[GUIDE] {Dubloon Disaster}

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by Royal, Apr 14, 2008.

  1. Royal

    Royal Level IV

    Jun 20, 2007
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    Ok, This is my guide to Dubloon Disaster. My favorite game. (Sorry for the big pics.)


    Now, as we all know you collect the coins, and then a mine appears, rinse and repeat. This can get VERY hard once numerous mines appear on the screen. So, you can type SCALLYWAGS and summon a whirlpool to get rid of them, once. Or, you can hope for high dubloons early and lots of whirlpools to wipe the slate clean, provided you don't get sucked in too.


    My method is to get four dubloons, and then you have four mines. So, what you do is pick two of the mines and and let them ease over towards you:


    Then, once they are close enough they will burst towards you and hit each other, both of them will explode and you will have two less mines!


    Now you just keep doing this and you will get 3K a day from this in no time, also the avatar! And you will do it without cheating! Don't you feel proud?

    Note: You can have 6 mines on the screen and do 3 at a time if you get good at it, and you can just have two, what ever suits you!

    Note 2: I know this guide is short, but it is informative. I discovered this method on my own, and I am not sure how many people know of it. I made this COMPLETELY by myself, and all the screenshots are mine! I hope this helps you, and if it does please +rep!
    xProphet likes this.
  2. Mega

    Mega Level II

    Feb 27, 2008
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    1: This is a really basic guide. Try including more depth, maybe include the points for each dubloon.

    2: It takes AGES to get 1k from this game if you destroy the mines when they come.

    3: There is no rep on this forum... Unless Ricky or Expon has loaded it and i havnt realised
  3. Royal

    Royal Level IV

    Jun 20, 2007
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    1. I know, I made it when I was half alseep and I guess I wil ladd stuff later, most of it is common sense.

    2. I got 2.5k in about 10 minutes so I don't know what you are smoking.

    3. On other forums and most forums there is rep, so I guess I wasn't thinking and though that it was on this one, again half-asleep.
  4. SuBLiME

    SuBLiME Level I

    Apr 17, 2008
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    Good guide :). I was always wondering how to destroy those pesky mines. By the way, don't you get dubloons if you score well on this game :\.?
  5. Royal

    Royal Level IV

    Jun 20, 2007
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    Thanks :D I used to think that too, but no, no dubloons :( Alot of people who know this already will bash me but you would be surprised at the number of people who don't know this method!
  6. Ice Nine

    Ice Nine Level IV

    Nov 15, 2008
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    PA, USA
    Just thought I'd add some things to this guide, since it is very basic and since the strategy suggested is only for beginners since it takes a VERY long time to accumulate points and is a VERY risky way of playing the game. I will explain later. First things first, the point breakdown by dubloon:

    1 dubloon coin: 10 points
    5 dubloon coin: 25 points
    10 dubloon coin: 50 points
    20 dubloon coin: 100 points
    50 dubloon coin: 250 points
    100 dubloon coin: 500 points
    200 dubloon coin: 1000 points

    Now then, one quick note before I begin explaining my strategy is that you should turn off all of the water effects and whatever in the options menu. Do this for several reasons: 1) It slows down the game on most computers and so it becomes a real hassle to play, and 2) I find that the water effects make it harder to focus on where the mines are and what exactly is going on in the game. The excessive amount of rippling just distracts the eye from what it needs to be concentrating on.

    So, the previously posted strategy of getting 4 dubloons and then destroying the 4 generated mines is fine if you are a beginner, but if you have decent control of your boat and you are familiar with the game, then you should consider the strategy that I will now explain:

    Rule 1: NEVER DESTROY ANY MINES ON PURPOSE. The key to this game is understanding that no matter how many dubloons you pick up, there can never be more than 9 mines chasing you at a time. So, once you pick up 9 dubloons, then you can keep picking up additional dubloons without causing additional mines to appear.

    Rule 2: EXPLOIT THE FACT THAT MINES BEHAVE PREDICTABLY. Since mines will always move in your direction, no matter where you are, then you can bait them into the middle of the screen and corral all 9 of the mines into one bunch that you can then go around in circles, picking up all the dubloons you want to. With some practice, it becomes very easy to manipulate the blob of mines in order to get to dubloons that appear within the blob.

    That's really all there is to it. It is more difficult that the previously posted method, since you have to get used to controlling the mines, but it is better for a couple of reasons: 1) Since you don't have to stop to destroy any of the mines it takes much less time to collect the same number of dubloons, and 2) Once you get comfortable maneuvering around the mines, it becomes readily apparent that it is very easy to avoid the mines once they have already appeared. The real danger is that if there are less than 9 mines, then there is a chance that a mine will appear directly under your boat and you will have no chance to avoid it. This is why you never want to destroy any of the mines on purpose, since you always want to have 9 mines so that no more mines can appear.

    The only thing you really have to worry about now is a whirlpool appearing beneath your boat. This is a really annoying way to lose. The most common way that I find myself losing is that I get really bored and start to cut things really close and do stupid stuff and end up making silly errors. Trust me, though, this method works and I have the trophies to prove it.

    P.S. This game is also great to get an easy 1000np. Currently, the np:score ratio is 5:1, so all you need is 200 points, which should take you about 1-2 min.