[Guide] Stock Market Avatar & Money Making Guide

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by synthetic, Dec 16, 2009.

  1. synthetic

    synthetic Level III

    Aug 4, 2009
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    Synthetic's Guide To The Stock Market

    - have spare np just lying in the bank collecting dust?
    - have some patience?

    Thats all you need to succeed at the stock market, but even if you don't have patience, the avatar doesn't take that long either.

    The Basics
    Here are just some basic tips to follow if your planning to make money:
    - always buy at 15 (the lowest you can buy stocks at). This way you can never really ever lose money
    - when buying, always buy 1000 shares at a time
    - if desperate for np, sell at 30-40 if not sell at 60-80+
    - the more stocks you have in one ticker, the more you can make at once (thus I try to continuously buy the same ticker if it is always at 15)
    - companies can go bankrupt but it is very unlikely

    The Avatar
    - to get the avatar, the total paid value must be greater than 1 000 000 NPS:


    - if you are patient, getting the avatar will take a maximum of 67 days (or roughly 2 months and a week) (assuming you buy 1000 shares a day @ 15 value)
    - but if you have no patience and just want the avatar, you can do the following: buy 1000 shares a day of the highest valued ticker available. say TAG (for example) is worth 100 and you buy 1000 shares (100 x 1000 = 100 000 NPS) and thus will take about 10 days to get the avatar opposed to 67. (the only problem with this is that you may lose money)

    In-Depth Buying
    When buying, check this list: (companies near the bottom will be valued at 15)
    http://www.neopets.com/stockmarket.phtm ... rgain=true
    You will want to buy any company that has a "Curr" value of 15 (curr stands for CURRENT value; the "Open" value is what the ticker opened at in the beginning of the day; the "Volume" value is how many people are currently invested in that company-usually companies at 15 will have high volumes) and again, always buy 1000 shares a day (the max)

    In-Depth Selling
    - when selling, never sell at a loss, it usually doesn't take too long for a loss to turn into a gain, so just don't bother selling at a loss
    - when selling you can sell all your shares at once, or you can sell a certain amount and keep the other amount invested to see if you can get some more value out of the ticker


    The arrow on the top right opens up the 'sell' option. Again, sell around 30-40 if your desperate, but 60-80+ if your not.

    In-Depth Investment Money Making Strategies

    SHORT TERM (quick cash), for those with 200-300k to spare:
    - invest cautiously, always buy 1000 @ 15
    - wait for an increase of 85%+ overall in investments, then sell

    MID TERM, for those with 300-900k to spare:
    - try to invest 1000 shares a day, always buy 1000 @ 15-16
    - attempt to invest most in a few companies (ex. pick a few and just invest in those until you have about 15 000 shares of each)
    - wait for an increase of 300%+ overall in investments, then sell

    LONG TERM, for those with 900k+ to spare:
    - invest 1000 shares a day, always buy 1000 @ 15
    - invest 15 000 - 25 000 shares in a few companies; try investing 30 000 in one company
    - wait for an increase of 500%+ overall in investments, then sell (or sell some at 300% increase, keep rest and wait for higher)

    LONG TERM + EXPERT INVESTOR, with millions and time to spare :
    - create a spreadsheet of the daily progress of companies, throughout time you may notice trends
    - later you can base your investment on visible trends in value
    - risky, but might be worth it

    Hope this helps, PM me if you have any questions. Check out my other guides; and please don't steal this guide, it was all written by me.
    good luck!​
    LightTiger, Richy and Freja like this.
  2. Richy

    Richy Level IV

    Jul 2, 2007
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    I like the guide, well formatted ^^
    you still have a few spelling errors, such as 'buy' being spelt wrong here:
    (the lowest you can by stocks at)
    (thus I try to continuously by the same ticker if it is always at 15)

    You *may* consider capitalizing in the proper places, but that's a preference thing
    You *may* consider changing the name simply to [Guide] Neopet's Stock Market
  3. synthetic

    synthetic Level III

    Aug 4, 2009
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    alright, I checked what you said. Fixed any errors I found, tell me if you find anymore.
    oh and check out my other guide too.. since nobody has even replied to it yet
  4. Richy

    Richy Level IV

    Jul 2, 2007
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    it may be a quality guide (looks like it from when I skimmed), but just not useful tbh.
    no avvie, and only up to 10k per day (3k next year)

    if someone is trying to get the trophy legit, it would be useful. But with so many trophies out there, chances are slim the guide would be much use :\
  5. Freja

    Freja Level IV

    Sep 20, 2008
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    I actually found it very helpful, Im never at the stockmarket - and this answered some of my questions :)
  6. ceneret0023

    ceneret0023 Level III

    Jun 10, 2007
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    under a rock
    really nice guide but you forgot to mention that a stock can go bankrupt, although it's pretty rare it does happen, thats why i don't usually get more than 10-15k shares in one stock, it will still net you a decent profit if you sit on them long enough but you also won't lose too much money if on the off chance you're ticker does go bankrupt. Also it'd be nice if you can give a couple of strategies like long-term/short-term which i see in there but maybe put how much capital you should probably have like proabably 200-500k sell at 30-40 np per share, this doesn't take very long to turn a profit and allows you to buy 1000 shares per day without losing all your money, 500-700k sell at 60-70 a share, this nets you more profit and takes longer but since you have more capital you can wait longer before you have to sell to get more money to buy more shares, and 700k+ let your dreams fly, you have enough money to hold out for 45+ days buying 1000 shares at 15 NP a share you will most likely be able to turn much larger profits than short/mid term investors but you have to be a little bit more careful with how much you invest in the stock market if you plan on buying anything in the near future and if you don't want to run completely out of money so you can buy more stock. Overall a very nice guide for a seemingly simple yet complex form of money making on neo :)

    EDIT: there's another strategy that i just remembered but never use lol, if you keep meticulous notes on all the stocks in neopia(which if you plan on being a decent investor you probably need to learn to make a spreadsheet either in excel or by hand) then you can wait for a stock to go up to 60-70 and wait for it to fall back down and then buy with high hopes that the falling trend is just a phase and it will bounce back even higher to 100+ which will net you a decent 30-40 np per share profit, this strategy is very risky though and requires ridiculous amounts of time spent monitoring the stock market so i personally don't care for it and don't recommend it.

    Lol wow i should've written my own stock market guide i didn't realise i would be able to put all that into writing or even pull that from the dark reaches of my brain xD
    synthetic and Freja like this.
  7. synthetic

    synthetic Level III

    Aug 4, 2009
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    yeah, thanks for this tips. added strategies in.

    keep the feedback coming!
  8. ceneret0023

    ceneret0023 Level III

    Jun 10, 2007
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    under a rock
    lol love the summaries you made of my long winded explanations, you have some 1337 summarizing skills xD and if i think of anything else to add i'll post :) i've definitely spent a good amount of time with the stock market and if i make money legit i always go with the stock market just because it's so much less work/tediousness than rsing or playing games for hours on end.
  9. masteraty

    masteraty Newbie

    Dec 5, 2009
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    Pretty nice guide for me =).. Now im making a New Main account this help me alot
  10. synthetic

    synthetic Level III

    Aug 4, 2009
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    thanks for your help ceneret
    and thanks for the feedback