[GUIDE] {Overcloking your pc to improve buying speeds}

Discussion in 'Computers and Technology' started by Rice, May 11, 2008.

  1. Rice

    Rice Level III

    May 10, 2007
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    Ok this is just a basic over clocking guide im not going to go into uber amounts of detail as this stuff is complicated.

    Disclamer: I take no responsibilities for what happens to your Comp you do this at your own risk

    Things you should know before you start.

    * How to enter your pc's BIOS
    * How to clear your CMOS
    * Your RAM speed
    * Your Cpu speed

    Programs you need.(just search for them in google)

    * Prime95 (For stress Testing)
    * Cpuz (to find out your RAM and CPU speed)
    * Core Temp

    First of all launch cpuz and core temp and minimise core temp to your task bar
    In cpuz check your FSB Speed and CPU speed.

    In mine my CPU speed is 2.33Ghz and my FSB is 333Mhz

    What this means is if you times the FSB by the multiplier you get the cpu speed.
    So i have a 7 times multiplier with a fsb of 333mhz which gives me a 2.33Ghz CPU speed.

    So all we have to do is increase the FSB and our CPU speed will increase, The bad part is our CPU will also have signaficant heat gains and could become instable. This is why it is best to only do a small overclock unless you have a well cooled pc with a good CPU Cooler.
    There are other factors aswell to help keep your system stable and make it bootable such as overvolting the cpu, ram and northbridge.

    The Guide

    Restart your PC and enter the BIOS(normally by pressing F10 or Del during the post screen) Once in the Bios there will be several menus (all Mobos are Diffrent) Mine says M.I.T in this menu i can up the FSB Mhz of my pc. But be warned you will need to up the voltage to your RAM and increase the CPU voltage other wise your system wont boot, if this happens you will need to open your pc and take the battery out of the Motherboard for around 15 Secs.

    Most Ram runs at about 2.1v for ddr2 and as my mobo gives it 1.8v at stock i need to give it a +0.3v increase in ram. As for the cpu stock is around 1.35v so id keep it between 1.3v and 1.45v.

    I ran mine to 2.97ghz with only a 0.2 voltage increase over stock and my pc got alot hotter but it was still stable. just rember dont shoot the voltage sky high or youl be in trouble.
    (Currently managed to get it at 3.3Ghz with stock voltage)

    Once youve done this reboot your pc and run core temp and cpuz keep an eye on your temps and dont let them get above 60 C under full load.

    to test your pcs full load temps run prime95's Torture test and watch cpuz it should show an increase in CPU speed when prime 95 is running as your pc is at full load and when you close prime95 and let your pc idle its temp should drop.

    Mine sits at 3.36ghz with temps of 25C at idle and full load temps of 32C
    But im using watercooling youl get no where nar that with air cooling.

    This guide is just a simple overclocking guide if you want to know more then google it
    Feel free to PM me with any questions
  2. Billy

    Billy Level IV

    Feb 21, 2007
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    Note: This is ABSOLUTELY at your own risk and you CAN damage computer components without the proper cooling. This also WILL make your computer parts wear faster.
  3. pratham

    pratham Newbie

    Aug 6, 2008
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    And how does this increase he autobuyer speed? *sigh*

    If its an autobuyer, you can decrease the delay between checks.

    If its for the browser (greasemonkey script), a P-III is fast enough...

    Under both the cases the internet connection is the one that affects the autobuying speeds...
  4. II_warlord_II

    II_warlord_II Level III

    Aug 13, 2008
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    yes, im confuse...
    speed of computer doesnt really have much to do
    except you got like 6years old computer or older