Hey haxxor. Can you tell us something about yourself? Maybe your first name? Your favorite thing to do as a passtime? Anyways, you can call me Fexxel. Private Message (there is a PM option under everyone's post) me or a Moderator (they have blue names with the award "global moderator") if you have any problems. Have a nice stay here ---- Welcome to neofriends! Be sure to check out the Rules and Ranks, How the Reputation works and browse around the rest of the Rules and Information board!!!! My name is Fexxel, or FX, and I hope you enjoy your stay! By the way, please do NOT spam or 1 liner, for if you do I (and I'm sure many other members) would -rep you. Thank you Thanks for reading, welcome to NF FX PS: As a tip, BE SURE YOU WANT A PROGRAM BEFORE PURCHASING IT (lol)!
Im wondering for how much I can sell my 7year old neopets account, havent playe din like 5 years tho hehe