[GUIDE] Employment Agency with Gold Brightvale Coupon

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by Icegoten, Sep 13, 2008.

  1. Icegoten

    Icegoten Level III

    Aug 14, 2008
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    This is a work in progress since you can only do 5 jobs a day.

    First your going to want to buy yourself a Gold Brightvale Coupon. I got my first one for 420k but it would be normal to pay around 450k for one.
    After you have a coupon you will want to go to http://www.neopets.com/faerieland/employ/employment.phtml?type=jobs.

    Job Coupons
    Basic Jobs are open to everyone, but Super Jobs require a Job Coupon. Job Coupons come in eleven colours, ranked as follows from highest to lowest:

    Gold Brightvale Job Coupon (highest)
    Silver Brightvale Job Coupon
    Bronze Brightvale Job Coupon
    Green Brightvale Job Coupon
    Pink Job Coupon
    Purple Job Coupon
    Gold Job Coupon
    Silver Job Coupon
    Red Job Coupon
    Blue Job Coupon
    Green Job Coupon (lowest)

    A Job Coupon can be used for any job that requires a coupon of that colour or lower. For example, you can use a Red Job Coupon for a Red, Blue, or Green job, but not for a Silver or higher job. When you use a Job Coupon on a job, that coupon will be downgraded by one level (a Gold Job Coupon will become a Silver Job Coupon, a Red Job Coupon will become a Blue Job Coupon, and a Green Job Coupon will disappear after use).

    The Brightvale Job Coupons work exactly the same way. If you use a Green Brightvale Job Coupon, it will be downgraded to a Pink Job Coupon, and downgraded down the line after each use until it finally disappears, too.

    So now that you have your coupon you will want to browse through each and every page for the job that has the highest base reward for the gold brightvale coupon. Use the shop wizard or whatever to get the items you need and have them in your inventory. Once you do click apply for this job and you should finish it in 0 minutes and 0 seconds. This will for the most part get you 100,000 NPs or close to it. Now its been downgraded to Silver Brightvale Job Coupon.

    This is the amount of neopoints you should receive for finishing it. It may be more and it may be less.
    Gold Brightvale Job Coupon - 100,000
    Silver Brightvale Job Coupon - 85,000
    Bronze Brightvale Job Coupon - 55,000
    Green Brightvale Job Coupon - 30,000

    Now when it turns into a Green Brightvale Job Coupon you have the option of selling it to make around what you you paid for it or keep going. Im going to use it until it disappears so we will see what the total is from using it all the way from the gold.

    Also finding a pink job coupon job may be tough but just wait for someone else to keep doing the jobs and one should pop up near the end of the list.
  2. Ak*

    Ak* Level IV

    Dec 24, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Canada Eh!
    so the average payout for a gold job would be 100k... then why buy a gold job coupon for 420k if its not guaranteed to make a 100k.

    nice guide though
  3. Icegoten

    Icegoten Level III

    Aug 14, 2008
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    Once im done with the guide I will add up the reward from each one to see how much you would get. It doesn't matter what you get from doing the Gold Brightvale job but how much you get in total at the very end.
  4. Crashb861

    Crashb861 Newbie

    May 18, 2009
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    hey everyone b4 i forget icegotten nice pic. ichigo rules ok now back to buisness i never knew there were jobs on neopets! so cool i gotta try it this website is amazing! it tells me what i dont know!
  5. Wazup84

    Wazup84 Level I

    Aug 4, 2009
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    Hmm I think I'll buy A Gold Brightvale one later and post my loss/profit.
    Haven't done jobs in a while...
  6. pinkolive

    pinkolive Level I

    Sep 8, 2009
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    cool, but i don't usually use the EA...
    its a good guide though.
  7. sennheiser

    sennheiser Level I

    Sep 13, 2009
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    I've always wanted to try these super jobs, but I feel like you don't gain any profits from it.
    Well good luck ^^, if it turns out to be good, then I'll buy one too.
  8. oxlilshorti

    oxlilshorti Level I

    Sep 11, 2009
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    Well think about it everytime you use the coupon it downgrades so you get 100k+85k+so on and so forth...