[GUIDE] Hannah and the Pirate Caves Avatar Legit

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by Heya_old, Jun 5, 2008.

  1. Heya_old

    Heya_old Level IV

    Mar 31, 2008
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    I've been bored the last few days, so i decided to write a guide on one of my best flash games, Hannah and the Pirate Caves. I hope this helps you get the avatar :)

    The Avatar

    Score To Get


    Objects and Boxes

    Treasure Chest - This is your object to collect. You must collect all of them to move on to the next level. Give you 55 points each when collected, and 500 points each at the end of the level.
    Box - When collected, gives you 15 points each. Has no other purpose in the game.
    Steel Box - Can only be Destroyed by an arrow. Gives you 15 points each.
    Bridge - This is a piece you can walk on. You can jump up through it, but not back down through it.
    Ladder - This is a piece you use to climb up to places. It can not be destroyed by anything.
    Bolder - Used to destroy spikes, or to get to higher places. Can only be destroyed by an arrow. Gives you ?? points each.
    Arrow Box - When destroyed, it sends an arrow in the direction it points. When the box is destroyed, it gives you 45 points. If you are in the path of an arrow, you will die.
    Spikes - If touched, you will die. It is very important you watch out for them.
    Gem Box - Very important extra item to collect. Gives you 85 when collected, and 5000 at the end of the level.
    Dynamite - This is a box which will will shoot a pack of dynamite out of it. You can also die from this, so be careful. When destroyed, gives you 75 points.
    Metal Dynamite - This box will blow up, and can only be done so by an arrow. When destroyed, it gives you 75 points.
    Extra Life Box - This will give you an extra life. there is no limit to how many extra lives you can get, you just have to collect this box. When collected, gives you 555 points.

    Hidden Places
    A hidden area is a place where you can go, but looks alot like a regular ground. The difference is this will have a
    bunch of black holes in it, as a regular square won't. A Gem Box is often at the end of these. They look like this:

    Water is a big part of Hannah and the Pirate Caves. You will have to swim in it. You Can only last approx. 20 seconds not moving before you die and approx. 10 seconds when moving. You must move ASAP in water, as you can get caught in there, and die if you don't get out fast enough. To see how much breath Hannah has left, look at the bubbles on the bottom left corner or the screen. Heres an image:

    These are the "Bad Guys" in the game. They will kill you if you touch them. There also is no way to kill them with out a bolder or an arrow, so usually, you will have to do something to get around them.
    Pawkeet - This Guy Flies. To avoid him, you must duck (by press and hold the down key, and the direction, left or right, key).
    Mirgle - This guy craws on the ground. Simply jump over him (by pressing space bar and a direction, left or right, key).
    Skull - This guy will only be there for the level 6 in this guide. He flies, much like Pawkeet, but at any height.

    Walk-through Guide
    Hopefully, you now get everything about how it works. So now, its on to the playing of the game. You should be able to get the avatar by the end of level 6. Make sure you do all tutorials, as they give you points, and are free levels, with a very low risk of death.​

    Tutorial 1

    Start by climbing up the thing on the right. once your at the top, destroy all of the regular boxes until you fall through. Then fall down till you hit the Treasure Chests on the ground. Destroy all of the boxes and treasure chests there, And head towards your right. Once you hit the point where it drops to 1 block of space, you'll need to crawl. To crawl, simply press and hold the down and right arrow key. When you get to the second one, do the same. Now, you'll come up t a ladder. Climb up the ladder by going to your right until Hannah is in front of it. Then, press the up arrow key until she reaches to the top. Once at the top, go to your left. when you see a series of bridges, simply jump up until she reaches the top. Once at the top, go to your right. You'll come to this first gap. Jump it by pressing the space bar and holding the right arrow key. Collect the 2 treasure chests to put you at 10 so far. Now, jump across to the bridge (by pressing space bar and holding the right arrow key). Go to t he first box you see. Get under it, and jump (space bar). You should break the first box, and the second will fall on to you. Do the same for the next 2 (NOTE: If you fell down at any point before this, just climb down the ladder, and go to your far left and climb up the last one on your left). Now, fall down into the gap after the bridge, and climb down the ladder. Head towards your RIGHT side towards the secret gem. Climb up the ladder, and jump onto the other side of the colder. now, push the bolder (left arrow key) down to destroy some bridge below. Fall back down (do not use the ladder to help) and you should land on the bolder. Go to your left and navigate your way through the secret area. Once you get the gem in the gem box, come right back out, and To get it, you will need to climb up the last latter. Go to your far left, and climb the ladder. Jump over everything again. Now keep jumping until you get over that block of blocks. Then, you'll see a bunch of Treasure Chests. Destroy them all, and get under the ladder. For this one, you will need to jump (space bar) and she will grab on. Then climb up (up arrow key) and go to the door. You will og to another screen, once everything is done on that screen, you should have 15,000+

