Why hello. I'm Cory, as you may have guessed. I was previously a member of another cheating community, unfortunately it has been closed. I came here to buy and sell Neopets items, and maybe make a few friends on the way. I see I got here just in my time the second birthday celebration! I'm a vegetarian, and I don't have a logical explanation for it, I have been since I was six. I'm very disappointed with the current state of the education educational system (at least the American one), and therefore am quite strongly anti-school. I enjoy laughing, and making people laugh. I am rarely a very serious person, but I can be when I feel it is needed. I love animals (especially cats), and they love me. xD I'm an active member of many other phpbb-based forums, a moderator in a few, and an administrator in even fewer. I enjoy technology, and love learning. The result of this is me failing at learning to code. A bit of a "nerd", some might even go so far to say. =P Anyway, I look forward to making lots of friends here, and am ready to begin my adventure in a new community.
Hey mate, Welcome to NeoFriends. Be sure to read the rules, it's good to read this; announces/how-to-rack-up-posts-and-cash-responsibly-t19324.html and this; announcements-rules-and-information-f73/forum-cash-and-downloads-system-t11780.html And also this; announcements-rules-and-information-f73/site-rules-and-ranks-t11757.html I think those are the main 3 you should read. From the sounds of it, you will fit in here fine. Just yeah try to contribute and you seem to be very set in your beliefs so I think you will like the debate section. Enjoy your stay here at Casa De Neofriends