So yeah..i'm setting a few goals..but i'm crazy im wondering if any you would help me come to a decision =) I am tallying all the results here. P.S - I am making 3 permanent pets and one open slot for lab rat / av pets, so that is why I want to limit to only three! I have included pictures and stuff..and now turned this into a poll. You can vote three times on the poll so please choose three out of all of them and I will try to get the three most popular ones plushie chomby christmas jubjub christmas gnorbu faerie jubjub faerie pteri halloween poogle halloween shoyru island lutari - this is super hard to achieve since we cant really get lutari pets yet..and we are all just hoping they will be released on lutari day D: island kiko maraquan cybunny plushie krawk snow jubjub
are you trying to buy all of those? and honestly i think invest in all the christmas stuff and halloween as you can because its just going up and get some rememberance day if u can
i'd definitely go with the island Lutari and the faerie pteri (haha it rhymes) :lol: and then either the plushie crawk or the christmas jubjub
No i'm not. I am thinking of having 3 pet slots that, and one lab rat. I'm not really investing though. I'm SAVING to paint certain pets and this is a list of what I I am not using any of these pets for gains what so ever.
Oooh I never realised maraquan cybunnies looked so cool I would definitely get one of those. I also liked the island lutari and the faerie jubjub ^^