[GUIDE] Neopets / Neofriends Acronyms

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by Carrottt, May 13, 2011.

  1. Carrottt

    Carrottt Level I

    May 13, 2011
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    This guide is obviously no where near complete. If you know any abbreviations that you think I should add, or if you are confused about anything, please do not hesitate to post. I'll divide this into two sections: Neopets Abbreviations and Neofriends / Cheating abbreviations.

    Neopets Abbreviations


    VWN - Very Well Named
    WN - Well Named
    DN - Decently Named
    BN - Bad Named
    RW - Real Word
    RN - Real Name
    UC - Unconverted
    BD - Battledome
    HSD - Hit Points (HP) + Strength + Defense
    LE - Limited Edition
    UFT - Up For Trade
    UFA - Up For Adoption

    Trading onsite:

    NP/NPS - Neopoints
    k - Thousand (100k = 100,000)
    m/mil/kk - Million
    TP - Trading Post
    OTB - Offer To Beat
    OBO - Or Best Offer
    SW - Shop Wizard
    SSW - Super Shop Wizard
    RS/RSed - Restock
    HTS - Hard to Sell
    ETS - Easy to Sell
    MP - Morphing Potion
    TP - Transmogrification Potion
    PB - Paint Brush
    r - Rarity
    UB - Unbuyable
    GLS/GLB - Good Luck Selling / Buying
    HB - Haggle Back (make an offer)


    SuAP - Super Attack Pea
    MSPP - Malevolent Sentient Poogle Plushie(TCG)
    ITTPD - I Taunt The Pant Devil
    Adam - Number Six
    ZDAP - Zafara Double Agent Plushie
    FQD - Faerie Queen Doll
    BGC - Bony Grarrl Club (for the Grarrl Warrior avatar)
    MR - Mummy Ruki (Halloween Ruki with Mummy Baby petpet)
    OG - Orange Grundo
    WL - Werelupe (Halloween Lupe)
    FB - Fire Blumaroo
    IQ - Island Quiggle
    GL! - Good Luck!
    SL! - Safe Lending!

    Other Neopets Abbreviations:

    MP/Mpic - Mystery Pic
    LC - Lenny Conundrum
    TNT - The Neopets Team
    nm - Neomail
    BTY - Better Than You
    AAA - Almost Abandoned Attic
    SF - Space Faerie
    nq - Neoquest
    AC - Avatar Chat
    BD - Battle Dome
    BD Chat - Battle Dome Chat (NEVER BDC!!)
    BC - Beauty Contest
    HC - Help Chat
    PC - Pound Chat
    SDB - Safety Deposit Box
    FFQ - Fountain Faerie Quest
    NC - NeoCash
    SoS - Sword of Skardsen
    ACer - Someone that frequents the AC
    Av / Avie / Avvie - Avatar
    Collat - Collateral
    FTP - First to Post
    HPD - Half Price Day
    HT - Hidden Tower
    NST - Neopets Standard Time
    UN - Username
    AFC - Air Faerie Crown
    GoW - Grapes of Wrath
    PCC - Pirate Captains Cutlass
    SoL - Sword of Lameness
    WoDF - Wand of the Dark Faerie
    Istaff - Illusens Staff
    Jwand - Jhudoras Wand

    Neofriends/ Cheating Abbreviations

    NF - Neofriends
    AB - Autobuy
    HB - Highest Bid
    SSer - Score Sender
    ABer - Auto Buyer
    AFer - Auto Feeder
    Prog - Program
    AAer - Auto Adopter
    APer - Auto Player
    GM - Grease Monkey
    PM - Private Message
    VM - Visitor Message
    QS - Quicksell/Quicksale
    Rep - Reputation
    - Selling
    - Buying
    CGer - Cookie Grabber
    Shell - Empty Account
    FLP - Fake Login Page
    MM - Middle Man
    PC - Price Check

    Please help me find more abbreviations! I know there are tons more out there, but I can't think of any.

    Please post comments / questions :)
  2. Junior

    Junior Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 8, 2009
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    I come from a land down under! (Maaaate!)
    I knwo you copied this from another forum.. because you left the name in the post.

    I've edited your post so its not mentioned. If you're going to share your guides from other sites that's fine, as long as they're yours. And as long as you have no links to other cheating sites/names mentioned. I'm sure it was a mistake.. But wanted to bring to your attention so you're more careful.
  3. Carrottt

    Carrottt Level I

    May 13, 2011
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    Yes, This is my guide from another site. Sorry about that, I thought I edited out the name of the other site everywhere that it appeared. It won't happen again.