    Tutorial 2

    So at this point, you should have at least 15,000 from the last level. Lets continue on. On this level, you get to learn about arrows. You can hit those first 2 arrows if you want, but don't need to, as they don't do anything other then give you 90 points. Jump up and go through that little bit. Get under the first arrow, jump, and let it destroy a metal box. Then, do the same for the second arrow box. Now jump onto the ledge in front of the 2 metal boxes, then jump over the metal boxes. Run into an arrow box thats floating above the ground. Wait for the treasure chests to fall and collect all 4. The next part requires a little timing. Hit the arrow box in front of you, but be aware that an arrow will come back at you right after you hit that one. When you see the arrow that comes back at you, as it comes to you, jump over it. Continue until you see 2 bridges. Jump onto the lower one, then, to the second with the treasure chests. Collect them all. Now your not done quite yet. You still need to collect the gem. Go to the far right of the bridge. Jump, but you have to hit the wal at just the right time in just the right spot to get in. If not, make sure you don't go in the door, other wise, you'll need to start the whole game over again. Once in, crawl for a few seconds, then let her get up, and continue until you get the gem. Once collected, go back out (you will need to crawl again at that same spot, and go to the door. At this point, you should have 30,000+

    Tutorial 3

    To start this level out, jump onto the first bit. Then push the bolder off the edge and continue onwards. Then, jump over the 2 bolders on the ground. Then, push the bolder off the edge to destroy the bridge below. Wlak over and jump up and through the bridge on your left. Now push the bolder on the ground till it falls and destroys the first spikes. Then climb the ladder on the right till you get to the top. Push that bolder off too. Finish crawling through, and hit the first arrow box. Now wait for the bolders to finish falling before continueing. DO NOT GO UNDER THEM, JUST STAY WHERE YOU ARE! jump up till you get to the top of the mountain of bolders. Now enter the secreat area, which is right at the top, and continue through it until you have collected the gem. fall back through. Now jump up to the bridge on your right, collect the treasure chests, go to t he door, and your done! you should now have 40,000+

    Tutorial 4

    Run at and hit the dynamite. Let it blow up the metal boxes, then jump the last 2 and continue on. Jump and hit the next one, and move to your left back onto the normal surface. Once it blows up the metal boxex, fall back down. Now, its time to collect the gem. Go to the top one on your left once you have fallen, and jump into the left. You will fin d the secret area where you will find the gem. Go to the end, collect, and come back out. Now, collect the treasure chest on youre right, and climb up the lader on your right. now jump over the dynamite, and hit it in the left direction. Wait for the metal boxes to blow up. Then fall down. collect the 4 treasure chests. Then jump and hit the arrow pointing left, and let it cause a cain reaction to blow up the boxes. Jump over the last metal box and continue onwards. Jump and climb up the ladder. then jump and hit the arrow box on the right to blow up the boxes on the left. Let it blow them up, and climb up and over the last few ones. Go to the middle, and hit the arrow that is pointed at the dynamite. Let it blow everything up, and collect the treasure chests on each side. Once you’ve clollected all of them, go to the door, and your done. You should now have 50,000+

