Help - Recycled Drinking Water

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Vanessa, Aug 23, 2009.

  1. Vanessa

    Vanessa Level I

    Dec 18, 2006
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    I need to present an oral presentation with a powerpoint about recycled drinking water.
    I'm doing it to support bringing recycled drinking water to Australia.
    I need some positive points or paragraphs (written in simple words) that I can use.

    The oral needs to go for around 5 minutes and so far it goes for 1 minute haha.
    So yep, all help will be appreciated and +repped if that's possible <3
  2. Will

    Will Level IV

    Mar 1, 2009
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    Recycled drinking water as in effluent or desalination?

    With regard to desalination, you can talk about how the desalination plant in Western Australia is going (quite well I believe), the volume of water it produces, the viability of it, the cost, environmental concerns and other core facts of it. As you're doing this in support of the recycled water, also present a personal opinion and attempt to persuade others to following your point of view - such as "It's obvious that desalination can provide Victoria with more than enough drinking water to counter the lack of water in the catchments, and as the most viable water plan, seeing as the petty bureaucracies within the states prevent a pipeline being built between Queensland and Victoria, a desalination plant should be implemented in Victoria.".. or something along those lines.

    You can also talk about the lack of federal funding provided to Victoria in dire need of water, and the lack of help from other states that promote the need for a recycled water plant.

    If you want to talk about effluent: give up. No one wants to drink recycled sewage ;D
    Vanessa likes this.
  3. Tropicana

    Tropicana Newbie

    Jul 27, 2009
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    Heehee, there's nothing wrong with recycled effluent water - I swear, that stuff is cleaner than the normal drinking water you get out of the tap! You wouldn't believe the processes it goes through - none of the nasty bacteria even have a chance of surviving. There's no way you'd be able to tell, if you had two glasses in front of you, one tap and one recycled effluent water.

    I don't understand why people are so picky about it; seriously, we are a dry country and we NEED water. I live in South Australia and we get the end of the Murray as our water supply... AFTER it's been sucked dry by the rice farmers in NSW and Victoria. Sigh. (sorry for the rant...)

    Need a good website as a reference? Try this: They have some campaigns about water conservation and stuff.
    Also - Water for Good. I don't know which state you live in, but this site is a SA one. It details the water conservation plans which the government are promising us...
    Need another site? Water Care. It isn't a government site, but there's plenty of info on there.

    Anyway, water recycling is definitely a good thing. Without it, we'd be using muddy river water and tapping into the underground water table and drinking our country dry. Funny that we're an island country, surrounded by water, yet we have to live with level five water restrictions. We NEED to recycle water, it's pretty much our only hope. Remember the days you could have the sprinkler on in the middle of the day and run through it when you were a kid? If we utilise the salt water (and our waste water, even though that's a touchy subject) then we might be able to get back to those days =P

    Definitely mention the industrial point of view, as well as bringing it back to a persoal view, ie what our home life is with water restrictions and how this can change if we use recycled water. Perhaps

    I know this is a long post, I hope you can get some kind of use from it =^.^=
    Vanessa likes this.
  4. WEARD

    WEARD Level II

    Aug 13, 2009
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    How can you recycle water has been drink o_O ?
  5. Sigh

    Sigh Level I

    Aug 27, 2009
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    Water doesn't have to be the ones you drink but other ways to recycled could be the water you used to shower and rainwater can be recycled.
  6. Vanessa

    Vanessa Level I

    Dec 18, 2006
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    Thank you for all your help everyone :p
    I did the presentation and got a B+ which is probably the best mark I've received all year rofl xD

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