[GUIDE] To pound surfing, tranfsering, and trading pets.

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by Heya_old, Jun 7, 2008.

  1. Heya_old

    Heya_old Level IV

    Mar 31, 2008
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    Welcome to this guide on how pound surf, transfer pets, and trading pets. This should help you avoid scams, and find good people to trade with, along with the info about pound surfing and the transfer of the pets.

    So when you go to the pound, it'll look like this

    This is where you adopt neopets. Click on the neopet and hit the green 'adopt' button on the bottom to adopt. Neopets cost more moeny based on their level. Your account must be 4 months+ to adopt. To determine the price, Use this formula: (Attack + Defence + Movement + 60) x Level

    This is where you transfer pets. Its the new option to the pound that was recently added when it opened back up. At this time, it works as you can only send 1 pet per month, and receive 1 pet per month. The rule was updated about a mon th after it opened that hte same pet can be received and sent the next day instead of the next month, as long as you still have your send for that month (error message said that neopet didn't fell like being transfered) Transfer is also the only way to keep the cloths on the pet, the Paint Brush cloths, that is. Other wise, they just come right off and stay on your account. You also must be 4 months+ to use this feature.

    This is where you put the pet into the pound. The pet your placing in the pound must be 7 days old+. You can also only abandon 1 pet per day. To abandon, enter your pin (if you have one) and click the button 4 times. On the 4th time, it will go into the pound.

    Pound Surfing
    Pound surfing is clicking the 'view more neopets' button over and over until you find something you like. it can take a while, but theres times when it tends to be more common. I have traded wit people via pound and seen people abandon through the pound, and it always is on a minute. rarely is it ever on anything else. Also, likes like 10, 20, 30, and so on happen to be bigger times. I would of thought people would of learned this by now, but they haven't, and still do. Pound surfing is risky, but can pay off. There is almost always a Pound Surf board 'Neopian Pound' board.

    Trading Pets
    To trade pets, hang around the 'Neopian Pound' board. Wait until you find an offer you like on the pet you want to trade, and then, its on to the though part. Now, you need to determine wether this is a scam or not. Look into the account, and see if they have any high numbers in any thing. Talk to them some, get to know them, and make sure you trust them, other wise you will get scammed. Also, try to go first, as they can't scam you that way. Now, you'll need to focus on the transferiing of the pets.

    Transfer pets can be a secure or risky thing. Make sure you do know the person well enough that they won't scam you, and try to get a transfer. Now, heres how the rest should work. To transfer, you'll need to determine if either or both of your pets have cloths from the PB. If not, then this is real easy. But if they have close, you'll need to use a transfer as that is the only way you'll get the cloths (other wise, they just stay with original owner). If your transfering, its as simple as clicking a button and no risk, but... You'll both need to have one for that month, and that most times won't be the case. That'll mean you'll need to wait until the next month to go through with the trade. With using the pound to trade pets, make sure its at 39, or 37, or something like that, an odd number, its a bit more random. Night time is better. The closer to mid-night (neopets time) you can get it to be, the better, as there's less people on, so less chance of someone grabbing it. Good luck with the transfer, and i hope this helped you :)

    UPDATE: There is a new Greasemonkey script that allows you to use a Quick Adopt Link. Its much faster then anyone can get the pet, so you will PWN everyone, much like i do :) I've been using it for weeks constently, to test and see if i can get frozen, and nothing. I'd say its pretty safe. Heres the link: http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/25827

    NOTE: This guide was written by me for use of Neofriends.net only. Any use of information from this guide without my permisstion will result in a life time worth of flaming :D

    If there are any mistakes or errors in this guide, please post them on this topic, and i will fix it ASAP
    masalaking likes this.
  2. fail

    fail Level IV

    Aug 31, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Awesome Guide, You Submitted It Before I Finished mine.
  3. Asphodan

    Asphodan Level III

    Apr 19, 2008
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    Is there no QAL any longer? I know there must be one, but have we figured it out yet?
  4. Rundownandy

    Rundownandy Level IV

    Feb 20, 2007
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    You should include the colors that people under 4 months can see. (if its under 4 months)
  5. Heya_old

    Heya_old Level IV

    Mar 31, 2008
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    nope, no more QAL. Or at least no one has figured it out.

    Rundownandy, i'll look into it, and put them there. Thanks for the suggestion :)
  6. Phee

    Phee Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 18, 2007
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    A little wordy but pretty thorough.

    +15 cash:)
  7. DeNo

    DeNo Level III

    May 4, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Wow thanks, that was a pretty useful guide for a gray area.
  8. Kurapica

    Kurapica Level I

    Aug 9, 2008
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    La Union
    Thanks the guide it`s very good
  9. masalaking

    masalaking Level II

    Jul 19, 2007
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    Nice guide and even better SCRIPT. :D Thanks a lot!!