    Tutorial 5

    Climb up the ladder, and jump into the water. Use the arrow keys to swim. She will also be pulled to the top, so you will need to keep pressing the down arrow key as it is needed, and to go back to the top, press the up arrow. Collect the 4 treasure chests that are under water, and go to the surface. Make sure to watch the breath left meter on the bottom left corner of the screen. Climb the ladder, and continue on. Go down to the bottom, collect the arrow box, and come bac kto the surface. Goto your left oso you don’t drown while your waiting for the arrow to blow up the metal dynaminte box. Go across, and jump over the metal boxes that are left. Go up and collect the 2 treasure chests, and get ready for a fast moving swim. You’ll need to move as fast as you can so you don’t die. Once yoyu get down to the bottom, you’ll see an air pocket. Hit it to regain the breaths you lost. Collect the 4 treasure chests, and hit the air pocket again. Then, go to your left and head on up. Collect the treasure chest on when your almost to the top, and hit the ladder above the water. Go up the ladder, and collect the 4 treasure chests. BUT... you still have a gem to collect. Jump over the door, and make sure you don’t touch it at all. Then, jump agiain into the wall. You’ll enter the secret area. Once in, you’ll have to jump again to your left to get up onto another spot in the hidden area. Then, keep going until you hit the gem. You’ll fall back down into the water you where in ealier. Climb back over the stuff until you come to that water you went under then up. When you go under that again, make sure you hit that air pocket like before. Climb back up the ladder and go to the door, and your done! You should now have 65,000+

    Tutorial 6

    This level, you’ll have to move fast. Make sure you read all of this and look over the map well before you try it, as you don’t have time to waste. Start by collecting the 3 treasure chests on your right. Once the water level rises up to the first block on the right, go over it and down through that tunnel, and up the ladder. Move very fast, and make sure to come to the top as needed if your running low on air. Once your at the top, go to your left a little, and stop before you hit the spike pi. You must wait for water to fill that bit first before you can continue on. Once the water level is even with the ground, go. Make sure you push up the whole time whil your in that water there, as if you don’t, you will hit the spikes and die. Now keep on going, and climb up the ladder. Once at the top, 2 blocks to your right, it goes from 2 blocks in hieght to 1, so you will need to crawl. Hit the boxes and break the treasure chests. be careful as the water will rise on you fast, and you must move as fast as youcan through there. Once you collected the treasure chests, move on through with the crawl when needed, and swin down and up. keep moving as fast as you can. collect the next 3 treasure chests and keep moving. fall down into the water, but be careful as there is spikes at the bottom again, and you can die if you don’t hit up when you fall into it (you might also have water filled up to there at this point, in which is not good, but you’ll have to keep moving as fast as you can anyways). fall down onto each bridge collecting the tresure chests. collect the one on the bootm with the bolder, and your done. There is no gem to collect on this level. At this point, you should be at 75,000+ and still have all 3 lives. If not, quit and start over.

    Level 1

    You will need to move somewhat fast on this level, as water again will rise up on you. start by going to your right, jumping, and destroying those boxes, and collecting the tresure chests on the first ledge. Now watch out for the Pawkeet when you fall off. you will need to collect the single treasure chest, then, collect the other 4. Now, time to get the gem. Go right above where those 4 tresure chests were, and if you keep going up, you’ll hit the ceiling. Go into the right, and then crawl to get the rest of the way in. Go down the ladder and collect the gem. NOTE: do not go the other way after you collect the gem. Climb right back up the ladder, and exit as there is nothing in the other direction. Still keep your eye on the Pawkeet as you come back up to the surface (your probably some what under water by now). Go to the first area on the upper right. Jump up and collect the first 2 tresure chests on the right, then, onto the bridge where the last one is. Now, get keep going up, and go to your left. Collect all of the treasure chests there. Then, to your far right, collect that treasure chest. now that you’ve done that, the door will open. Go in it, and your done! You should now have 90,000+ and all 3 lifes.

