[GUIDE] Feed Florg Avatar Legit

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by Heya_old, Jun 5, 2008.

  1. Heya_old

    Heya_old Level IV

    Mar 31, 2008
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    Feed Florg can be a very annoying, frusterating avatar to get. I my self would always get around 230-240 almost every game, but for months and months, i couldn't get the avatar. This guide hopefully prevents you from wasting those months and months i wasted.

    The Avatar

    Score To Get

    The Basics
    Feed Florg is a rather simple game. You use the left and right arrow keys to move the hand. Your goal is to keep the petpets on the table until Florg eats them. He does follow many patterns and there are many different petpets, in which will be explained below.

    All petpets are worth 10 points once eaten, and 1 point each time you save them from falling off the table. The petpets are as follows:







    The Timeing
    There is a way to time it out, and it will help alot with deciding which one to go after when. So... here it is.
    When They first come out they go half the speed as the other ones. Also, after each time a petpet is hit, that petpets speed increases. An example would be like a spyder got dropped out, you hit it once. Then, a warf will come out, the time it takes you get to you is half the time as the spyder will be traveling at that time. Though this does change from time to time, and it is not perfect, it usually is the case. Timing is key here, but timing will depend on luck too.

    Other Tips
    ~Try to take you time, this game might take a while to pick up, and can be very frusterating. If at any time you get really mad, just step away from the computer, and try to go do something else.
    ~Turning the sound off may be a good idea if you get annoyed by sounds
    ~Lisening to music can be a good way to pass time, as it will take a while. One key to this though is not to lisen to any thing you really like at the time, cause the worse thing is when you forget about the game and think about the song instead :D
    ~Take is slow, and work your way up, you won't get it over night, it'll take time, but the faster you learn to time it, the sooner you'll get to the avatar
    ~I've said it a million times and i'll say it again, timeing is the key to this game. Some times, you'll get 2 that are about to fall off at the ezact same time, and there's nothing you can do but get one. Just make sure you get one and don't mis both trying to get them. It will happen, and the game will seem like its impossible, and some times, it just is, as there's nothing you can do.
    ~You can slightly change the timing of the petpets by letting them get a little closer to the edge and hit other ones as soon as you can. Its not much, but enough that it can make a difference in wether you get that score or not.
    ~Relaxing is the other key to the game, when you get all worked up, you will mess up once, then rush, and mess up again, and again, and again. Keep your cool and blow it off like it was nothing.
    ~Luck will play a big part. it can make the difference bewteen the avatar and not, but the smater you are with the game, the better you will do. Learn the game well, and you may find your self to be luckier.

    How to play it out
    First thing iss first, you can only let 4 fall off, not 5 as it might appear to be. On the 5th, the game is over. Now in order to reach the 250 points needed, try to follow these guidelines:
    -at 100 points, you should have all five lives left
    -at 150 points, you should have 4+ lives left
    -at 200 points, you should have 3+ lives left
    -at 225 points, you should have 2+ lives left

    A Complete Walk Through-Guide

    This is what your main page should look like. Turn sound on and off here, or star a game here

    Heres at the start of the game

    And a little latter on

    And alittle later on. If thiss is your case, star over. You should try not to die before you get to 100 points.

    And this shows you how much that death affected me. I could of had an avatar score easily with another life

    NOTE: This guide was written by me for use of Neofriends.net only. Any use of information from this guide without my permisstion will result in a life time worth of flaming

    If there are any mistakes or errors in this guide, please post them on this topic, and i will fix it ASAP
    Epsilon5 and marklyn72 like this.
  2. Phee

    Phee Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 18, 2007
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    Nice guide, very in depth. :)

    +15 cash
  3. sydanee_llama

    sydanee_llama Level I

    Dec 2, 2007
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    i got the avvie!
  4. Rikimaru

    Rikimaru Newbie

    Jul 18, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Good guide, I'll try to get the avy. Thanks! :)
  5. marklyn72

    marklyn72 Level I

    Sep 27, 2008
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    nice guide thanks...i will have to try to get the avie soon :)
  6. gaelle

    gaelle Level IV

    Dec 24, 2006
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    very nice guide !
    Congrats !
  7. rusty19

    rusty19 Level I

    May 7, 2009
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    Thank you for this guide, it has boosted my score :)