[GUIDE] Crisis Courier

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by Arkley, Apr 9, 2009.

  1. Arkley

    Arkley Level III

    Mar 19, 2009
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    In Crisis Courier, you take control of a Yooyu charged with the mission of delivering a message from King Altador. Throughout your mission, you must avoid numerous obstacles and enemies, as well as collecting as many "goodie bags" as possible.

    This game is great for earning 3k a day as the necessary score can be achieved very quickly and easily and, unlike most Neopets games, it's actually a lot of fun to play.


    You control your Yooyu with the mouse. Moving your mouse in any direction will cause the Yooyu to move in that direction. You can switch between the Fire Yooyu and the Snow Yooyu by pressing the left mouse button. It's very important to get used to this as quickly as possible, because the enemies in the game can only be killed by one or the other. Contact with an enemy while in the wrong form will result in your death, rather than theirs. Contact with any of the scenery, while in any form, will result in your death also.

    As you progress through the levels, the game's speed increases, as does the volume of enemies and obstacles making it more and more difficult to play, rather than simply a test of endurance.

    There are numerous powerups to help you along your way and increase your score.


    This is a list of all the things you will encounter in Crisis Courier, as well as a more detailed explanation of what they do.

    The Fire and Snow Yooyu. You can switch between the two by pressing the left mouse key. The Fire Yooyu will kill Red Minitheus on contact, but will die if touched by Blue Minitheus. The Snow Yooyu will kill Blue Minitheus, but will die if touched by Red Minitheus.

    The Faerie and Mutant Yooyu. You can become the Faerie Yooyu for a limited time by collecting the Flying Fruit. While playing as a Faerie Yooyu, you can collect any Goodie Bags and they will give 20 points, but you cannot attack either Minitheus. The Mutant Yooyu can kill both Red and Blue Minitheus, but can only collect basic Gold Goodie Bags.

    The Red and Blue Minitheus and their flying brothers. Only the Fire Yooyu can kill the Red Minitheus, and only the Snow Yooyu can kill Blue Minitheus. Contact with the wrong type will cause you to lose a life. The Faerie Yooyu cannot kill either of them, and the Mutant Yooyu can kill both.

    The Gold, Red and Blue Goodie Bags. The Gold Goodie Bags give 5 points to the Fire or Snow Yooyu and 20 to the Faerie Yooyu. The Red and Blue Goodie Bags can only be collected by the Fire and Snow Yooyu respectively for 10 points, but a Faerie Yooyu can collect any for 20 points. The Mutant Yooyu can only collect Gold Goodie Bags.

    The Flying Fruit and Fig. Collecting the Flying Fruit will temporarily transform you into the Faerie Yooyu while the Fig will temporarily transform you into a Mutant Yooyu. Collect them wisely.


    I strongly reccomend making several practice runs of the later levels to familiarise yourself with them before you make a genuine attempt at a trophy. They can be very difficult and taxing, and require you to stay constantly on edge.

    I would not reccomend playing this game if you have an older computer or a poor mouse. A good mouse is absolutely vital to your success at this game. Think Techo Buzzer.
    You might also want to adjust the mouse sensitivity of your computer until you find a level you're comfortable with.


    There are two secrets in Crisis Courier. The first is that you can type "kingaltador" at any time (without the quotation marks) to gain an extra life. This only works once though, and to avoid dying as a result of attempting this, I reccomend waiting 'till the empty stretch near the end of a level to enter it.

    The second is the inclusion of a secret level. You can access it by clicking the bottom left window of the castle in the background of the title page. It is located here:


    Thank you for taking the time to read my guide. I hope you found it helpful and I wish you the best of luck in your attempts at a trophy!
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