[GUIDE] Faerie Bubbles

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by Royal, Feb 24, 2009.

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  1. Royal

    Royal Level IV

    Jun 20, 2007
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    Royal's Faerie Bubbles Guide. [Legit]

    (Score: 2000)


    There is another guide, but it is not legit.​
    This guide is from another site.

    But before we start playing,
    let's take a quick look at the game basics:

    The controls are simple enough, right arrow on your keyboard moves your cannon to the right,
    left arrow makes it go left, up arrow makes it reset to the up position, and the spacebar shoots your bubbles.

    [*] To pass a level, you must clear all the bubbles.

    [*] There are 20 levels in all.

    [*] The bubbles get pushed down from the top every few shots.

    [*] The fewer shots you use, the higher your score.

    To clear bubbles, you have to either combine three bubbles of the same type,
    or combine 4 or more bubbles of the same type. When you combine 4 or more, you make a "Combo".

    Each combo of bubbles makes a different effect, depending on what kind are used.

    Here's a list of all combos that can be made:

    Water Combo: [​IMG]
    Makes all water bubbles on the level vanish.

    Fire Combo: [​IMG]
    Burns away all the bubbles it's touching (except water ones).

    Air Combo: [​IMG]
    Makes new lines of bubbles any place the air bubble combo is.

    Light Combo: [​IMG]
    Changes any bubbles it's touching to a single random color.

    Dark Combo: [​IMG]
    Turns the bubbles in the combo to random colors.

    Earth Combo: [​IMG]
    Makes a new line of random bubbles at the top.

    Aside from the regular 6 types of
    bubbles, there are also some special ones you may get:

    Nova bubble: [​IMG]
    Clears any bubbles in a 2 bubble range of where it hits.

    Rainbow Bubble: [​IMG]
    Turns the color of the bubble it first touches.

    Here are the known "cheat" codes for the game:
    stardust Gives you a Nova bubble.
    faerieland Gives you a Rainbow bubble.
    bubbles Turns all the bubbles on that level into the same color.
    slumberberry Moves the grey descending bar (and your bubbles) back up to the top.

    The above cheats work once per game.
    Special Note: When using the "bubbles" code, rarely the bubbles will turn nova or rainbow.
    To fix this problem, simply type "faerieland" to get a rainbow bubble, which when shot will clear the level :)

    So, feel you have the general idea of how the game works?
    Great! Click here to play, or keep reading for the strategy guide!

    Level 1:

    Simple as it looks.
    Just use as few shots as possible, and enjoy the aimer while you have it.


    Level 2:

    Ahh, still so simple. Try to go for the middle,
    then the sides, then you can make a 5-bubble combo with the two remaining bubbles (in this case, light bubbles).


    Level 3:

    Thankfully, this level is NOT usually so air-bubble-heavy... Generally
    what I do here is get rid of the very middle bubble, then the two to the sides of that, then the ones on the very sides of the game screen.


    Level 4:

    Ooookay....on these levels I usually work my way from the center out. In the
    screenie below the center bubbles are fire, so they'd burn away the light ones and I'd just need 2 shots to take care of the remaining fires :)


    Level 5:

    Finally something a little different!
    On this level I DO have a very firm pattern I hold to: always take out the side bubbles first, then the ones in the middle.


    Level 6:

    Do your best to take out each row in one shot.
    Avoid any combos here. They aren't necessary in the slightest and just mess you up.


    Level 7:

    Uhh...didn't we just BEAT this level? I think neo needs a little help in the creative department...


    Level 8:

    Generally when they give you bad combos here (like 2 very annoying strings of air bubbles)
    they'll give you good combos (like 2 very helpful strings of fire bubbles) to help eliminate the problem.


    Level 9:

    You could almost shoot randomly here and clear the level. Almost.
    A lot of these bubbles come in twos, and when you're done clearing them what's left over is easy to get rid of.


    Level 10:

    In this case I'd clear the water bubbles, then activate the two fire combos,
    which would clear away all the rest of what's there. Though your level may be different, so just avoid making a huge combo
    with those center bubbles if they're air or something.


    Level 11:

    I don't like this one, it takes too long.
    It's another level where you could make a really horrible mess if you activated a bad combo.
    I always get the urge to make bad combos here, however, and generally end up dying. So...try to avoid it if you can :p


    Level 12:

    With both level 12 & 13, if you get a solid row of air bubbles going across, don't fear activating them.
    They do no damage, and just fall away (taking whatever new bubbles they made with them).