    Level 2

    Star this level by going to your right. Go past the ladder, and collect the treasure chests right before the water. Jump in, and lets go collect that gem. Go past the first spike on hanging down, and dive into the one left to the one with the bridge (the one right after the ceiling spike). Right before the spike on the floor, hit the wall on your left. You will be taken into a secret area now. go to the end, collect the gem, and come back out (NOTE: you’ll have to jump to get back out of the secret area). Now swim over to your right and collect the 2 treasure chests, and climb up, and hit the arrow box. Right after you see an arrow leave th e arrow box and it gets above your head, jump across to the other side and hit that arrow box too. Now fall down to the bridge below you and collect that treasure chest. Jump back in on the far right side, and collect the 4 treasure chests. If at this point, or before this, have lost a life, or you feel confidentt in how fast you can swim, go for the extra life. But beaware, you have to move as fast as she can possibly go and hit the corners just right, or you will die. Even if you haven’t lost a life yet, you can still get a 4th one. To get this extra life, break all of the boxes, and come back up to the surface. then, get ready as you’ll have to move fast through that path, back down, collect the life and move right back up to the top all in approx. 10 seconds or less, which is really tight as it is, no room for any delays or errors. Don’t push it if you don’t think you can get it. Now, go back up to the top of the water either way, and go to your left. Jump onto the bolders now in the water, and jump above on top. Climb up the ladder and collect the treasure chest on the right. Now, collect the last 2 on your right, and jump across into the door. You should now have 100,000+ and 3+ lifes.

    Level 3

    Another water race level. Remeber to move as fast as you can. Go up to your right and collect the 4 treasure chests in the chamber on your right. Move back out, and climb up the ladder. Go to your right at the top, and go past the next ladder. Go down through that mave of a tunal, using crawl a lot, and once at the bottom, collect the treasure chets, ans wait for the water to rise you up to the arrow. Once you hit the arrow, stay on you left side until all 4 bolders have fallen. Now, go up the tunnel with the water, and climb the ladder on your right. Once you get off at the top, collect the 3 treasure chests, and watch that Pawkeet again. Fall down, collect the treasure chest, and hit the arrow box. A second one will fall over to your left. Collect that one, and wait for all of the bolders to fall. Collect the treasure chests between the second arrow, and the bolders, putting you at 11. Once the bolders have fallen, collect the box that is on top of the bolders. Now, you shoul have all of the treasure chests, now, its onto the gem. Enter the secret are on the left of the spike. Go into the ground, and you will fall through. Your air supply resets when you enter, so don’t worry abouyt that. go to your right until you collect the gem. then, go back over to your leftr until you see the bridge you started on. jump up into that, and you’ll exit the secret area. Now quickly swim to the door, and your done. You should have 110,000+ and 2+ lives.

    Level 4

    In this level, you finally meet the Mirgle. Start by going to your left. Wait until the Mirgle has gone to the far left side, and jump up, then, as its coming at you, jump over it, and then, collect the treasure chest, and jump up to the next bit. Now, you need to set off the arrow on the far left. After you hit it, wait until the bolders have fallan into the water before moving. Once everything set place, dive in, and hit the arrow box. Make sure you go to the left or thr right of the arrow, cause if you hit the arrow box on the top, you’ll die. Now, come out the other side where the bridge is. Be carful cause if the Mirgle is on the right side of the bolder, thie step and the next one will be much harder. You need to get on top, hit the arrow box, and get back down into a safe side. You now need to let the steel boxes next to the door fall, along with the bolders on the far left side. Now go to the far left side. Jump up the borders and spot in the wall, then to the bridge. Jump once more to collect the gem. Now come back down and go to the far right side. You’ll now see 9 steel boxes. Jump onto them, and then to the bridge where your last 8 treasure chests are. Collect them, go back down, go to the door, and your done! You should have 125,000+ and 2+ lives.

