i just want to share my experience with you guys this past months... ...i was born and live as a christian.. but i live in a compromising way going to church and sometimes not reading the word of God.. and I really live in a very sinful way.. my friends taught me to drink liquors and very active sexual immoral, happy go lucky, lots of earthly doings... and without notice my spirit already walk to hell... but time has pass by Jesus let me see a vision of hell to remind me that I must seek Him. and reminds me that death is around me..its because i have 2nd life.. almost hit by a big truck ..inches from me nearly hit me...and nearly drown... so I attended "Encounter God Ret-reat" a 3 days encounter with God and that Change my life and made me a real "BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN" i thought at first that its hard to change myself but i surrendered it all to God..and He did the rest im really so happy to be with God and after i was baptized i commit myself that i will follow Him..and to be with Him till i die!. and Im so gratefull i heard God's Holy Calling... and I was TOTALLY CHANGE! now im spiritually active...and Jesus gives me 2nd vision of my classmates.. He keeps reminding me that He is always open to forgive my classmates if they repent and accepting Him as personal savior .and thats my struggle in my life ..thats why i keep them informing and reminding about How Jesus Loves us so much that He will going to forgive and clean your sins if you repented..but they always laugh and persecuted me... but now Im still very Happy to be with God! and to fullfill and part of "end time prophecy to all youths around the world"! God bless to all.... thank you for reading
I used to be a Christian (not looking to become one again), but am not presently. I don't need the threat of hell to live a straight life, but I can respect you for the changes you've made thanks to your religion. I am curious what your visions were like? How could you tell they were visions as opposed to other forms of your brain working?
@commy .. actually im not on a religion born again christian is a person that has ultimately known Jesus and follows his command and will.. being a born is a person who truly knows the truth and the one who doing things that pleases God and we all know that religion cant save you and about the vision.. i saw em when im sleeping.. through dream.. and i interpret the my dreams and really know in my heart that Jesus let me see those things in my dream so that i can warn my friends,inform them, etc. and specially when im reading the bible. .there are commandments of God that given to me which i follow ... like for example : preaching the gospel,doing things to pleases Him, and warns me if somethings not good that I did. etc.