    Level 13:

    Make sure not to activate any air bubble combos if they're in the top row here (see screenie example below).
    That pesky middle bubble at the top will mess you up :(


    Level 14:

    Before I knew about the codes you can type in, I rarely beat level 14.


    But now I type "stardust", and shoot the nova bubble to the very side of the game screen. See screenie below for the effect.


    See how easy the level is to beat now that half the bubbles are gone? :)

    Level 15:

    Without this level, it would be much harder to get the scores I get, but if you use the codes correctly, you can get a nice amount of points.


    First off, type "bubbles" to make all the bubbles on the level turn the same color. See screenie below.


    (If they turn either dark or earth, start the game over)

    Second, type "faerieland" to get a rainbow bubble. When you shoot it, it clears the entire level in one shot, and you just made around 280 points!

    Level 16:

    Not all that hard. Avoid making combos, just clear the bubbles as best you can.


    Level 17:

    Avoid using your last code, tempting as it may be.
    Generally there will be two bubbles of the same type close together (see the two air bubbles in the
    bottom middle in this screenie). Clear those, and that opens up room to get the bubbles farther back and to the sides.


    Level 18:

    Another round you can clear in one shot. Though this one is based greatly on luck.

    In order to clear it with one shot, the first bubble you have must be the
    same type as the two bubbles at the top of the screen. In this case fire bubbles in the screenie below.


    If they are indeed the same type, position your cannon EXACTLY where the next screenie shows to, and shoot.


    If you hit somewhere other than the top two bubbles, it's alright. Just do your best
    to clear the level, and move on. Getting this level in one shot most likely won't make or break a 2000 point score, anyway.

    Level 19:

    Not as hard as it looks. Type "slumberberry" if you have to, just make it to the last level at all costs.

    Level 20:

    Wohoo! Final level! Guess what?
    You don't even have to clear it to get the end-game bonus of 250 points.
    So if you have a 1751 score or higher, you can shoot randomly and die without clearing the level, and still get 250 points
    extra in the end, which would you give you 2001 points, and of course, the avatar! :D

    And there you have it :) The guide on how to get the
    Faerie Bubbles avatar. Faerie Bubbles isn't a difficult game, so all it's going to take for you to get
    good at it is some practice, determination, and of course, this guide ;)
  2. Anfan

    Anfan Level IV

    Feb 12, 2009
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    Re: [Guide] Faerie Bubbles [Legit]

    Nice guide, although I already have the avatar. (Legit)

    I'd been thinking about making a legit faerie bubbles guide, but found it too time-consuming/was too lazy to. Kudos to you for actually doing it. (I'd +rep, except I don't actually have any rep points, I don't think.)
  3. Commy

    Commy Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 11, 2007
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  4. Zack

    Zack Level II

    Aug 16, 2008
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    Earth...but no, seriously, Toronto
    Well in his defence he did put "this guide is from another site" in really tiny letters...but still, I hardly think that counts as accurate sourcing, and the tiny letters make it seem like it was a secret...
    I tip my hat to Spock_Luvr &/or Purple_Moss for their guide though :p
  5. Royal

    Royal Level IV

    Jun 20, 2007
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    Well I've seen the current trend of the "he did put "this guide is from another site" in really tiny letters" in other guides, and this one wasn't posted here.
  6. Commy

    Commy Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 11, 2007
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    There may be some guides that have been taken from other sites, but those guides have, or should have, at least the author's name credited to it. From what I've seen, the font size has not been particularly small when being credited to another person.
    However, if you DO see a guide that is from another site or forum that is not correctly credited, report it, and we'll get to the bottom of it.
    1. You did not credit the guide to the actual authors anywhere. Nor did you name any of contributers of the guide.
    2. You put "Royal's Faerie Bubbles Guide". I don't know how good your grammar is, but by adding 's to your name, Royal, it forms a possessive of it. Ergo you claimed it as your own.
    Even in your siggy you've claimed them as your own. "Royal's Guides"
    3. You did not alter the guides a "bit". You copied them word for word, deleting a few sentences on the "Level guides" area, and underlining and bolding a few words.
    You even used that website's images. By doing that, you're using their resources too. Try using an image hosting site next time.
    4. Alright. Suppose they're not yours, as you said. Why did you apply here for cash rewards from a guide you didn't do?
    Need I go on? Come on Royal, you've been here longer than I have. You should know better.
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