

    Very nice guide, btw. ^_^
  16. Andrew

    Andrew Level II

    Dec 31, 2006
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    Nice guide, maybe you can make a list for 1p battles for scenarios where you aren't going to be able to freeze? :eek: Decently made in its current state though :)