Hi! I'm Ashley from California. I've been on Neo for about eight years now. I'm new to this place and just thought I'd pop in to introduce myself.
welcome, welcome I'll just refer you to the Site Rules and Ranks and the Forum Cash and Downloads System All in all, one post equals one cash point except in following forums where you do not earn cash for posting: Introductions, Daily Giveaway, and Spam Corner. Cash can then be used to buy awesome programs from our download section.
You've never been to Cali? Wow...you're missing out. I live in Oregon so I go there basically every summer
Thanks everyone. It totally depends on what part of California you're in though. Some places are gorgeous and some are too hot to be enjoyable.
I wont get much more specific than central California. It's basically the too hot to be enjoyable part. xD
Lol too hot to be enjoyable xD try being a cross country runner in vegas in the middle of the summer then talk xD but welcome to nf make sure you read this: announces/how-to-rack-up-posts-and-cash-responsibly-t19324.html just so you can get an idea of what we see as spam and all that fun stuff
HAI ASHLEY! welcome to nf : D i wants to visit cali someday. you can have michigan any day of the week.
8 years? I take it you are tired of playing legitly? --- Welcome to neofriends! Be sure to check out the Rules and Ranks, How the Reputation works and browse around the rest of the Rules and Information board!!!! My name is Fexxel, or FX, and I hope you enjoy your stay! By the way, please do NOT spam or 1 liner, for if you do I (and I'm sure many other members) would -rep you. Thank you Thanks for reading, welcome to NF FX PS: As a tip, BE SURE YOU WANT A PROGRAM BEFORE PURCHASING IT (lol)! I made a mistake of buying some programs I didn't really want, and now I have no cash!
Thank you again everyone..and for the advice FX As for playing legitly..I guess I'm tired of it in some ways. Neo has just gone through some changed I could of gone without. I'll be honest and say I've been contemplating using a few programs. I'm still a bit paranoid about losing my main though. We'll see how it goes I guess.