Guide to Pounding/pound trading/adopting...

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by Freya, Jun 13, 2009.

  1. Freya

    Freya Level III

    May 18, 2009
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    Pounding Knowlege

    Well so I'm kind of on a guide spree today :), and I'm not really sure if this guide is needed or if it is just all common knowledge.
    I assume that everyone knows what the pound is, but just in case... Here you can abandon your pets, adopt pets or tranfer pets. This
    guide will go a little in-depth about abandoning and adopting pets, as well as pound-trading.

    Adopting pets

    Now you have gotten to the pound, and selected the adopt part, you should come to something like this:


    If you see a pet you like... adopting is easy, just select the pet and click adopt, hit ok and the pet is yours.
    Unfortunatly there aresome limits:

    Adoption Fee:
    The adoption fee is always calculated out of the pets stats
    You can calculate the adption fee for any pet here but let's just say having 10k on your hand makes sense as long as you don't expect some high statted battle dome pet to turn up.

    There are also limits for accounts which are younger than 4 months:

    Blue, Brown, Checkered, Glowing, Green, Invisible, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, Shadow, Skunk, Silver, Speckled, Split, White, Yellow

    You may also adopt level 1 and 2 pets only.
    If your account is 4 Months old you can adopt everything :)

    Clothing/Special Pets:
    There are two pets which are affekted by the pound... You can't pound or transfer Lutaris, as they wil simply run away and you can't pound ice boris (you can transfer them though), they will turn into a basic blue bori.
    Also there are rules about clothing... If you pound a pet whichever clothing it wear will be sent to your inventory, if transferring a pet whichever clothing it is wearing will
    also be transferred to the new owner. There are special rules about NC mall items, untradabels and deluxe clothing (clothing gotten from a paintbrush, like royal clothing) though.
    Untradabels can't be traded over the pound, they'll go to your inventory... Deluxe clothing will remain in your inventory if the pet is pounded, if you transfer it though,the
    clothing will be transferred, no matter if the pet is wearing it or not. (If you just want to keep your clothes you can pound the pet or paint it differently.)

    If you have a Petpet attached, the Petpet will be transferred, if this Petpet is untradable you can't pound/transfer it.

    Adoption/Pounding limits:
    You can adopt as often as you want, but you can only pound once a day.

    This is something done quite often on NF, if you don't want to transfer a pet you can pund it and the person you want it to have can adopt it. It's always a risk, since you never
    know if someone else is going to get it. But out of 5 pound trades I haven't ost a pet so far.

    and some Random Knowlege:
    If you pound your Pet, his lookup and Petpage will vanish,
    but if you trade your Pet, the lookup will stay (and if you trade for another pet,
    the most time (not everytime) the Petpage will still exist.

    How to adopt a great Pet!

    Well, as for know there is only one program that can help you (Pankirks AAer didn't work for me), this is Tharoux Auto Adopter which adopts pets by names only, but is faster than
    most other users (success rate about 50% while refreshing at a 1-2 seconds rate). So what you'll basically do is go to the Pound board on Neopets, I usually Strg + F to find the right
    threads... Often users will say that they will only pund if there are no offers... Sometimes they end up pounding, most the time they don't after sometime you'll get a feling for
    how long a board is going to be going or if the person es even going to pound. Some people will pos tthe time they pound, then thats nice, you have a pretty good advantage with
    your AAer (make sure to answer jealous neomails though). Sometimes they will tell you the name of the Pet and just neomail people... Then it is still pretty easy for you as you can
    have the Auto adopter running for 2 min on a low refresh rate, people will often tell when they got a neomail or so, guessing the time is most often not hard since people tend to
    pound at even times (don't ask me why). On a sidenote... If a Person said that they will pound at 2.11Nst and 30 seconds after you Auto Adopter still hasn't seen the pet, do not
    stop it... Sometimes people will pound 1-2 min late giving you a huge advantage because most people stop refreshing after 10sec...
    Latley I have seen 1 or two pretty smart users which kept the name of the pet secret... that way you'll have no other chance but post to make them like you, because witout the name you'll
    have no chance to get the pet.

    Of course it is better when they neomail you the time, in other to get that you will have to step out of the mist of the lurkers and post... Just some rules for posting..
    1. Don't ever post the following: Aaaah, I love your pet, he/she is sooooo cute I will play with him every day, he will never be hungry and he will have lots of toys and petpets.
    I think this should be self explanatory, don't do it.
    2. Never demand the time they are going to pound, as people will be thinking that you're rude.
    3. Never post one liniers like: "interested" if you care for getting the time... If you are not a super artist with incedible pictures on the lookup your chances are low.
    4. Best thing is to be *hones*, if you plan on seeling your pet on NF, don't tell them that your the pet will be a permie, those things will stick to you, there are some people
    that do nothing but surfing the pound boards who will remeber you and make you life harder than it needs to be...
    5. The best way of getting the time by neomail is just chatting with the owner, the owner is most likely to mail you if you have a good conversation with them...

    I hope this guide helped you a bit
    Constructive critisim is appreciated

    so long ~ Freya​
    Fexxel likes this.
  2. Jubixion

    Jubixion Level II

    Jun 11, 2009
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    Great guide with good tips to help out people who do not know the pound well enough. Didn't know about the 2 unpoundable pets thing. +rep!
  3. KillaVixen

    KillaVixen Level II

    Jun 14, 2009
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    i have a question. i have a striped kacheek. i have put it up for trade several times. No one ever offers.
  4. Freja

    Freja Level IV

    Sep 20, 2008
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    Uh.. Maybe people just dont want a striped kacheek, or they dont like the name - or maybe you're asking too much for it, as far as I remember a striped pb isnt worth that much , so people can just go buy their own ^^