[Guide] Tyrannian Mini Golf

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by Wings, Jun 27, 2009.

  1. Wings

    Wings Level III

    Jun 21, 2009
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    Montreal, Québec
    I've tried to explain these shots to people before and they've managed to get about half of them right. I've given up on that and am now going to take the more direct route... pictures. Each of these screenies will show you where to aim for the best result, but yes, I've still got some talking to do.

    The game basics are that you are trying to sink a ball in a hole in the ground. Sometimes there's more than one hole in the ground, which then leads to another section of the game field.

    For reasons that continue to elude me, the max game score caps at 900. Anything above 900 is reported as 900, and there's no differentiation between scores above 900 on the ranking scoreboard or with challenges.

    With my system shown below, you consistently score 1000. If either the fans on 7 or the fans on 8, or both work to your advantage, 1025 or 1050 is possible. If the fans on 7 aren't nice, you end up with 975.

    Realistically, it's a non-issue as you only need 625 points for 1000 NPs. Playing only for NPs, 3 games for 3000 NPs will take less than 5 minutes.

    As the Gold level fills up with 900s rapidly each month (this past month I took 12 seconds to report my 900 after the reset and I ended up in 4th), you can get a Gold trophy any time of the month simply by getting a 900.

    So we're all on the same page, here are the terms you'll see.

    Any shot that finishes you off at 1 under Par and is worth 25 points.

    Any shot that finishes you off at 1 over Par and is worth 10 points. More than 1 over Par is a Double Bogey and is also worth 10 points.

    Any hole in the ground that leads to another part of the layout.

    Cup in
    Anytime you should be able to eyeball the shot and make it straight in, whether it's to a Hole or a Cup.

    Any shot that finishes you off at 2 under Par and is worth 50 points.

    Game field
    There are 18 areas in the game, each of which is commonly called a hole, each of which has at least one hole in the ground into which you are trying to sink the ball, which is also called a hole. To keep from confuddling people about what I mean when I say 'hole', I'm calling the whole hole (sand traps, cups, holes, and all) the Game field.

    The final hole in the ground that is ultimately what you've been trying to get to.

    Hole in one
    As the name implies, one shot from the tee sinks the ball in the final hole and is worth 75 points, no matter what the Par is.

    The expected number of shots it will take someone to finish off that game field.

    The hole in the wall out of which the ball will come when you sink it in a Cup.


    Leave the game on Normal size and start up a game window. Click 'Play Game'. On the next screen, hit Tab twice. You will see Cautious Chomby become outlined in yellow and then it will disappear. Hit Enter. You have now selected the hidden shooter. Select the wooden ball, All 18 Holes, and we're off.

    Where multiple shots are required on a segment of a game field, I've placed the ball views of each on the image. In some cases this overlaps a previous shot, but just watch the hands. Each has a number on it, indicating which shot it is.

    The only issue that will arise from this is that I cannot find the Mozilla-brand arrow.cur graphic and had to use the IE version. For the most part, the tip of the index finger is important and this readily shows. On other occasions, other aspects of the cursor will be important, at which time, I'll drop the hand I'm using right about where you want to be, and then explain how it should look on your screen to make the shot. In either case, I'll tell you what to expect will happen, the shots to hole in, and the score on the hole.

    If you're using IE, I strongly suggest getting with a less vulnerable browser (Firefox, Mozilla, or Netscape) plus the fact that anything below involving the wrist or thumb will be significantly off for your cursor.


    Game Field 1 - [​IMG]
    Three rails, hole in one. 75 points

    Game Field 2 - [​IMG]
    Six rails, hole in one. 75 points

    Game Field 3 - [​IMG]
    The first of the game fields where the correct .cur would help. The tip of the finger is important, and needs to be exact. Place it so that the left side of the index finger is next to, but not covering, the vertical line that helps make the letter 'T'. The crossbar that finishes the letter 'T' is two pixels tall.

    Cover the lower line of pixels. If you're one pixel off to one side, you'll end up in the trap, one pixel off to the other and you'll miss the 'edge' of the sand trap entirely. The ball should hit two rails at the top of the ramp.

