[Guide] Scheduled computer shutdown (great for abing)

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by Rundownandy, Jul 19, 2010.

  1. Rundownandy

    Rundownandy Level IV

    Feb 20, 2007
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    For those of you that want to ab for 2-3 hours and leave your computer, this might help you.
    I’m lazy and like to run programs for maybe a few hours when I’m sleeping or away doing something else.
    In order to do this, I have my computer shutoff/put itself on standby so my account can take breaks from abing.
    I shall show you how to do just that with this guide for windows, with a very simple program. :D

    The way to do this is with a program called AMP WinOFF .
    It’s a freeware program for windows. (its free) lol
    You can download it here:

    After you install it, it is very easy to figure out.
    Step 1:
    Under the shutdown programming tab, click the enable button under “shut down system at”.
    Step: 2:
    In the same box, now enter the time you would like the computer to shutdown/hibernate.
    Step 3:
    Click the activate button above it.

    A green box will show up in the right corner of your screen to indicate it is activated and the time/action it will shutdown:

    That's it, that's all you have to do... It’s that simple. :p

    If you would rather set the computer to hibernate so you can check your logs to see what items you have gotten, you can do that under the shutdown programming tab under the “shut down mode” box.

    Another really cool feature this program has the ability to do is take a screenshot of the open programs before it shuts off:

    If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
  2. odieboy

    odieboy Level II

    Jun 27, 2010
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    I just use the Windows 7 function to sleep after a certain time, usually the max time I need to SS or a reasonable time for me on ABing.

    Still, if you have a shitty ABer that doesn't stop when your RS banned, don't leave it on.

    Moral of the story: get a good ABer.
  3. Rundownandy

    Rundownandy Level IV

    Feb 20, 2007
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    Yea, I know that is the moral of the story. lol, however if you are rsing in the igloo or the AAA, sometimes you wont RS enough profitable stuff to get banned in a 6 hour time frame.
  4. Rundownandy

    Rundownandy Level IV

    Feb 20, 2007
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    No problem. I figured at least a few would find this useful--especially since it looks really suspicious when you ab for 5+ hours straight. lol