[GUIDE: Smart Weekend Autobuying!!] {2-5 million weekly!}

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by Adam, May 10, 2008.

  1. Adam

    Adam Level III

    Aug 14, 2007
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    ok, well its taken about 30 icings, 40million np worth of lost items and a lot of frustration to gain enough experience Abing to make this guide. Heres the 8 step plan:

    1) Acquire abershells: These accounts should be SHELLS (3month+) And most importantly: MADE ON DIFFERENT IPS AND EMAILS. You should get 2-3 to start off with.

    2) Log accounts, IPs and all information: Ok, create a word document listing the shell accounts once they are bought, but only log into them with a proxy if you want to check validity of the PW etc, otherwise, just let them sit. Make sure that any side account u make is logged, you give a description of the accounts info, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, the IP it is connected to: for instance( if it was made at school, or a friends house make note of that) ALSO, make sure to NEVER log into you shells or your sides while using the same connection as these accounts,....... in Step 4 youll learn how and where to make these sides and more information on them and their importance.

    3) Establish a *main*(important)- a *main* is not actually your main, it is a faux main to throw of TNT if they ever catch on to your trail... Yes it will have neopoints on it, but unlike the typical system where people transfer all ther abed crap to the main that they play on most and would hate to lose, the *main* (faux main) works much differently. in step 4 ill explain the road system of Abed items, but you must know now that the *main* is a branch off the 2nd resting place(this will make sense later), and should be on an easy to access IP, but NOT your home or most used IP. To give an example of a *main* account will be the one I have in this system, which i created 29 days ago, and has 62 ring of sloth stamps (3million) and about another 2million in stamps and pure. It looks all pretty and crap... Like a main..

    4) The item road or travel guide- Welllll ok so now things will start coming together: You should have about 2-3 abershells resting in cyberspace, not opened on any of ur IP checkpoints, At this point, people with 2 IPs in ther house have a massive advantage: you will need to AB all weekend on one of your shells, but a very important thing is making sure that no other accounts EVER touch the IP that youve been using for abing. Your *main* account should be the account you most play on, so you might want this account at home, but it can NEVER overlap with ur Abing IP, therfore this might cause a problem for you chronic players who dont have access to good proxies or 2 IPs. Ok so back to it, start Abing around 7 NST and strategically AB a gross amount over the weekend, (by strategically i mean so that u wont get RS banned)...Pick places like battle magic, magic, stamp, coin, etc places ud normally fear. Now once you have finished Abing (should be at least 5 hrs before 10am NST on monday), you need to transfer to your TEMPORARY side(not a shell), this side can be on a proxy or another IP/ watever.. Once it is in your temporary and you have erased all the lines connecting the accounts (try not to make any in the firstplace) SELF FREEZE the heck out of that doomed to icage aber shell.. Now we ur done, and we fastforward to the middle of the week. Wenever u get time(best if its later in the week, like wed or thur), take all the abed loot from your TEMPORARY side and send some of it to your *main* and the rest of it to a final side, your safekeeping/investments side. which is obviously on a different Ip from any of these other accounts. so basically u have a chart like this:
    ==> Investment/holding side
    AB SHELL used from friday to sunday night => Temporary side ==
    ==> *main*

    5) final pointers- Try to have ZERO association between any of the accounts and dont make NFs between the accts. I know it might pain you to self ice a 4mnth+ shell, but if youve done this right, you should have made at least 5 times the value of the account itself so do the right thing and ice it. It is possible that leaving the account and seeing if it possibly survives will not result in an icing, but ive never taken that risk cuz i play this game smart and dont wanna leave any loose ends untied. Last but not least, the basis of this guide is to ice shells and sides that have been used... So this means occasionally self icing your temporary, and maybe even establishing a 2nd temporary to store the items to cool off like I do, but i see this as just an extra precaution. Self icing heavily used sides I see as a wise move because it completely throws TNT off the trail. Below I clearly explain specifically what ive been doing.

    wat I do: Ok so i am lucky enuf to have wireless myself, and 2 neighbors with wireless. I have a currently have 4 abershells stocked up, 2 of which i havent even tried to open yet. I have a *main* on my houses IP which is worth about 5 million and looks like an actualy main to TNT. I use my Left side neighbors internet to AB all weekend in the shell, Then I use the TP to transfer to my TEMPORARY side, which is on my right neighbors IP. Immediately after that I self Ice the Aber shell. I tend to be a extra careful, so as I said earlier I have a 2nd temporary acct set up at school ( I go to a laptop school )... I always have 3-4 junk trades on that 2ndtemp.. So i gradually send some of the Abed items to my 2ndtemp from where they sit in my 1st temp... I accept the items at school and then send extremely valueable items to my investment/final side, and a few of the less valuable items to my *main*. This all seems very involved in typed out, but actually, its only a few minutes every day or so to get it done. After successfully pulling this off with not a single casualty for a whole month, I can safely say that I have finally found a way that works for me, and could work for anyone else who is sure to be careful enough to keep track of all of his accounts on a word document and is sure not to slip up and sign in on a wrong account. Good luck to anyone who tries out this guide, and lately Ive had lotsa free time so I'll be here for help and question answering. Feel free to add pointers on how to transfer to my guide cuz i still feel that i am an inferior transferer :D ...

