[GUIDE] Lunara Princess

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by xProphet, Sep 9, 2008.

  1. xProphet

    xProphet Level III

    Sep 3, 2008
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    Lunara Princess

    So the Shenkuu Princess, Lunara, has been kidnapped. It is your job to use your Neopian knowledge to get past all the guards on the bridges to find out where the princess is. The Search for Princess Lunara a relatively simple game, especially when you have a full list of answers like this.

    All About Neopia

    Q: These Neopets get a bit of a trim on the sixth day of sleeping.
    A: Gnorbu

    Q: What do the natives of Mystery Island call the stone circle at the top of the top of the Deserted Tomb in Gerapiktu?
    A: Kalahnto

    Q: If you wanted a meal at The Golden Dubloon, where would you go?
    A: Krawk Island

    Q: In which Neopian land are you most likely to be attacked by robotic Chia Clowns?
    A: Haunted Woods

    Q: The shopkeeper of Fanciful Fauna is a member of which Neopian Species?
    A: Koi

    Q: Which Neopian disease will a Tonu catch if it eats a Negg?
    A: Neezles

    Q: In which Neopian land can you trade strange fruit with a faerie, have your old toys repaired, and send a Tuskaninny over a cliff?
    A: Terror Mountain

    Q: Which Neopian Land was discovered on the 30th day of the Month of Swimming?
    A: Meridell

    Q: How far is Brightvale from Meridell?
    A: 50 miles West

    Q: What gift from the Space Faerie can protect your Neopet from Dark Magic in the Battledome?
    A: Bandolaro

    Q: What are Poogle Four's odds at Poogle Racing
    A: 7:1

    Q: Who is Neopia's Top Plushie Tycoon?
    A: Simon

    Q: What is the name of the Dark faerie that Aethia encountered in the Haunted Woods?
    A: Fiona

    Q: What is the Ghost Lupe's name believed to have been?
    A: Sylva

    Q: Approximately how many times a day is the Petpet Puddle used?
    A: More than a 1,000

    Q: Where did the Cyodrake's Gaze dock when the crew was seeking help in finding Hoban?
    A: Krawk Island

    Q: In Cooty Wars, shooting this species of Petpetpet will clear all Mootix with open parachutes from the screen.
    A: Squipitt

    Q: What disease will give a Neopet a sore throat and coughing fits?
    A: Kikoughela

    Q: What species of Neopet does Matt the Sewage Surfer battle in the sewer?
    A: Krawk

    Q: Which well-known Neopian Discovered the Lost Desert?
    A: Brucey B

    Q: These Petpets are often used as Scouts for the Meridellian Army.
    A: Karrens

    Q: Over whom does Lady Frostbite rule?
    A: Darblats

    Q: What type of shell does the collectable shells shopkeeper wear around her neck?
    A: Scallop Shell

    Neopian Cultures

    Q: How many courses of food are offered at Kelp?
    A: 4

    Q: How many members does the Altador Cup Comittee have?
    A: 3

    Q: How many Kadoaties must you feed at the Kadoatery to earn the avatar?
    A: 75

    Q: A Neopet of which colour and species directed Professor Fairweather and his party to Captain Rourke
    A: Pirate Shoyru

    Q: In Meerca Chase II, what is the Meerca collecting?
    A: Neggs

    Q: This band had their Tyrannian Concert Hall premiere in the month of Gathering, Y8.
    A:Mellow Marauders

    Q: In Turmac Roll, which of the following berries is worth the most?
    A: Aquaberry

    Q: This strange-looking fruit is very smelly and isn't ripe until it splits
    A: Azzle

    Q: Of which Neopian species is the Perfect Putter in Tyrannin Mini Golf a member?
    A: Acara

    Q: This band performs at the Tyrannian Concert Hall on th 24th of every month
    A: The Hikalakas

    Q: Which faerie accidentally released Hasees onto Mystery island?
    A: Casandia

