[Guide] Some hints, info and tips for Key Quest!

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by wutwutinthebutt, Apr 15, 2009.

  1. wutwutinthebutt

    Apr 14, 2009
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    Note : I KNOW there is already a strategy guide about Key Quest, but this is just to help, and it's just some things you can do to make yourself a better player!

    Alrighty guys, so your having trouble in Key Quest? No problem! This guide will help you be successful and have fun, but most of all, make nps!

    Enough of that, let's get started!

    Let's start with some Questions and answers.

    -Why play Key Quest?
    Well, Keyquest is surprisingly fun, you can win neopoints, paintbrushes, etc., and maybe even meet some cool neofriends!

    -What exactly IS Key Quest?
    Key Quest is a game, listed under the "Games" tab on the Neopets "tool bar" thing. It's basically an online board game, where you get to play against other players. Theres games you can join, [usually 5 keys you have to collect per game, but there can be less] and whoever gets all 5 keys and gets through the Door first wins a VERY good prize! Of course, there are consolation prizes, don't worry if you come in second, you won't get as much as you would if you came in first, but it's still worth it!

    -What keys should I aim for?
    Well, Gold IS the best, but if you are having trouble getting 10 gold keys a day, you can settle for the second best!

    -What are the best games to join?
    That one's all up to you! It's your preference! Most people prefer 2 player games with 5 keys, because lots of people in one game takes to long!

    Now, let's move on to the final part, the Hints and Tips section!

    -Always consider your opponent's power-ups! I can't stress how important this is!
    If your opponent is sneaky, they will get you at the last second with a power-up! Always take into consideration what or how your opponents power-ups will affect you and try to reverse it! If your oppent has all the keys but gold, and you have the gold key, and he has one of the key-switching power-ups, its obvious he's planning to steal your gold key! Best solution, is, get Tornado Ring to switch his power-ups, or get a back-up gold key!

    Save your Power-Ups!
    You definitely don't want to waste them! Keep your power-ups until you really need them, think ahead! Unless, of course, they are something like a Duel power-up or anything like that!

    Think Ahead!
    As soon as I start playing, I plan my board right away, where I go, what I'll do, and if I get power-ups which ones I will need and which ones I don't! This is an important factor to playing!

    Never, ever leave a game if you are about to lose!
    This is VERY important, I can't even remember how many times this has happened to me. Each time I'm about to win, the person leaves because they don't wanna lose. IT IS SO ANNOYING! Also, if you leave, it gives the other person ideas to leave if they are gonna lose, which carries on, etc. And then soon all of Neopia will be leaving at the final moments of Key Quest, which means no winners!

    This is all I have for now, I will add some more as soon as I think of more.
    If anyone has any more info they would like me to add, I will put it in and add you to credits!
  2. andres32323

    andres32323 Newbie

    Apr 9, 2009
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    cool guide it really helped me
  3. eline14

    eline14 Newbie

    May 6, 2009
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    Do you also have tips for reducing the lag if your playing this game?
  4. daFalco

    daFalco Level III

    Apr 19, 2009
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    Good luck on that - I heard people with very good computers still experience lag.
  5. John

    John Level IV

    May 4, 2009
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    Not telling because you'll just be jealous psshh..
    I don't get why people leave. You'll still get a prize for getting Silver, and some of the time it could be better than the worthless junk you sometimes get from a Gold Key.
    Oh xD But this is an awesome guide :)
  6. kikepiplup

    kikepiplup Newbie

    May 7, 2009
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    i heard you can get paintbrushes sometimes, is that true?
  7. John

    John Level IV

    May 4, 2009
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    Not telling because you'll just be jealous psshh..
    Yes. It is true. Hence some of the Paint Brushes deflating rapidly.
  8. ry_thebasketballguy

    May 14, 2009
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    oh cool
    whenever i play it always ends unusually
    what is the best paint brush someone has got?
  9. Crashb861

    Crashb861 Newbie

    May 18, 2009
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    a long time ago i got to play a game on neopets with like an artifact station is that key quest? i was six years old soo ididnt kn ow what to do... plz help me!