Seriously.. I know this is a MASSIVE topic and theres no definitive advice.. But I tend to really lose aim of what im trying to say, or what i should even say. I dont even know where to begin to ask for help.. soo.. help?
Er... be better at English? lol j/k but seriously I have no idea how to help you out.... so let me offer some comic relief instead [along these lines, about five years ago....] Ex-girlfriend, high school senior: "Oh Dreamlorde, I have to do this crazy hard essay on censorship in art...." Me: "No worries babe. Just go get us a pizza and it'll be half done by the time you get back." two hours later... Me: "Okay, read it and tell me what you think." Ex: "You are so hot." two days later.... Ex's ex-teacher: "Laurie, what is the meaning of the word hubris?" Ex: "Er uh, I don't know. Why?" Teacher: "Because you used it quite well in your essay" Ex: "...." Teacher: "Do you know the meaning of this word?" *pointing* Ex: "Excuse me, I have to pee." Teacher: "Who wrote this for you?" Ex: "Well my boyfriend helped me..." Teacher: "And what is your boyfriend's name?" Ex: "Jay" Teacher: "Well, tell Jay he got an A. You, however, get an F." two minutes later.... Ex: "I hate you!!@"
Haha, well done on that A! Try writing out a plan. It may take a few extra minutes, but it helps in knowing where you currently are, and what you're going to write. So if you get lost or off track, you can always go back to your plan. So here's what i usually include in a plan Introduction Main body - write down points that you want to include in the main body Conclusion - sort of summing up what you were introducing, briefly retouching on any main points Always read through what you've written, spell check helps, and sometimes using an online thesaurus or in Microsoft Word helps to make it look better.
Wow, nice simple way you put it. Thanks, ill leave 'freaking out' on the backburner and give that strategy a try. hahaahahahaha. I was about to go on a rage, turn green and destroy half my city because im so fFAFIOA*************8 over this essay. But that made me laugh.