[GUIDE] NeoQuest I Boss-beating/stats Guide

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by Will, Apr 8, 2009.

  1. Will

    Will Level IV

    Mar 1, 2009
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    Here's a guide to beating all of the bosses in NQI. Thankfully there aren't nearly as many bosses in NQI as there are in NQII :) .. but you get worse prizes.

    So, without further ado, the bosses are displayed in logical chronological order: (ie. the order you should be fighting them). These are the bosses for normal difficulty, the only difference being that in Evil! and InSaNe difficulties, the last boss is Mastermind and Xantan Reborn respectively. On normal, the last boss is Jahbal.

    Also note that info on the bosses has been copied from IDNQ, the strategies/tips are my own, however.

    Xantan the Foul

    For reasons unknown to me, Xantan is actually quite difficult for some people.

    If you find yourself succumbing to him, level up and acquire potions in Xantan's lair.
    Skeleton guards can give you some very nice experience here, and they won't really hurt you badly.

    Absorption would be quite good in this battle: it could even save you from losing. This is the same, too, for most of the earlier fights in NQ. However, also note that, later on, this skill becomes almost useless.


    There are generally no issues with Kreai. He's a pretty weak boss.

    Essentially, if you were able to get to Kreai, you'll be able to beat him.

    He will either stun you, blast you for a little bit of damage (pretty unlikely), or miss (very likely).

    Gors the Mighty

    Gors has HEAPS of special abilities. He'll hit you with fire, ice, stun, poison AND heal himself!

    He's a bit of a weakling, but be pretty wary of your HP when fighting him, and also be wary of his poisoning ability. This is usually where I get beaten, you generally underestimate his abilities.

    That being said, you should be able to beat him with just a few healing potions. If you're not sure, always heal more - it can never hurt.

    Rollay Scaleback

    Okay, now a bit harder.

    Rollay is relatively tough for most people.

    He'll stun you for up to 3 rounds, which is really dangerous, and he'll heal for up to 54 damage (which can get quite annoying)

    Rollay Scaleback magically healed 45 damage!
    Rollay Scaleback stuns you for 2 rounds!
    Rollay Scaleback blasts you for 28 damage!

    He's quite a hard hitter, too, so it's advised that you have a fair amount of shock abilities, healing potions, and are over trained for this boss.

    Archmagus of Roo

    When you reach lvl 31, and when you have a full stock of healing potions, go fight Archmagus of Roo.

    He isn't too difficult, but this battle will take a LONG time. He'll continually heal himself back 80 HP, and hit you for 50 HP. Hence why you should have a lot of healing potions.

    He heals very often, so don't be surprised, if after many rounds, that he's back to full HP. He does that, and it annoys the crap out of all of us :)

    Just keep at it, keep healing, keep an eye on your HP, and you should prevail.

    Guardians of Magic
    NOTE: Other guardians are exactly the same, but with different special attacks.

    At level 40, you can take on the Guardian of Life Magic, who should be a pushover by now. No strategy necessary to win. After his demise, he'll drop the Moonstone Staff, the strongest Healing Weapon in the game. When equipped, you'll heal 4 HP every round of combat. You'll also randomly receive 45 HP from it in battle, and it tends to know when you need it.

    At lvl 40, take on the Guardian of Life Magic. They should be a pushover. There should be no strategy needed, just heal and hit.
    They'll drop the Moonstone Staff, which is fantastic. It's the strongest healing weapon in the game. When you have it equipped, it'll heal you 4 HP every round in combat, and it'll randomly heal you 45 HP in battle (at surprisingly convenient times, may I add).

    The final four guardians are even easier now that you have the staff. Good luck.


    You'll have the option to show Faleinn the Keladrian Medal and she'll be instantly defeated.

    Free 1500 experience is very nice here.


    Jahbal is horrible. He has every skill possible - fire, ice, disable, stun for three rounds, poison, healing, and shock.

    Be VERY wary of the poison. It'll hit you for an additional 50 HP of damage each round for a couple rounds. When you combine this 50 HP of damage with the shock, fire, or ice damage he'll couple it with, you're looking at 150 HP of damage. Per round.

    Now, when you combine this damage with his stun ability, it's even worse. That'll generally mean you're dead.

    However, remember that you can use the URL of healing potions to heal while you're stunned. Keep this in mind, and you'll be able to avoid death :) TNT don't track that kind of thing, so I'd say it's fine to do it on any account you're willing to use, but please inform me if anything happens - which I'm doubtful it will.

    If you chose to get the absorption skill, it isn't wise to take a turn to use it, since Jahbal's attacks are most magical. Especially since it isn't very successful to begin with in this battle.

    Keep at it, though, use your potions wisely, and sparingly to an extent.. don't leave yourself vulnerable, but don't overheal, and you should have him.

    Stats you should be aiming to get at lvl 50: (these are the stats I've used each time I've beaten it, and I've found them the most useful - and that's on InSaNe.. so on Normal it'll be even better)

    So that's pretty much all you'll need.

    Good luck, and if you're sick of training, download a trainer so you only need to do the boss battles and traveling ;D
    ^That one springs to mind, I haven't tested it though.

    Zer0 likes this.
  2. Arkley

    Arkley Level III

    Mar 19, 2009
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    Another great guide, Will. How d'you find time to do anything else?
  3. Will

    Will Level IV

    Mar 1, 2009
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    And my car's at the shop :p