    On the way down it will pass next to the second sand trap, not through it, but you'll visibly see it slow down. This will cause it to veer slightly towards the bottom of the screen, strike two more rails and sink for a hole in one. 75 points.

    Game Field 4 - [​IMG]
    Three rails, hole in one, 75 points.

    Game Field 5 - [​IMG]
    Another one where the right .cur would help. For shot one, ignore the tip of the finger I've shown, and pay attention to the bottom of the hand. Your cursor has a white hand and a black 'wrist'. Place the bottom of the black 'wrist' one pixel above where the burgundy runs off the screen.

    If you look at the border of the game window on the right, you'll see that it's a line of light grey, then a line of deeper grey, then a line of dark grey pixels. Move the black 'wrist' to the right, so that you are covering only the light grey line of the window border.

    I did at least manage to duplicate what I mean with the cursor I do have, lol. You will hit one rail, go through the sand trap, strike a second, and then, despite missing both the lava and sand trap at the top of the screen, slow down alot and settle just shy of the next rail.

    For shot two, use the index finger, as shown, to cover that one leaf of the palm frond and you'll strike four rails on your way to the hole. Two shots for birdie, 25 points.

    Game Field 6 - [​IMG]
    Heh, my favorite field. NINE rails, hole in one. 75 points.

    Game Field 7 - [​IMG]
    One of two variables in the game. Shot one will take four rails to cup in the cup on the left. This will then drop you to a lower part of the game field with two fans. Most of the time, they'll finish with the ball with an easy straight shot at the hole, giving you two shots eagle and 50 points.

    Sometimes they will toss the ball around for a while and sink it in the cup, giving you a hole in one and 75 points. On rare occasions, the ball will settle back by the slit, from which can sometimes still get eagle, but will typically end up with 3 shots for birdie and 25 points.

    Game Field 8 - [​IMG]
    I've managed to eagle this hole once, based upon striking the fan 'just right' and having it whip the ball over the ramp and into the cup. Since I'm already over 900, I stopped trying to duplicate it and settled for this series, which gets you birdie and 25 points.

    On shot one, find the middle of the B, and then move one pixel left. The ball will strike 8 rails, bounce off the ramp, and then settle against a rail as shown.

    On shot two, begin with the index finger as shown, then move the thumb of the hand up until it is just short of the interior of the black outline of the rock. This shot goes through the fan so fast that it ignores its effect, leaving the ball to clatter around at the base of the ramp, typically settling where shown.

    Shot three, take directly at the hole or, as shown, force it to bounce around on the other side of the ramp until it goes in. Once in the lower section of the game field, it's a simple shot through the sand trap and into the hole.

    Game Field 9 - [​IMG]
    On shot one, you'll hit four rails, cup in, and come out of the left slit. On shot two, I got tired of always managing to find a way to not cup in, so have settled upon this. Depending upon your placement, you'll cup in after either one or two rails [​IMG]

    In the original version of the game, the cups in lava were not the bright orange that you see now, which made them more difficult to make out. It's why the game field is called Impossible?.

    On shot three, place the gap between the ring finger and pinky on that corner, then pull down until the tip of the finger is halfway down the rail. Six rails, cup in.

    On shot 4, place the tip halfway down the corner of the rails as shown. Depending upon placement, hole in after four or eight rails. A total of four shots for birdie and 25 points.

    Game Field 10 - [​IMG]
    Six rails, hole in one. 75 points.

    Game Field 11 - [​IMG]
    Two rails, hole in one. 75 points.

    Game Field 12 - [​IMG]
    Oh no!!! There's a big hole in the ground and we need to go to the right. Not. Eight rails, hole in hole. 75 points.

    Game Field 13 - [​IMG]
    Shot one need to be slightly right of center of the 'M'. Seven rails cup in. On shot two, in the lower section of the game field, it's more lenient on cursor placement, but you'll be shooting from essentially the same place, so try not to move the cursor. Six rails, hole in. Two shots for birdie and 25 points.

    Game Field 14 - [​IMG]
    Shot one, 7 rails cup in. Shot two, six rails, hole in. Two shots for eagle and 50 points.

