I code applications out of boredom. My first one (that I released) is neoPic. It allows for pictures to be used on the neoboards. http://neopic.diztrbd.com is where you can find it. It requires Firefox, and Greasemonkey to be used. Application number 2 is unreleased at the moment, it's a custom theme override. Again, needs Firefox and Greasemonkey. Application number 3 is not even started, but I know how I'm going to get it to work. It takes the last song logged on Last.FM and adds it to your neosignature. Automatic updates. Will need Last.FM to run. Thinking of coding it in VB.NET or C#. ^-^
hello there looks good to have anew programmer :] First of all before you even apply, you should upload programs to NF that can be tested etc and then we will review you and probably add you as a programmer.
Most people aren't greeting newbies anymore. Sad but true. A programmer is like a rainbow around here. Rare but enjoyable to see. Play nice!