I cant seem to code any full page layout I make because neopets blocking my coding? Any pointers on this?
If u want a guild layout then just type in google, neopets guild layout ull get heaps of link that can help u just pick which one u want
What message are you getting? Do you know which part of your coding it has a problem with? Sometimes it highlights the problem area in the error message
I get this error: Error: If the explanation below is not enough, there is more help with this error here. Invalid words or disallowed property names found in your style tags. display visibility position
Ugh, fullpage layouts can be tricky because the guild editor is very finicky about silly things. Those words it references look like they're referencing your hiding of the neopets layout and possibly a div (I haven't coded in a while). For hiding the layout, I suggest looking on google for this code at some help site- So you can be sure it's a code that's been proven to work. Don't know what to tell you about the 'position,' though. Whenever I would get errors like that, I just took out the code and tried to find a workaround and ended up using it anyway later.
I honestly don't understand why the layout editor will accept a premade code that includes those tags, but when you go to make your own layout, it gets all pissy >_>; There is a workaround, I think Sunnyneo tells you what it is.