[GUIDE] Extreme Herder

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by Royal, Feb 24, 2009.

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  1. Royal

    Royal Level IV

    Jun 20, 2007
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    Royal's Extreme Herder Guide.

    (Score: 250)


    This guide is from another site.

    The Basics

    The basic things you need to know in the game are these:

    1.) Paddock - This is the square container in the middle of the scene. To put petpets in it you just walk up to any of the four (goes down to one after you complete level 10) ramps with a petpet in hand and the petpet will be safe from Balthazar for the current level.

    2.) Balthazar - As you already know, Balthazar is the bad guy in this game. He will prowl the game board and it is your job to keep the petpets and yourself away from his quite large set of choppers. A few patterns you will notice with a little bit of observance are as follows. (a) Once the last petpet is in the possession of Samrin, Balthazar will return to the entrance where he first entered at the beginning of the game, (b) Balthazar follows a path through the center of the accessible walking area; he only goes off path if a petpet is out of the way and is near him, and (c) If you pick up a Snowflake right after you drop the last petpet in the paddock (yes, it is possible) Balthazar will not come out of his entrance until a second or two after the level starts, giving you a little head start!

    3.) Samrin - The petpet shepherd that you control in the game Extreme Herder.

    4.) Petpets (Babaa, Angelpuss, Doglefox and Blue Noil)- The object of the game is to get these petpets into the paddock.

    5.) Star Petpet - Each level, there will be one of the petpets that has a yellow star on its head. The petpet with this star will give you a bonus when saved, but don’t go straight for the petpet with this first. You only go for the petpet with the star first if it’s close by when the game starts or if you think you’re about to lose your last life; otherwise save the closest to Balthazar and to Samrin first.

    When you start on the first level, there will be four transporter strips: one in the center East, one in the center West, one in the center North, and one in the center South. There will also be four ramps to deposit your petpets you pick up, one on the center of each side of the paddock. As the game progresses, these will slowly diminish until there is only one ramp and no transporter strips left.

    First Ten Levels

    Usually what I will do for the first ten levels is just glide through. There is really no difficulty to getting through all ten without Balthazar eating a single one of your petpets or yourself. The reason being is that there are two or more ramps so as long as you keep moving it is simple to get all the petpets in without Balthazar getting to them. This changes on the eleventh level; on this level you only have one ramp and it is the one closest to Balthazar’s starting place.

    When you get to the eleventh level you may start to freak out, but don’t fret! As long as you keep a level head and focus on your goal you should be able to clear quite a few levels with only one ramp and possibly end up with a High Score that will get you a spiffy trophy!

    11th Level+

    The first thing you should do on each level from here on out is to get the ones closest to the one remaining ramp. These petpets are the most vulnerable and most likely to get eaten first. After the petpets in the immediate vicinity have been saved, then it’s time to juggle. No, I don’t mean put on a big red nose and throw bowling pins around. I mean you need to go back and forth with the petpets you save. Whenever Balthazar goes for a petpet your job is to grab the petpet on the side that he is heading for and save it. Then if there are more petpets on the other side of the screen than there are on the side that you just saved the petpet from then he should head in the opposite direction towards the other side of the screen. If this happens, all you have to do is get a petpet from the side that he is heading to and hopefully he will reverse direction again. Keep doing this until you have rescued all the petpets for the level. If you find that Balthazar is getting too close to one of your petpets then don’t be afraid to drop the petpet you are holding (you can do this by pressing the space bar) and go to the other petpet’s rescue. This strategy admittedly is not a guarantee to get through every level without losing a single life but it will get you quite far. Another thing to remember, if Samrin is eaten then it resets the level with Balthazar at the entrance and all the petpets reset to different places. This fact can save you from certain loss of all your lives. If there are two or more pets about to be eaten by Balthazar then don’t be afraid to sacrifice Samrin to prevent losing more lives than absolutely necessary.

    If you need to, you can take a break after you complete a level. All you would have to do is pick up the last petpet without depositing it in the paddock and then go do whatever you want to do on your break and when you come back Balthazar will be in his starting corner and will not have harmed you or your petpet in the slightest.

    Some Tips Are:

    [*] Balthazar always starts off in the top left hand corner. In the first round you start off in the bottom right hand corner, so rush to where Balthazar is first! In the following rounds, you start off wherever you left off in the last. So while it says "Get ready for the next level", position yourself towards where Balthazar starts to grab any petpets heading that way! Also remember to watch your back!

    [*] The orange speed orbs and snowflakes help, so get them! The orange orbs will boost your speed up for a short period of time while the snowflakes freeze Balthazar for a few seconds!

    [*] Typing 'freeze' while playing the game will give the same effect as picking up a snowflake. I would suggest holding off using this until later rounds.​
    Commy likes this.
  2. Commy

    Commy Moderator
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    Aug 11, 2007
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    Unless you wrote both guides, (the faerie bubbles one and this guide) under two separate names on the one website, please don't take them and claim them as your own. Even if you did put in small font that it was taken from another website. You might as well just post the link.
  3. Royal

    Royal Level IV

    Jun 20, 2007
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    I did not claim them as my own. Actually I did alter both guides quite a bit. and I did not take credit.
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