Hello, I don't believe I've ever visited here. If haven't, let me introduce myself. You can call me rcadble. I'm a 15 year old student, bassist, and programmer. I have no interest in playing Neopets, I just merely want to create programs to mess with the game. I came to this site looking to receive and give programming tips for the most part, and if you're lucky, maybe release a few programs. I used to program primarily in VB6, but I am trying to switch to VB 2005 now. Currently I am in the process of writing a new program, a multi-threaded autobuyer which allows the use of infinite accounts. You may ask why I might bother creating a multi-threaded autobuyer when one can simply open multiple copies of a single-threaded autobuyer. A multi-threaded autobuyer has many perks: - You don't have to open another program - Consumes less memory - RUNS FASTER! Running 10 accounts simultaneously with a multi-threaded autobuyer will result in no noticeable difference in speeds. Running 10 accounts on separate programs will produce a noticeably slower speed difference. - Good practice. I want to learn more about threads and creating controls during run-time.
Well, a very warm welcome to you, like everyone says, read the rules etc etc. you know the drill :lol: Good luck with your program, if you need any testers, I'm right here :tehe:
Actually 10 accounts will notice a differnt beacuse you can only have so manyh http conections at a time and each account will use a different one but usually at different times. And I just want to wish you good luck with multithreading .net it is a pain
hey, welcome to the site good luck with your programming and i hope that you can be a real benefit to the site