Help needed on how to run a good shop.

Discussion in 'Neopets Chit-Chat' started by LotusChild98, Jul 11, 2009.

  1. LotusChild98

    LotusChild98 Level I

    Oct 21, 2007
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    Hey everyone I recently upgraded my shop from like size 5 to around 215 and spent a ton of money on stocking up on codestones and meds and got myself into a mall, its not a huge mall, but its a decent one. What I want to know is what is a good way to boost the traffic and sales in your shop on a day to day. Other then spamming the neobaords every 30 seconds with a new topic linking to my shop. And for that matter is there any of the larger malls out there that are looking for a codestone and med store? Any help you guys can give me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone
  2. Will

    Will Level IV

    Mar 1, 2009
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    My tip would be upgrade to main market, but that's obviously not a good option here as that costs another ~25-35m. But they get all the traffic from marketplace links, etc.

    If you're in a good mall, stay there. Providing all of the slots in the mall are filled, and none are open - if many are open.. you might want to find a better mall with more slots filled, but that may mean sacrificing your current position of codestones/meds.

    I had a 1000 NP shop around your size. Same situation..

    What I did was put a cheap scratchcard in the shop every 6 hours - a race to riches for 600np - no profit, but it attracts customers. And, chances are, you'll make a profit out of the scratchcards too.

    Other than that, advertising and upgrading are generally the only options :p
  3. LotusChild98

    LotusChild98 Level I

    Oct 21, 2007
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    Actually thats a good idea, the part about putting something in your shop, and not making profit off it but use to to draw in business, I could do that with a single type of codestone, and keep all of the others at my normal price so that the shop wizard will find my shop more often and that should boost profits, thanks for the advice
  4. Star

    Star Level I

    Jul 13, 2009
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    Yeah the only other thing I could tell you is to just make your prices low and one more thing.. find someone to buddy up with, join shop listing directory sites and pet page listing sites. Exchange links to other shops with yours etc. But be careful of junking up your shop with too many heavy graphics, if things dont load quickly the user will close the shop and not buy anything.
  5. Will

    Will Level IV

    Mar 1, 2009
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    Tread carefully with that idea: it may be misconstrued as scamming - such as pricing some petpet ray maps at 500NP and others at 5000NP :/

    But I doubt anyone would care.
  6. stallion251

    stallion251 Newbie

    Jun 10, 2009
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    most people on boards like to put there shop link in there siggie i used to go to peoples shops from the link but there are to many cger now:( sad people have to steal from kids