... 74&next=21 Current Topic: User Lookup: dadestroyerman This account has been disabled. If you can read it, great... if not, I'll post a few of the messages here. Let it be a warning to you, don't be a dumb cheater! "Well if a PCloud and PHS comes up from sale from the same user it is likely him... " talking about items he was attempting to transfer "bro wut happened i think i mightve known that guy" "Bought NPs, ABed, account shared (maybe on this one) and who knows what else... " "he also accidentally admitted to multying" "he bought stuff with money and lied, he was so stupid that he got exposed post by post" This guy was dumb, I hope you aren't. But you can lose a lot if you don't be careful! For the record, PCloud = Portable Cloud = High leveld Jhudora's quest reward, and PHS = Personal Hand Sanitizer = Priceless (fights germs!)
After reading this and the board. I dont get it? Did he post about cheating or something? Im so confused..
Yeah I'm confused too.. He posted on the neoboard's admitting to cheating? Or by neomail? At least I know I'm not the only confused one
This guy would brag about his ABing (just the restocking, not saying "I have an ABer"), and every now and then he would type something that would suggest he had multiple accounts that he used for dailies and other non-side stuff. By my understanding, he came out and said "I use multiple accounts" right before he got frozen, but I'm not sure on that part
Why admit everything you have done, I understand telling a neofriend or two via msn or something, but not the whole world of neopets through the boards, I wish I were there, it would have been hilarious xD