Yup, today is Half Price Day on Neopets where all Neopets shops sell things at 50% discount. Hurry up and go restocking/ABing today for more profit! TDN's images pwn ;O
I completely forgot until someone mentioned it in the chat not five minutes ago. And I was actually bummed I wasn't getting much ABing. GL to everyone on HPD. 8D
HPD is actually probably not a good day to AB, more people, your lists are less relevant. The discounts don't make up for the competition and increased sensitivity imo like "OMGZ i didn't get haggle AB AB AB report report!" though to be fair they are probably dead on LOL!
No worries lots of people probably don't know. It's not that less items bought on HPD its that more items are profitable, hence there will be many items that become profitable that usually are not (I'll admit there are probably not alot), so the lists won't pick up on all the profitable items. I usually take the day off, get ready for the day after when all the legit people have sore eyes or are banned
I'm 0:2 on morphing potions (legit RSer here) so far today. *crosses fingers* I might try another shop
I remember trying to RS on half price day. Always seemed to be the hardest day because it was always so crowded in the shops. I agree with Elhoof I wait until everyone else gets banned and RS the next day. Makes things much easier for me. Plus, when I RS, it's usually in stamps. And a lot of good stamps RS for about 10k? On HPD, it goes down to 5k which is not that huge of a difference. However, it may be real useful for anyone RSing draik eggs. Those new ones would see a dramatic change in price. (1mill --> 500kish)
Thanks for the above info. I AB-ed today in Igloo and got 9 items in an hour. Its not a bad day today . Thats all i can say ..
Was only able to make 400k today--RS banned too freaking early. Hope everyone else is having better luck.
Sort of a Stupid question, cuz i dont know anything bout Half Price day.. :arf: is the Igloo half price too?