Guide Lutari Talisman

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by Anais, Aug 7, 2010.

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  1. Anais

    Anais Newbie

    Aug 7, 2010
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    New Info: Getting Talisman beads seem to have some order about them. First you get is the Red Tongi, then Green, Yellow and Blue Tongi. After that it is unknown if they are random or not. Will update with more info as we collect it.

    There are 20 Lutari Island Talisman Beads Four Colors, Five Types.


    Colors: Red, Yellow, Green, Blue.
    Types: Matu, Oranu, Ranaka, Urapa, and Tongi.

    Tongi Beads are recieved by referring members to the mobile game, or by BEING referred by someone to download the lutari island mobile game.

    You can refer people for the Lutari Island Mobile game whether you have the game or not, and whether you live in the US or not.

    The referer and the referee get one bead when the new user downloads the game onto their phone, and only then.

    The grey feathers at the bottom on the talisman are speculated to be purely for show. Talisman's are not known to give bad luck but some of the bead descriptions do say the beads 'can' give bad luck indirectly.
    Description: Some people say this bead brings you good luck. Others say it could spell your doom. Do you really want to find out whos right?

    The tongi bead is the only one that will go directly onto your talisman and not to your inventory. You cannot sell or trade the Tongi Bead.

    Once you have four Tongi beads on your Talisman, (one of each color), the beads you get after that will then go to your inventory, and you can choose to add them to your Talisman, or trade or sell them.

    To search and buy Talisman Beads, Search the Trading Post under Red Matu Bead (interchange color and bead name with those listed above).

    You cannot remove the beads once you've added them to your talisman.

    Talisman Beads can do many things for you. Increase Random Events, Randomly increase game points, give you shop discounts, and more. The more Talisman beads you posess the more common these events take place.

    You can find Talisman Beads in Random Events throughout the site although this is very rare.

    Below, as shown...

    Talisman beads slightly change the way they appear in your inventory when you add them to your talisman. This table shows the way that same bead appears after you add it to the talisman.


    It is unknown why the beads change shape after they are placed in your talisman. Note: Only the beads SHAPE changes, the color stays the same.

    Luatri Island Beads can increase your likelyhood of getting Random events: We do not know yet how much your RE increase though. It has been confirmed that the talisman beads can be found randomly throughout neopia, although this is very rare.



    The talisman gives an increase game point score from 10% to 100%, rounded to the nearest neopoint: It has been confirmed that the talisman beads can randomly give you increases in your game points when you send your scores. If you have three beads or more the increase happen often and usually 1/5 or so game scores you send are increased.

    Game score increases of ten percent:



    Game score increases of seventy-five percent:



    Game score increases of one-hundred percent:




    The talisman gives a discount at shops of around 2% - 8% rounded to the nearest neopoint: It has been confirmed that the talisman beads can randomly give you discounts in purchases in neopian shops. If you have 3 beads or more the discounts happen often and usually 1/25 or so items you try to buy are discounted.

    Shop discounts of two percent:



    Shop discounts of eight percent:


  2. upriser

    upriser Level II

    Jun 13, 2010
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    on the floor
    Ive seen this guide already. And im pretty sure you stole it.
  3. Commy

    Commy Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 11, 2007
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    This was taken from a guide written by the neopet user maniverus, word for word.

    Please do not plagiarise material from any other website and post it as your own. If you do decide to share information from elsewhere, credit it appropriately so others are aware that it isn't yours.

    If anybody sees this happen in the future, please report the post by clicking on the report button (the exclamation button). The same goes if you see anybody breaking any other rule.
    Anais likes this.
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