I had taken a long break from neopets because I forgot my birthday but recently figured it out, so I whipped up the ABer... The first day I got two MPs both worth over 1 mil, and stopped for about a week or two...but then I wanted just like 500k more so I could have 5 mil and my interest in the bank would go up Ever since then i have not gotten ONE item...ive tried pharmacy, chocolate, spooky, plushie, magic, battle magic, defense magic...it usually won't even attempt an item anymore, and when it does (rare) it fails...I also notice that the restocks seem to be around 45 minutes apart now, which is ridiculous..and this happens in both the old MSAB and AU. For AU, what settings would you suggest I use for the autobuyer? Because whatever I have ain't workin.
It all depends on the shop and how specific your list is...if you're using a 1mil mp list for magic, those items will be gone in an instant...so unless you're running 1-2 or get really lucky on like a 5-10, that's probably why. I just ab in pharm with an all profit list...occasionally get a cacto or sporkle unbuyable but I mean 2-3 eggs is 45k a stock, and it has a lower freeze than most shops. (You can get this list in the lvl 2 chat)
But i mean, even in choco, things that are like 1000 profit are on there and i dont even get those... and im not sure why, i used to get 4-5 every restock
I use ricky's AB and my internet connection is just too slow I guess, since the FF Aber relies on the speed on your internet. So I got ONE buy from Choc today in over three hours.....yeah it really sucks.
You know, actually, I have noticed that my internet has been slower the last two weeks for some reason...Maybe that's causing it. Often when I'm just browsing the web a page will show up as it won't load but a simple refresh will fix that...but things such as games on sites etc are loading slower
My internet at school is horrible. I hate it, but when I got home my internet is fast but I don't cheat on my IP at home so bleeeeeh