Came here a few days ago, and noticed it's one of the few neo forums that aren't filled with 10 year olds, so I decided to stay. I'm an on/off neo player for around 7-8 years or so now, so I'll probably be back and forth being here and not being here.
Heh. At least I'm older than a 10 year old xD. Yeah, I know how you feel. People who are immature really p*** me off. I'm on and off neo a lot, but I'm like always here. If you have any questions, PM me or a Moderator. ---- Welcome to neofriends! Be sure to check out the Rules and Ranks, How the Reputation works and browse around the rest of the Rules and Information board!!!! My name is Fexxel, or FX, and I hope you enjoy your stay! By the way, please do NOT spam or 1 liner, for if you do I (and I'm sure many other members) would -rep you. Thank you Thanks for reading, welcome to NF FX PS: As a tip, BE SURE YOU WANT A PROGRAM BEFORE PURCHASING IT (lol)! I made a mistake of buying some programs I didn't really want, and now I have no cash!
Yeah, it's a hassle, I can barely read what they're saying sometimes. A little more maturity here makes it a more attractive forum.
I concur. I can't think of anything more annoying than people talking like this: OMGZ D00D THATZ ZO L33T M7N L1EK OMGZ!!! I LUV NEOPRETS! NEOPPPPETS FTW MAN XOX ZOMG 1M S0 C00L. SCR3W U N00B! --- Oh wow, I feel stupider by typing that already! Now I need to recuperate!
Hi. Welcome to the forums haha, I see you have no problem with posting o.o although, 10 year old kids may or may not be smart. I've met several 10 y/o's whom were mature for their age, and the fact that they are younger doesn't mean much xD. Anywho, welcome.
I've met loads of mature 10 year olds, the problem is they ask too many questions that everyone else knows. :'( I used to be a mature 10 year old ^^. A clueless one xD ^^