If you have a LOT of accounts like I do, this is probably one of the easiest np making opportunities you have. I just went through 113 accounts in the last 2 hours to fetch my halloween bags. Got 7 halloween paint brushes (you can probably buy these in bulk next week for 500k at the rate these are going out this year lol) so the odds of getting one is around 1/129 bag visits. They say theres another event where something in your inventory gets stolen or something. It must be VERY rare because I didn't get it once. Opened up 8 bags on the last account and this is what I got: Scary Neopian Stories x2 Bow Tie x1 Toffee Classic x1 Chilled Eyeball Custard x1 Mummified Ice Cream x2 Cauldron Table x3 Zombie Aisha Lolly x1 Box of Meowclops Treats x1 Chocolate Korbat Wings x5 Scary Neopian Stories x2 Everything was worth like 5np except for the cauldron table which was around 900 and the book which was around 10000. Not worth opening at all. Sell all 8 for 30k+ profits. Each one I listed sold in less than a minute, most in under 10 seconds. Not really sure why everyone is hoarding, but im VERY surprised the price is so stable at ~4300np. I think these people that are buying these from me so fast are all idiots, and these will drop to like 3,000np within a week (at which point ill pick up a couple thousand as an investment). There's SOOOO many on the shopwizard theres no way I can see the price not plummeting in a couple days when the bottom falls out and the early hoarders compete against each other frantically in an attempt to recoup their loses. Of course they gave these out every year for the past 5 years, but this is my first time participating so someone else can probably give a better guess on how the prices are going to fluctuate for the next couple days. 10,000,000np in 2 hours ($25 an hour)... not bad at all
The price is falling rapidly!!starting from 5000np it has come to 3500... But it is still selling very fast...So i suppose some players are buying and hoarding it!!! Maybe its a good idea to hold on to your bags instead of opening it!!
nate pls try not to double post if u had anything to add use the edit button. If i not wrong double post is not allowed!
I'd like to ask something stupid and noobish... but did you manually log into and out of your accounts? Because that would have taken a crazy amount of time! Or did you use some programme to do it? o.o