Hannah’s spiffy guide to making spiffy fontehs ;P

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by Hannah_Wentz, Aug 31, 2009.

  1. Hannah_Wentz

    Hannah_Wentz Level I

    Aug 29, 2009
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    The more basic than basic bits
    First off, you need to go to the page where you can change your font – the neoboard preferences page. To get there just follow this link, http://www.neopets.com/neoboards/preferences.phtml.

    ¬Here you can change your avatar from the drop down menu.

    If you scroll down a bit you come to this screen. As you can see there are two text boxes for you to enter your coding into. When you enter you coding you will see a preview of your font.

    The basic coding
    If you look at the coding of ANY font you will see that it is made up of three main parts.
    Looks confusing? Well it isn’t, let’s break it down.
    Font: Directs change, it’s like the style tag in HTML coding.
    Any colour, face or size changes need to be inside font tags.

    C: stands for colour, you insert the hex colour code (#then six numbers) or just
    its name in here to change the colour of the text in between the tags

    F: Stands for face (i.e. typeface, commonly known as the font.) This changes the style of
    the text. Here is a list of fonts that work on neopets.
    Arial Broadway Centaur
    Chiller Courier Elephant
    fixedsys Garamond Georgia
    Haettenschweiler Harrington
    Impact Jester Jokerman
    Magneto Mistral Onyx
    Papyrus Parchment Perpetua
    Pristina Rockwell Tahoma
    Verdana Vivaldi
    Webdings Wingdings

    S: Stands for size, this just changes the size of the text, it varies from 1-4
    Remember to finish with a closing tag ({/font})
    There is also the {br} tag which is a line break
    If you used the code I showed you above your font would look really plain.
    Pretty boring eh? Also, notice that dashed line under the neoHTML? All you need to do to get rid of that is put a { at the end of the first text box and a } at the start of the second one.
    Some harder coding
    This next bit of coding is for decoration, it isn’t at all necessary but can make your font look a lot nicer!
    {center}-centered text
    {b}-bold text
    {u}-underlined text
    These also need a closing tag, a closing tag is just the same as the normal tag but with a / at the start
    e.g. {/b} or {/i}

    Making the font
    First off you want to choose you avatar, I’m going to choose the dice-a-roo av for mine. You can choose any of the ones you have from the dropdown list at the top of the preferences page.
    After choosing the avatar you need to choose your words that you want in you font. Mine are going to be “Hannah”, and then on another line, “lucky”
    Firstly you need to figure out a good format. For mine I want it to look like
    The code for that is...

    neoHTML: {center}{fontc=#000000s=1}neoHTML{/font}{br}{fontc=#000000f=impacts=3}Hannah{/font}{

    }{br}{fontc=#000000s=4f=Georgia}{b}{i}         Lucky! {/b}{/i}{/font}{/center}

    Lots of people use symbols to make their fonts more interesting. Compile a list of them in a word document to use for your own fonts. You can also use a program called charachter map (It's in your accessories folder I think)In my font I want arrows pointing to the “Lucky” so I go and find the symbol and put it into the coding. It’s not hard, just play about with them. :)

    neoHTML: {center}{fontc=#000000s=1}neoHTML{/font}{br}{fontc=#000000f=impacts=3}Hannah{/font}{

    }{br}{fontc=#000000s=4f=Georgia}{b}{i}         » » Lucky! « «{/b}{/i}{/font}{/center}

    Happy with that? I am! Now, onto colour.

    Colour is one of the most important things about a font! To get your colours to match the avatar copy and paste it into photoshop or something and eyedrop it for the hex code. You can also use avlog for colour suggestions (to get to it google avatarlog). Use a darker colour for the neoHTML so people can read it but use whatever for the rest of it.

    Note: Don’t use stupidly bright colours or they will annoy people.

    neoHTML: {center}{fontc=#7e239as=1}neoHTML{/font}{br}{fontc=#4091e1f=impacts=3}Hannah{/font}{

    }{br}{fontc=# ffd225s=4f=Georgia}{b}{i}         » » Lucky! « «{/b}{/i}{/font}{/center}

    When you’re happy with the colours you’re done! Post away and enjoy your very own font that YOU made!

    Note: feel free to use this font, substituting Hannah with your name :)
    Note 2: Change the { and } to [ and ] I just have them as them because they don’t post properly

    Edit: Main account frozen.
    Cacklenub likes this.
  2. lazypando

    lazypando Level IV

    Nov 16, 2006
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    ooh nice :)
    for the symbols though...there's a program on your computer called character map, in which you can find every symbol/character available...not just the ones you find in word
  3. Hannah_Wentz

    Hannah_Wentz Level I

    Aug 29, 2009
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    Thanks for the suggestion, I'll edit it in :)

    My main account was frozen as I somehow allowed myself to be CGed so I no longer have my premade fonts. Please +rep if you found this useful.
    pinkolive likes this.