[GUIDE] Evil Fuzzles from beyond the stars

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by tomaspbx, Jan 8, 2009.

  1. tomaspbx

    tomaspbx Newbie

    Jan 7, 2009
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    Game Info:
    GameID:585 NP Ratio: 2.15(466pts:1000nps) Review Score:1900 Notes: No Avatar


    Game Type:

    Game Medal:
    Basic Walkthrough:
    Note: Semi-Legit is in red font, Fully Legit is in blue font.
    Semi Legit
    First, download the auto-clicker (full credits to Violent_J for that)

    Second, Open The evil fuzzles game.
    Third, Open the auto clicker
    Fourth, Set the clicking time somewhere in the 400-200 millisecond range(2.5-5 clicks per sec.)
    Fifth, Put the auto clicker on
    Sixth, Play the game(just put your mouse over the fuzzle to click it)
    Notes: Do not let the mouse go near the end game button.
    I don't know the freeze rate for the auto clicker, but so far, never been frozen.
    If you want to get the multipliers, I advise not to use the auto clicker.

    Fully Legit:
    You should be aware that there is a point multiplier box that gives you points according to what is shown in the box(ie. 1x2=2, 2x2=4, etc.). The box progresses for every consecutive fuzzle killed. Starts with 1x2 until you have killed 10 fuzzles, you will have a x2 multiplier. When you have killed 11 fuzzles, you will get a 11x3 multiplier. I do not know if this goes to four, because i have never gotten 21 in a row. Mines do not add to the multiplier score. You have to click the multiplier to actually get the bonus. Also, The best way to progress about the game is to always, i mean always get the mega gun upgrade. Only if you have leftover Virtucreds can you buy other stuff.

    Of course, the Illegit way is to cheat so I didn't actually add this :p

    Written by:
    tomaspbx of http://www.neofriends.net
    Other Credits:
    Violent_J of GamingGutter forums for the program
    http://www.neopets.com for images
    --> http://www.neofriends.net for being a nice site ;)
    All other people who joined neofriends.

    Attached Files:

    finamore likes this.
  2. Aso324

    Aso324 Newbie

    Sep 30, 2008
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    Nice guide, I personally find it useful. But, the font in red, why is that classified as "sami-legit"? Since you're using a program, doesn't that just make it illegit, period?

    But I liked how you had the legit way and the illegit way, keep up the good work.
  3. tomaspbx

    tomaspbx Newbie

    Jan 7, 2009
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    Its not exactly illegit because the program is not meant for cheating in neopets and its not legit because, well, like you said, I use a program so its somewhere in between.
  4. KeKNoRRiS

    KeKNoRRiS Level III

    Dec 21, 2008
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    Thanks for the autoclicker idea! Never really thought of that :D

    Till what level can you make it easily using the autoclicker?
  5. tomaspbx

    tomaspbx Newbie

    Jan 7, 2009
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    Actually, if you put the right settings in the autoclicker, you can just drag your mouse over the fuzzles and they explode. This means that you can finish the whole game using the AC.
  6. Violent_J

    Violent_J Level I

    Oct 21, 2008
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    Just because you give me credits, doesn't mean you can post my program.
    I don't really mind but for future reference, ask me first. :)
    Nice guide, I knew it had the potential usefulness.