If I'm not posting this in the right place, I'm sorry but I think this is the place where it suits the best. Do you think it's worthy joining a guild in Neopets? Comment about this subject please. My opinion: It is, but don't join a guild where the owners aim for fame.
Yep, I'm in a mature neopets guild that I absolutely love. IT's pretty much the only reason I still play.
I cannot stand guilds. I would get so attached that I could not accept being frozen and end up coming back for my friends. Nope, not anymore.
Guilds are iffy. If you get in a guild with nice people who are active then they can be a real blast. Otherwise if you are the only person who is contributing/being active then they are a waste of time. I like my current guild, the leader and I are currently creating layouts and thinking of ways to attract friendly, active people. I enjoy my guild, and if you can find the right group of people then you will enjoy yourself too.
I run a trading-oriented guild. I've been running guilds my entire neo-career. lol, I find great fun in them since I always delete the inactive members and switch things around a lot so it's never monotonous. So i say, yay to guilds.
I am a leader in a guild. I love it and every one of the members are active and friendly. We have fun and thats what counts. We also help each other out on plots, quests ect. But it does suck when you get frozen
I Dont Own A Guild, But i used to be in a guild that was alot of fun But the Leader Suddenly Stopped Apearing On Neopets Because It Said That It Was Going On A Vacation For A Short Time. But Over A Month Passed So Thats Why I Quit That Guild, ; It Is Almost A Year Now That The Owner Is Still Not Appearing Not Even One Day, What A Vacation!
i've done guilds a few times back in the day...even tried to own one myself...got to be a huge hassel for not much fun... i think if u find a really good one it could be fun...but otherwise they are a waste...
cant be bothered to join guilds.. i am a regular at one of the neoboards and that is good enough for me.
If you want to run a guild it needs to be well designed with relevant info etc. and you need to spend a lot of time on it epsecially until you have a few members and some you can trust with some of the admin. Better to join a guild that you like the subject and that haslots of active members.
i used to own a guild, and it all went pretty well for a year or so, but then it fell apart. there's just so much drama :K
That's why for guilds you need to keep a tight member base. The more members there are means more drama, the more drama there is the harder it is to run a guild. A year is longer than alot of guilds though, I hope that I can keep mine up and running for that long.
Private guilds are in my oppinion the way to go, no spammy members, no n00bs, just a trusted group of neopians.
thats true...its really hard to run a good guild...you really have to enjoy it and make others enjoy it too, and its really hard to keep everyone happy, thats y i gave up on them
Guilds on Neopets don't work for the following reasons: 1) People outgrow the game/get tired of it too fast (especially new players) 2) It requires a lot of work (e.g. organizing competitions, etc. etc.) and if this work isn't done, people who've joined will feel the guild is inactive 3) Guilds need perks. Who wants to join a guild who isn't known for being "cool" or having a great layout/giveaway session, etc.? 4) There isn't a need for them. 5) People don't understand the fact that a successful guild isn't necessarily one that consists of uber rich members or a huge member count. The spirit of making a guild is for friendship and communication - relationships that form are mutually beneficial, and it isn't a one-way street.
Guilds are in my opinion a waste of time unless they give you free items everyday, and since that doesn't happen neofriends.net will be my guild.
guilds are the best, but they can cause a lot of unwanted drama, but not those random guilds that recruit off guild boards and have 2000 members and are full of noobs, exclusive BD or TC guilds that are exclusive with hard requirements to join ive owned/co-owned/been council in various BD and TC guilds and its amazing