Hey, you may have already seen me on the chat box, but whats up! Insert Generic Greeting Here: Sup, I suggest you read the rules: viewtopic.php?f=73&t=11757 Before you "accidentally" get slapped with the back of the ban hand because you "forgot" to read then Have fun and don't spam for points!
Hey there, yes I remember you. I hadn't read the rules at first, I had problems navigating around the site and just thought I'd dive right into asking what I wanted. Then reading the rules I realized it wasn't a wise thing to do Not up to much right now, I really like this site, it's pretty cool, I still have a lot to learn though. I won't spam I promise.
Thanks, it's a bit slow on here, sorta. Is there certain times of the day in which there are more posters? or is this just the usual?