[Guide] Meepit Juice Break

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by Anfan, Jun 29, 2009.

  1. Anfan

    Anfan Level IV

    Feb 12, 2009
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    <<Click here to play!>>

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    3,500+ | First Place | Second Place | Third Place

    Part 1, About the Game
    Translation: You are being a good servant to the Meepit Lords and feeding the lesser minions their juppie juice. Moving on...

    Part 2, Scoring
    There are two different systems of scoring in Meepit Juice Break (MJB), depending on which version of the game you're playing.
    On the introductory screen, as you can see above, you can choose to either start your game by hitting "Play Game" or "Zen Mode".

    If you choose "Play Game", how long you have to feed each Meepit is timed, there are levels of the game through which you must advance (level 1 contains fewer pipes than level 2, level 2 fewer than level 3, etc., until you get to level 4, after which there are a fixed number of pipes per level), and you get points per Meepit, depending on the color of the Meepit fed in correlation to the color of the juppie juice you feed the Meepit with, and how many pipes you use per Meepit.

    If you choose "Zen Mode", you start out with the 56 pipes that in game mode are only available after level 4. You also have an infinite amount of time in which you can feed Meepits, but you can only ever get 1 point per feeding. No, it doesn't matter if you feed a Meepit the right color juice. No, it doesn't matter if you feed 1 Meepit at a time or 3. No, it doesn't matter if you use 50 pipes or 15.
    You get 1 point per feeding.

    Part 3, Interface and Gameplay


    A - The red, yellow, and blue pipes are where the juppie juice flows from. Throughout the game, they will always be in the same order, on the left side of your gameplay window.
    B - Pipes. Pretty self explanatory. Connect the pipes to each other and to one of the valves of the Juice-O-Matic, and juppie juice will flow through the pipes. Keep connecting the pipes until you reach a Meepit, and you will have fed the Meepit some juppie juice.
    C - Meepit. The tree whose hollows the Meepits are occupying (what a friendly tree for the Haunted Woods, eh?) will always be on the right. Above the Meeepit's head are little white numbers; this is a count down in seconds of how long you have to feed the Meepit until it...ahh...becomes so dehydrated it falls out of a hollow in a tree. Yeesh that takes skill0rz.
    D - Your score. Pretty self explanatory. Here's where the points for the Meepits you feed accumulates.
    E - How many "lives" you have left, a.k.a. how many Meepits you can let become dehydrated before you're fired and the Meepit Lords CLASSIFIED INFORMATION to you.
    F - How many Meepits left for you to feed during this level, after which you can move on to the next round of thirsty Meepits.
    G - Toggles the music and sound on and off. You can play with both music and sound on, just sound on, or just music on.

    Part 4, Meepit and Juppie Juice Colors
    Firstly, let me ask that if you need a guide for mixing juppie juice colors (besides pink) and figuring out which color Meepit likes which color juice best, what were you doing in kindergarten? [...]

    Meepit Colors

    [​IMG] + [​IMG] = <3

    [​IMG] + [​IMG] = <3

    [​IMG] + [​IMG] = <3

    [​IMG] + [​IMG] = <3

    [​IMG] + [​IMG] = <3

    [​IMG] + [​IMG] = <3

    [​IMG] + [​IMG] = <3

    Juppie Juice Colors

    [​IMG] = [​IMG]

    [​IMG] = [​IMG]

    [​IMG] = [​IMG]

    [​IMG] + [​IMG] = [​IMG]

    [​IMG] + [​IMG] = [​IMG]

    [​IMG] + [​IMG] = [​IMG]

    [​IMG] + [​IMG] + [​IMG] = [​IMG]

    When you feed a Meepit the right color juice, not only will the Meepit be happy and not report you to the Meepit Lords, you also get twice as many points!


    As opposed to


    Part 4, "Cheats"

    1) Type either meepits or hungrymeepits for an extra life. There's no reason not to use this as soon as you start level 1.
    2) Type juice-o-matic to reset the timers on all current Meepits. A handful to type in game, but useful when you're in level 4, 5, or 6, and just need a few more seconds to work out that super bonus. (In the levels where you get 5 seconds to feed a Meepit, don't even bother trying to use this. ;-; [Though you could always just type "juice-o-mati", not hit any keys on your keyboard, and hit the "c" really fast when you needed to, I suppose.])

