Okay I just found something out when playing sheenku warrior and it kinda helps. I don't know whether its my computer or connection cause both of mine is pretty decent so I hope this works for everyone. I just stumbled across it and this is a very short guide. Step 1: Open sheenku warrior. Step 2: Just play until a level which you cannot pass. Step 3: Open another game which takes a long time to load/ very high specs. (i opened goparokko-the new game) Step 4: You will notice a pinch of lag in sheenku warrior, therefore allowing you to coordinate your direction but you have to be very patient as the game speed is probably reduced by 1/2 (SoC - Mod edit: Rep is no longer availabile on the new forum, so please dont request it)
This did not work for me. I think my internet connection might be too fast for this trick I am using cable internet.
Do the later levels get faster or something? I thought it would be the same speed.. it's not really that hard of a game, is it? I only played up to 1200 at most and then quit because i was bored