Hey =) I'd like to create a scar script for NQII ! So i put the code : clickmouse(156,115,true); But how can i find the coordonate please ?
use this: Code (Text): {//==============================\\ // Co-ord Grabber \\ || By: Oddworth || \\===============================// } program New; var x, y: Integer; procedure oddworth; begin cleardebug; GetMousePos(x,y); Writeln(inttostr(x)+' '+inttostr(y)); end; begin repeat if(isfkeydown(12))then oddworth; until(false) end. press F12 to get the co-ord injoy!
doesnt NQII take a few hours to complete? I was about to make a NQI script but I saw the best score was 9 hours....so I decided not to do that, it would take forever to make that script, and forever to test it, if it messed up you'd have to start all over...
You're totaly rigth, the only way to do such a script is to give him all the coors (x,y) to clic and if you computer close, you're owned. Maybe we could make a powerful AI that look around and search his path, you know all maps are already known. Anyways, that still a huge script lmao. Howerver I imagined a useful script for NQII, I don't give more details, cause its not finished yet .