    Ill add one more thing, GOOD SETTINGS, for no RS ban: Ok so ive tested this in stamp and magic, and Abed for over 12 hrs w/o RS ban, ok, X=13 ... when less than X, 3-4 seconds, and when more than X, 4-8 seconds.

    -Remember, smart weekend abing is the safest unlegit way to millions :yup: fast and easy I hope you liked my guide!
    BobaFett, Rice, xxlypse and 5 others like this.
  2. Istoph_domo

    Istoph_domo Level I

    May 11, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Ah, thank you for creating this guide. I had many questions on the specifics of how weekend ABing worked and you managed to answer all of them with your guide.

  3. Xizavo

    Xizavo Level III

    Sep 23, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Am + repping you
    (Yay at new feature) LOL

    BTW, do you reckon you could provide some good proxy sites? :)
    Just a suggestion
  4. Kadam

    Kadam Level II

    Dec 15, 2006
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    Nice guide, I hope following this will earn me some $$$
  5. Adam

    Adam Level III

    Aug 14, 2007
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    Cool!!! Thanks for +rep!! lol, umm i almost always use http://www.samair.ru/proxy/ and just try all the anonymous proxies until I find one that works... If I find a good one with like 100% uptime tho, Ill post it into here.
    stealer of x's and dreamlorde like this.
  6. dreamlorde

    dreamlorde Level III

    Feb 17, 2007
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    Once you've iced the shell(s)... what's the chance it will be safe to create new shells on the same [shell account] ip for future use?
  7. fail

    fail Level IV

    Aug 31, 2007
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    I would say it depends on the items that you ABed...
  8. neiiin

    neiiin Level II

    May 28, 2008
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    which autobuyer do you recommend?
  9. Escobar

    Escobar Level II

    May 29, 2008
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    Save up for a ABer and try this out looks really good
  10. sebzanga

    sebzanga Level III

    May 27, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Very Good guide... I will read this later :), +rep for you ;)
  11. Dark

    Dark Level IV

    May 29, 2008
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  12. Zer0

    Zer0 Level IV

    Mar 2, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Home sweet home
    I remember you saying somewhere about getting quality items vs quantity. I'm wondering what is your buy/# shop restock ratio. There have been 7 stamp shop restocks, and only 1 buy so far (I'm using a 30k+ profit list).
  13. Ak*

    Ak* Level IV

    Dec 24, 2007
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    Canada Eh!
    great guide but im too lazy to do it lol...
  14. Adam

    Adam Level III

    Aug 14, 2007
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    I use 1 million + lists that sometimes wont pick up a buy ALL day... Today I had 67 restocks and 1 failed buy. So you have to be patient. but wen u do hit an item, it can be worth up to 40 million, and yes, my list/method has picked up a 40 million stamp. If you want the list, we'll have to discuss in private :tehe:
  15. Zer0

    Zer0 Level IV

    Mar 2, 2008
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    Home sweet home
    You can AB all day w/o getting RS banned? O__O
    Or do you simply multi-account? What refresh rates are you using?

    +rep for the good guide :)
  16. Adam

    Adam Level III

    Aug 14, 2007
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    You can ab using these stats in stamp/magic all day and no RS ban.
    X=13.. when when less than X, 3-4seconds, and when when more than X, 4-8 seconds.

    I think this guide needs STICKY :maha: :maha: :maha:
  17. Zer0

    Zer0 Level IV

    Mar 2, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Home sweet home
    Wow, I get RS ban in a few hrs w/ 4-6 RF rate. I'll try that setting and see what I can turn up :)
    And I agree, this should be stickied. Also, some of the older guides need to be updated/rewritten/unstickied.
  18. Adam

    Adam Level III

    Aug 14, 2007
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    Yup, as long as you make sure ur X = 13, im pretty sure ur almost unRSbannable in Magic or Stamps! If any1 would want me to, id be glad to go thru the guides and weed out the outdated/should be unstickied guides, so if ur a mod, just let me know and ill get on that!
  19. xxlypse

    xxlypse Level I

    May 31, 2008
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    This guide is really good - even comprehensible for a newbie to ABing. :)

  20. kingboo1234

    kingboo1234 Newbie

    May 27, 2008
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    Good guide ^^