    Level 5

    This level gets a little harder with getting the gem, but you’ll get an easy extra life with it too. Start out by climbing up till you get right ledge above the ladder thats next to the extra life box. Fall down, hit the box, and keep going to your right. You will enter the secrect area, and fall down to the ground. Collect the gem (you’ll land on it). Keep going to your left until you see 2 little bridges. Jump up to the first one, and then to the second one. Now, climb back up to the top. You should come to the locked door. Go onto that ledge as far to the right as possible, and jump hard to th e right to get to the bridges on the right. Jump up the last few, jump over the bolder so you can push it down through the bridges. So, now push it, and fall down with it. It’ll stop on the first ledge, push it down again. Now watch out for the Pawkeet. Now go down to the ledge where the Mirgle is. Push the bolder down one last time, and it’ll break the last bridge. Now, the though part if you’bve let alot of time pass, collecting the last few treasure chests. Make it as fast as you can, but watch out for the Pawkeets and Mirgle. When you collect them, make it fast, as the bolder willfall onto you if you don’t move fast enough. Now go back up to the top where the door is. That last jump can be a bit tricky. get on the bridge on the far right just above the Pawkeet, and get on the absoluteedge on the left side of that ledge. to help, wait until the Pawkeet has gone on the left side to adjust so if you fall, you can get right back up before it kills you. Now, once to make it, you’ll hit the little bridge, up to the ledge with the door. Go into the door and your done. NOTE: You must hit that life box to the gem the first time, or you have to start the game over. You should have 135,000+ and 2+ lives.

    Level 6

    Start out by crawling under the spikes. Crawl through that bit of maze, and you’ll land with an aroow on your right. Hit that arrow box. It will send an arro back at you from the right, jump it, then, from the left, jump that one too. That’ll then cause the thing up on your right to blow up. Go up there, and dive in. Collect the 5 on the right bottom corner. Then hit the arrow thats alittle toawrads the middle on the bottom. Move out of the way, and let bolders fall down to break the little bridge. Go down there, and collect the treasure cheasts. Come back up for air as needed, and watch out for the skull, as he will kill you if you touch him. Now go to the left side. Collect the treasure chests on the side, at the top, and at the bottom, and get air as needed. Now, swim back across to the right side (by going the same way to got there) and go towards the door. Do not go into the door yet, as you still need the gem. Wait for the water to get above the bridge thats above the door. Jump up on each bridge until you get to the top, and follow the path throw the 2 bodies of water. Then, jump and collect the gem. If you didn’t do this whole thing fast enough, you will die as you need time to be able to get back to the door without drowning. Once there, go to the door. You should now have 150,000+ which is enough for the avatar.

    NOTE: This guide was written by me for use of Neofriends.net only. Any use of information from this guide without my permisstion will result in a life time worth of flaming :D

    If there are any mistakes or errors in this guide, please post them on this topic, and i will fix it ASAP
    Zer0 likes this.
  2. Zer0

    Zer0 Level IV

    Mar 2, 2008
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    Home sweet home
    Re: [GUIDE] Hannah and the Ice Caves Avatar Legit

    Wow... As you noted before, this is REALLY in-depth. I would consider this among the best guides found on this site. Especially since you wrote it all yourself. I like how you included the map for each of the levels and provided a really good explanation for how to complete it.

    +Rep :)

    Oh, and this should be stickied, no question
  3. Phee

    Phee Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 18, 2007
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    Re: [GUIDE] Hannah and the Ice Caves Avatar Legit

    Really nice guide

    +25 cash
  4. Tofurky

    Tofurky Level IV

    Apr 3, 2007
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    New Jersey
    Re: [GUIDE] Hannah and the Ice Caves Avatar Legit

    Sorry for the gdig, but I think this guide would attract more people if you fixed the title? =3
  5. chelsea1

    chelsea1 Level IV

    Nov 26, 2006
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    Re: [GUIDE] Hannah and the Ice Caves Avatar Legit

    changed from "[GUIDE] Hannah and the Ice Caves Avatar Legit" to "[GUIDE] Hannah and the Pirate Caves Avatar Legit" as that is what i guess it's meant to be

    if it shouldn't be "Pirate" but in fact "Ice", feel free anyone (who can) to change it back
  6. Tofurky

    Tofurky Level IV

    Apr 3, 2007
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    New Jersey
    thanks. it should be pirate ;)
  7. Heya_old

    Heya_old Level IV

    Mar 31, 2008
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    Re: [GUIDE] Hannah and the Ice Caves Avatar Legit

    LOL, oh, sorry. Thanks for fixing it. sorry for the typo :(