Ok, so I have been making one, and TNT made it so if I send a score with a time of 1 seconds, it gets reviewed no matter what. This just changed, But I am thinking they now have different review scores for the different times used. Can any let me know if they have an idea?
..that made no sense to me. So they use to get reviews for 1 second... now they don't? And you think they've put a time/score auto review feature in which goes of the score v time? Can't see how that can work... especially for some games like meerca chase... you can get 650 in about 3 seconds if you get a fish negg Or have I completely mis-interpreted your post?
No, before I was testing review scores by sending scores with a time of 1 second. The scores that were under the review score before would never get reviewed, now if I send 1 second scores, they all get reviewed pretty much. It may be just some games or it may just be something weird I am running into, I am not too sure
...I would expect times of 1 second to get reviewed. Try the games you never got reivewed on before.. If so, maybe they caught on to your cheating ways?
Well I know that there are some games where you can get by with a time of 5 or so seconds, but majority of the time you'll be reviewed. I believe that some games automatically get reviewed if under a certain time. For example, yesterday I SSed for an avatar with a time of about five minutes, though it generally takes about 45 to complete, & ended up getting reviewed(was well under review score too). But at the same time I was able to SS for another av in about a minute that would normally take ten. Would be nice to know all the times for the different games, but that sure would be a heck of a lot of work....
Yeah, I was attempting to do it, but that is pretty much impossible, which is why no one else has done it up to this point