    Game Field 15 - [​IMG]
    Much thanks to milkypath for the Eagle solution instead of the Birdie I used to have up. Shot one will clatter around at the base of the ramp, while shot two will either cup in off one rail, or clatter around for a while and then cup in, both yielding Eagle for 50 points.

    Game Field 16 - [​IMG]
    On shot one, four rails, cup in. [​IMG]

    On your second shot, the important part is your thumb, not the tip of the finger. Start with the hand to the right of the tree, then start moving it towards the tree. As you get the flat of your thumb up against the palm frond, you'll see your aiming line get really dark from finally becoming a straight line. Hole in on the second shot for eagle and 50 points.

    Game Field 17 - [​IMG]
    Remember that black 'wrist' from back on Game Field 5? We're using it again. Last time, you found that corner where the burgundy goes off screen, then moved one pixel up and one pixel right. This time, you want to match the corner of the wrist right up into the angle made by the burgundy outline and the game window and leave it there.

    Yes, I know that the wrist in the image isn't in the corner like I am telling you to do. It's right on the edge of the screenshot, so Photoshop wouldn't let me paste the cursor exactly where I wanted to and that's as close as I could get it.

    Eight rails later you'll end up on the left side of the tree. On shot two, place the tip of your thumb against the end of that palm front as shown. Two shots for eagle and 50 points.

    Game Field 18 - [​IMG]
    It's entirely possible that there is a way to make it to the first cup in one shot. As I mentioned though, I've long since hit the point of 'good enough'. If the scoring system is changed to show what people manage over 900, then I'll get back to work on it.

    Until then, I'll settle for Eagle for 50 points on 4 shots. I may take trying to find out the score for a Double Eagle (3 under Par) as a challenge, so we'll see.

    Shot one will settle in the lava after 4 rails, after which it's a simple cup in. The third shot has caused issues for me, due to the spin induced by the lava, so place the finger in the corner between the rail and the tree as shown to cup in. [​IMG]

    Whichever browser you are using, the fonts are the same, so just place the tip of the finger in the middle of the in the window title, then pull straight down until the arrow turns back into a hand. Eight rails, hole in, Eagle for 50 points.

    Final - [​IMG]
    When all is said and done, your score sheet should look like this. Playing all 18 game fields typically takes me a little over 3? minutes. When I'm trying to post at the beginning of the month, to get daily NPs off the score, I'll typically skip fields 8, 9, and 18, as they require the most shots (and time) to complete.

    I still end up with 900 and (if I'm awake at 3am my time on the 1st of the month lol) usually remember to get one posted in time to be in the top 10. This is important for the simple fact that being in the top 17 earns you a daily NP award, and the order in which 900s are reported makes the difference on placement.

    Your typical month has 30 days, so you'll get that award 30 times if you manage to post early enough. Being in the top 3 (Gold level) earns you 750 NPs per day, for 22,500NPs that you get for free for the month. Being 4th-8th (Silver) earns 15,000 NPs, and being 9th-17th (Bronze) earns 7,500 NPs.

    I'm a little upset that I keep costing myself 7,500 NPs (I am only earning 15k each month) by being a few seconds late on posting my score :p

    Once you've gotten at least 900 once for the month, there's no reason to continue to get it. If you're too late to make it into the top 17, and already have the Gold trophy, there's really no point in playing it all the way through except for practice. Once you're at the point where you are playing strictly for NPs, play game fields 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 10, 11, and 12. All are hole in one fields for 600 points.

    Play any one other field for birdie or better and you get 625, which is what you need for your 1k. I typically skip 5, 8, and 9, and play 7. Just under 5 minutes for 3k NPs... can't go wrong.

    Credits to NeoAgis and edited by me
    Tricia likes this.
  2. Guitarplayer1955

    Jun 24, 2009
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    Wow fantastic guide! Thank you very much! I'm gonna go play it now.
  3. Drumstick

    Drumstick Level III

    Jan 14, 2009
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    Ontario, Canada
    Awesome guide, but when the holes are mirror image, it's weird. I can't get it right =/
  4. jazzeh

    jazzeh Level I

    Jan 1, 2008
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    It's a very old guide

    You can score over 900 points and the holes have mirror versions