    Q: Which Neopian fruit tastes like chocolate and tomato?
    A: Chokato

    Q: What is the translation of Gadgadsbogen?
    A: Good, good day

    Q: Which game was one of King Coltzan III's hobbies?
    A: Scrab 21

    Q: Which Altador Cup Team Captain struggles with consistency and strength?
    A: Mirsha Grelinek

    Q: What flavour of yoghurt does Grundos Cafe serve?
    A: Cherry

    Q: Which of the following is an ingredient in the Sushi Hot Dog?
    A: Cucumber

    Q: Which team won the Y8 Altador Cup tournament?
    A: Haunted Woods

    Q: Which of the following is considered Gross Food?
    A: Tuna Porridge

    Q: Who discovered the Gruslen?
    A: Professor J. Kugar

    Q: Who did Helmo Timm repalce as Left Forward for thr Kiko Lake team in Y8?
    A: Holbie Pinnock

    Q: Who was voted MVP of the Y8 Altador Cup tournament?
    A: Krell Vitor

    Q: Which Neopian Species is the owner of the Collectable Coins shop in the Art Centre a member of?
    A: Skeith

    Q: Which was the first Petpet that Peopatra ever found?
    A: Wadjet

    Notable Neopians

    Q: How old is Judge Hog?
    A: 32

    Q: Which of these pets is NOT featured in Extreme Herder?
    A: Harris

    Q: How old is Lilian Fairweather?
    A: 26

    Q: How many limbs does Gnarfas, the Werelupe King's minion, have?
    A: 6

    Q: What is Sophie's favourite species of Petpet?
    A: Meowclops

    Q: What is the name of Isca's sister?
    A: Cayliss

    Q: The Avabot, Neotrak, Wheelie and Pinceron can be combined to create which robot Petpet?
    A: Ultra Megabot 2000

    Q: This famous Neopian was born 200 BN, slept for 200 years, and has only recently awakened
    A: Count Von Roo

    Q: What is the name of Chuffer Bob the Meerca's Snorkle?
    A: Beefy

    Q: Of which Neopian species is the maitre d' at kelp a memeber?
    A: Scorchio

    Q: This famous Neopian witch gives out Spooky Food in exchange for potion ingredients
    A: Edna

    Q: What is the name of the dark faerie that Aethia encountered in the Haunted woods?
    A: Fiona

    Q: Which Aisha is known as the Limbo Queen?
    A: Kyishi

    Q: Which member of the original Ghoul Catchers is a Wocky?
    A: Brave Ben

    Q: What is the name of the Poogle who judges the Poetry Contest?
    A: Alstaf

    Q: Which of these faeries is featured in Faerie Cloud Racers?
    A: Taelia

    Q: Which Petpet species has beeen known to eat tin cans and magical orbs?
    A: Naalala

    Q: Which of the following Petpets hails from Krawk Island?
    A: Quadrupus

    Q: Who amended the Safe Drinking Waater Act in Sakhmet?
    A: Senator Barca

    Q: Whose bike was stolen by the pant devil, according to the Defenders of Neopia?
    A: Ginny

    Q: Who ran the gang that Niten Hiroru fought in the tavern?
    A: Farvor

    Q: Who was the dark faerie who captured Baelia, the Grey Faerie?
    A: Jennumara

    Q: Who lost a limb in a freak tombola accident?
    A: Captain Threelegs

    Q: Who is a regular at the Cheat! table, in spite of not being a very good player? (some say she's too interested in her hair)
    A: Capara

    Q: Who is known as Sakhmet's craftiest statesman?
    A: Advisor Wessle

    I hope of being be useful :)
    ricky92 likes this.
  2. mjnskivt

    mjnskivt Level III

    Aug 9, 2008
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    right behind you
    Those lists must have taken you awhile to compile (lol that rhymes)
    ty appreciate the work you put into this. :yup:
  3. xProphet

    xProphet Level III

    Sep 3, 2008
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    I still read this hour
    Anyway I hope will be useful. :maha: :yup: