when neo was very new (2001) I tried probably 500 times trying to get some rare item, but the well really only grants wishes for cheapish items like codestons, paint brush plushies, and medicinal soap. Its kinda a waste of time...
Never. I've tried alot, but it's not like I paid 600k for it or something. To be honest, I didn't even know that wishes from the Wishing Well were granted at all... Just something there to take np out of the economy. ^^
Does an event actually happen if you wish at the well? Or do you get things in RE's? I once wished for the secret laboratory map and a few days later i got 3 pieces in consecutive RE's
I used to try back in the day. Like 5/6 years ago, but no luck. Since neo re-did the map, I cant even seem to find it!
I only tried once, a really really long time ago, but that didn't really count. I think that was way back in the days when there was a supposed glitch that people tried to use involving the address of the "Thank you for your donation" page.
I never got anything from it and I used to try alot a few years ago...back when I used to think 24NPs interest a day was alot.
Yea I think I remember someone actually spent 1 million neopoints in it to see if their wish would come true and they made a board about the next day and then quit.
Yeah, I've never really seen any good pb's given to anyone. Maybe the rule is, ask for little and you may recieve.