[Guide] Easy Money with little Effort - The Stock Market

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by Bobius, Oct 4, 2009.

  1. Bobius

    Bobius Level I

    Oct 4, 2009
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    "Buy High, Sell Low!...Wait a sec!"

    The Stock Market has to be the easiest way to make neopoints for a legitimate player. Unless stocks go bust (which has only happened twice in a few years) you will definitely make profit, given enough time.

    You don't even need an understanding of how the stock market works to make money playing it.

    The basic method is as follows:

    1) Every day buy 1000 shares of a stock that is selling at 15 NP.

    Usually there will be a few, and it doesn't matter which you pick. Sometimes you might have to buy one at 16 np per share but that doesn't matter.

    2) Every day, check your portfolio. If any stocks are at 30 NP immediately sell 500 of that stock

    This is in order to make back your 15,000 NP investment. From here it is your choice:

    3a) Sell the rest of the 500 whilst it's at 30 NP, effectively doubling your money

    This is undoubtedly the safer option of the two, and will always return a 15,000 NP profit on a 15,000 investment.

    3b) Keep the remaining 500 shares and sell them when they get to a price you like

    The obvious problem with this method is it's a lot less reliable.

    Sure, sometimes a stock will go up to 200 and you'll make a much larger profit, but the stock also has a much larger chance of dropping in value - Check out which stocks are currently above 30 NP; the bulk are not.

    This method is for those of you who don't mind taking a risk.

    Remember, after you've sold the first 500 you've already broken even so you won't make a loss by using this method

    That's pretty much all there is to the stock market. Once you've been doing it for a few months and you get a nice portfolio there's a really good turnover in it - Much better then letting your money rot in a bank account with an awful interest rate.

    My best stock market moment - At once point I had arround 10,000 shares of BUZZ. I hadn't been playing Neopets for a while, and when I came back they were worth 65 each. That made me 650,000 NP from 150,000 :)
    Stop likes this.
  2. Stop

    Stop Level IV

    Dec 17, 2008
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    Totals: 31,000 513,000 311,000 -39.38%

    My stocks are doing terrible, only have one stock in the green right now, but with only 1000 shares, nice guide, but I think you should include that all stocks have a chance to reach the 100s as well, just might take a few years, also I have a little bit more money to put into stocks so I buy stocks, if doing well, anywhere from 15 nps a share, to 20 nps a share, anything above that I don't buy and I sit on them. But my idea behind this is, if the stock goes up to say 60 for example, I'm making a huge profit on it whereas if I only bought 1000 shares when it was at 15 I'm only making about 35k or so, with taxes taken out, forgot to add that too I think. Nevertheless, decent guide +rep.
  3. Bobius

    Bobius Level I

    Oct 4, 2009
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    I did mention Stocks can go better - that's part 3b. However, in my experience it's best to just double your money because more often than not stocks will fall after they get to the 30ish level, and you get quite a fast turnover as well.

    If I have about 5k of a stock I'll usually keep 1k lieing around in the chance it goes off to 100, though ^^
  4. qizix

    qizix Level I

    Aug 27, 2007
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    I disagree with the suggestion that one should sell 500 shares of a stock once it reaches 30, in order to break even. That totally misses the point of how incredible the Neopets stock market is. The thing about this virtual market is that stocks can never go bust. O.K, it's possible, but it probably won't happen. What I would recommend is holding onto one's stocks until they reach the sixties and seventies, and then selling. The wonderful thing about Neopets' stock market is that eventually, all stocks go up. There isn't a General Moters in the Neopets stock market.

    The whole reason to invest there is because after some time, there is a guaranteed daily profit to buying the stocks. Selling half of one's shares to break even isn't useful. Just be patient!
  5. Bobius

    Bobius Level I

    Oct 4, 2009
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    Everyone is of course entitled to their own opinion.

    However, I find a greater profit is made my constantly turning over your stocks to doubl your money, rather than waiting around for ages to quadruple it.

    Each to his own, I suppose.

    This is, as the title says, a guide. You are under no obligation to follow it.
  6. assasin

    assasin Level IV

    Nov 24, 2007
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    The end result is that once you get your stocks going it should pay for itself(you dont have to put any more money into it from your hand)...

    From that point selling 500 stocks first to get back your invested money seems right..There is a lesser chance for a stock to go up(above 60) than above 30.

    But for higher profits try to hold it till you have reached your targetted stock value..Although it can take months for it to reach that state!!
  7. Bobius

    Bobius Level I

    Oct 4, 2009
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    Hence why I only target 30.

    Doubling your money is good enough for me and doesn't take months!
  8. assasin

    assasin Level IV

    Nov 24, 2007
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    For most of us 60 is the selling point though(these days most stock raise to that level within a month or so)...

    Do you have any points on diversification???
  9. Bobius

    Bobius Level I

    Oct 4, 2009
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    I generally try to buy as many different types of stock as possible as long as they start at 15, which again allows me a faster turnover, as I'm not restricted to waiting for a specific stock to rise to 30.
  10. saito16

    saito16 Level I

    Oct 31, 2009
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    Thanks for sharing this guide. I just came back to Neopets, so this will be helpful :)
  11. FishLess

    FishLess Level III

    Oct 27, 2009
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    you can try to aim for 60 or more if you not in need of money just rmb buy at 15 every day and build up ur portfoilo
  12. hungkungphooie

    hungkungphooie Level I

    Nov 3, 2009
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    I haven't had much luck with the stock market, but I think only because I never really paid attention to what I was doing. This sounds like it'll work for me though so we'll see how this goes. I'll post results.
  13. Rena

    Rena Level III

    Aug 29, 2009
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    What location? ;o
    Hahaha, I'm way greedy, and only sell when I make 200%+ profit.
    Before that, I buy 1,000 shares of that stock, until it reaches 20. Then I wait.