[GUIDE] Whack a Kass

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by soccermadness90, Oct 11, 2007.

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  1. soccermadness90

    soccermadness90 Level III

    Sep 29, 2007
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    [ Please note you should only post GUIDES in this forum. If you did not create the entire guide yourself, you must give credit to anyone else involved. ]

    Well i like the game so i thought that i would make a guide for it. After all it is a game that takes me 5 min to earn 3k, you can even get a avi when your score is 850+

    Basically the game is about whacking a kass plushie as far as you can. there are 3 stages Easy medium and hard. It takes certain scores to unlock the higher levels. The higher the level you are playing, the easier it is for you to get a further hit and hence a higher score.


    -Wait for the wind to be 9 before you hit.

    -Generally the wind speed changes by 2 (ie +/-2) that means if your wind speed start at 7, your wind speed will change to 9 or 5. Of course, after the wind speed changes, it is bound to change again.

    -Wait for the kass to reach an area slightly above the the Blumaroo before you hit as this will allow you to have the greatest elevation.

    -After hitting the kass hold down the spacebar, until the kass is horizontal with the ground before releasing the spacebar. alternatively you can use your mouse instead of the spacebar.

    - This will allow the kass to tuck its wings in while gaining height and flap its wings to prevent it from falling too fast.

    -Click the mouse with each bounce of the kass on the ground. This will allow the kass to bounce higher and it to land further away, maximizing your score.

    Note: If you are skilled enough, a wind speed of 9 is not required to reach 846m. Generally wind speed of 8 is also possible. This will make waiting easier and allow you to get the required score quicker. Of course if you want a high score always use wind speed 9.

    The np ratio is 1.17 that means that your score must be 846 and above to get 1k per game.

    Have fun :yup: :yup:
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