(Guide) How To Make an AB List!

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by Parisdirt1, Nov 20, 2008.

  1. Parisdirt1

    Parisdirt1 Level III

    Sep 9, 2007
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    First go to JellyNeo's Item Database. items.jellyneo.net/

    Then go to Advance Search: (it's an option under the normal search engine)
    I then Choose 'Books' for this Guide.

    Then since you want it to be in from Highest Profit to Lowest. Make It Sort By Price: Descending

    If you need all r99 or Less you put in 100 and use Less Then
    (If you needed all r84 and Lower just use 85 and Less Then, and so on..)

    Make sure you only get Active Items in your search :)
    After that make sure you Check Show Prices Then hit Go.

    So for the Guide I choose to do a 25k+ Sell list. So just look for the lowest Item (book in this instance) that fits what you want for in your list. :)
    'Avoiding Writers Block' is the book for just Remember it or Copy it.

    Now go to the top, and click on Printer Friendly CheckList

    Now use Ctrl+F and paste 'Avoiding Writers Block' and Highlight it and drag up and then Copy: Ctrl+C

    Now open Notepad and ready for the hard part. (that I find fun at sometimes :) )
    Now Paste the list in there and DON'T BE AFRAID!
    Now it looks like a mess and it is, but all you need to do is hit Enter and line them up.

    Now since you did that and they all on there own line, you still need to justify them all the way to the left.
    For that I just start at the bottom and hit the Delete and hit the Up Arrow Key, and go up till it's done.

    Now you are finished and you made it. That is the method I use to make my lists and the lists for people that request in the Level 1 Chat, when I have the time.

    Anything you think I missed don't be afraid to post it! Any help is welcome, and hope you found my guide Useful in making AB Lists on your own when you can't seem to find the ones you need~ :)

  2. lilmexiboy

    lilmexiboy Level III

    Aug 31, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Great guide, one quick thing though, Instead of the Delete plus Up arrow I do this:

    Highlight one of the spaces between the items, it should be a TAB + a SPACE

    Copy that space between the items

    Go to EDIT REPLACE in notepad, paste the *space* in Find What

    Leave Replace With empty and press Enter

    should get rid of all the spaces.
  3. Parisdirt1

    Parisdirt1 Level III

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Thank you lilmexiboy. That is a very useful tool. See you learn something new everyday! I'll refer to your other solution in my post. This was my first guide, I'm sure I'll fix it up and make it all pretty later. I was just wondering why people needed lists when they aren't that hard to make if you have the time, and need one that caters to your needs. Just came up with the idea at class and thought it would make a good guide. :)

  4. neohacker

    neohacker Level I

    Jan 1, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Thank you very much!!! now I can make my own ab list.

    Please don't gravedig - Commy