    Part 5, Pipes

    In the normal mode of the game, you get points based on how many pipes you use. So, use as many pipes as possible per feeding/per Meepit!
    (Note: Don't do this if you ever intend to become a plumber. That would be ludicrously inefficient, and therefore costly.)


    In fact, if, per say, you were to use ALL the pipes on the board during one feeding...


    Then you get a SUPER BONUS!


    A quick note about super bonuses: In level 1 of the game, there are 40 pipes. If you feed a Meepit the right color of juice, but only use 39 pipes, you get 78 points. If you feed a Meepit the wrong juice color, but use every pipe, you get +1 per pipe=40 points, plus the 50 points from the super bonus - 90 points. 78 > 90. Therefore, in level 1 shoot for a super bonus over juice color, but of course if you can't do a super bonus feed the meepit the correct color of juice. And this only applies to level 1.

    Part 6, Fruits

    Fruits are random bonuses that are scattered around the board. When I play I don't generally let the fruits affect me too much, so I don't go out of my way to get a Blue Rambus, or to avoid a Rottten Wormy Apple. If it happens to be that a turn of one pipe could help boost or reduce your score, though, by all means go for it. ;)

    [​IMG] Blue Rambus: +25 Points
    [​IMG] Rahketmelon +10 points
    [​IMG] Rotten Wormy Apple: -10 Points

    Part 7, Level-By-Level Notes

    Level 1 - 1 Meepit on-screen at a time. 5 Meepits must be fed to advance to the next level. You have 60 seconds to feed each Meepit.
    Level 2 - 2 Meepits on-screen at a time. 5 Meepits must be fed to advance to the next level. You have 60 seconds to feed each Meepit.
    Level 3 - 2 Meepits on-screen at a time. 6 Meepits must be fed to advance to the next level. You have 50 seconds to feed each Meepit.
    Level 4 - 2 Meepits on-screen at a time. 7 Meepits must be fed to advance to the next level. You have 40 seconds to feed each Meepit.
    Level 5 - 3 Meepits on-screen at a time. 7 Meepits must be fed to advance to the next level. You have 50 seconds to feed each Meepit.
    Level 6 - 3 Meepits on-screen at a time. 8 Meepits must be fed to advance to the next level. You have 40 seconds to feed each Meepit.
    Level 7 - 3 Meepits on-screen at a time. 9 Meepits must be fed to advance to the next level. You have 30 seconds to feed each Meepit.
    Level 8 - 3 Meepits on-screen at a time. 10 Meepits must be fed to advance to the next level. You have 20 seconds to feed each Meepit.
    Level 9 - 3 Meepits on-screen at a time. 12 Meepits must be fed to advance to the next level. You have 10 seconds to feed each Meepit.
    Level 10 - 3 Meepits on-screen at a time. 15 Meepits must be fed to advance to defeat the game. You have 5 seconds to feed each Meepit.

    I just spent the last few hours working on that so far. Post any (preferably constructive ;-;) criticism you have. I can also add my level-by-level tips/suggestions upon request if anyone thinks that'd help them, though personally I think everyone needs to develop their own style for that.​
    gregoden52 likes this.
  2. Dreamerz

    Dreamerz Level III

    May 9, 2009
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    North America
    Oooo thank you didn't know about the bonus 50 points you get if all tubes are used ^^
  3. Rhett

    Rhett Level IV

    Dec 2, 2007
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    Good guide. Pretty in depth for you. :p joking. as for me, even with a guide, I still hate this game
  4. Anfan

    Anfan Level IV

    Feb 12, 2009
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    :( Way to insult me in my own thread!

    Well hey, at least you can still taunt me about Chia Bomber 2. :p And, I'm probably just being really special right now, but what coding do you use to link to an URL using different text than the URL itself? (In a forum signature here.)
  5. Rhett

    Rhett Level IV

    Dec 2, 2007
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    Haha, you better love me for my 1337 coding skillz.
    Code (Text):
    1. [color=#00BFFF]My Game Avatar Guides[/color]
    2. [url=http://www.neofriends.net/neopets-games-f79/meepit-juice-break-t26857.html] Meepit Juice Break[/url]