[GUIDE] Take the headache out of creating extra accounts

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by officegirl, Apr 15, 2008.

  1. officegirl

    officegirl Level I

    Apr 11, 2008
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    The biggest headache, I've found, in creating shell (or mule) accounts is to actually go through the schlep of creating and verifying an email addy...

    Well, I've found an answer to that!

    There are two services I like to use:
    Sneakemail: http://www.sneakemail.com
    Bigfoot: http://www.bigfoot.com

    These are email forwarding services (Free, of course :roll:). What they do is create a random email addy that goes to their server, which they then forward immediately to your main (or side, of course) specified email account.

    Today, I created 5 accounts using sneakemail, and all of their verifications came to my semi-main side email account almost instantly! I can attest to the fact that it also works for the "change email" function... so basically any email need on neopets (or any other games, like Gaia or whatever).

    I must say, I'm very, very impressed. This has taken a LOT of the work out of creating shells!

    Of course, and this is IMPORTANT: if you don't have a dynamic IP, I'd suggest you use some kind of proxy or IP changer to sign up and sign into your extra accounts! Luckily I have dynamic IP, which is a pain in the bee-hind if you want to run a server, but for Neopets and the like it works like a charm.

    Please let me know what you think via PM!
  2. Phee

    Phee Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 18, 2007
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    Another option is disposable emails, which work similarly but do not require you to use your own email address; instead it creates an account for you instantly and sometimes close after x time. Check my sig for the lin kto my guide with a list of updated ones which work on Neopets. :)
  3. officegirl

    officegirl Level I

    Apr 11, 2008
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    I agree that the disposable email can be great, but the problem I've found is that once I lost my master accounts list with all usernames and info. (I know, what a dork, right? :arf:) I had to use the emails (which are on a different document) to get access to the accounts again... and this won't work if you're using a disposable.

    This way, no matter what, you'll always receive the emails from TNT. :lol:
  4. Phee

    Phee Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 18, 2007
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    That's true, I just don't like having Neo-anything connected with my real email.

    I keep a txt file with the user, pw, birthday, and email of every account I make. :)
  5. vorak

    vorak Level I

    Apr 2, 2008
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