I really wasn't around for it either. But if I'm not mistaken, I think its random that you can potentially get the guard to the magma pool asleep. I don't think there is anything you have to do. I'm probably wrong... XD
I think there's some bugs that you need to collect first? I missed that whole thing too... So will be good to get an answer
All you have to do is visit the Magma Pool and hope that the guard lets you passed. It's just a random thing so you have to keep visiting until it happens... I've yet to get it and since given up :lol: But good luck if you decide to try!!
in the editorial tnt said something about earning the right to get in. Is that just a thing they made up to confuse people?
Yea basically. At least from what I saw around the boards, it was completely random. Some people who were able to get in didn't do the plot, didn't collect the worms.. just got to paint their pet.
Just refresh until they let you in, but you have a certain amount of time to paint a pet before they don't let you do anything, if that makes sense...
There's nothing to elaborate... it's completely random, and not that easy to get happen. You just have to refresh until it happens... if it ever happens. Like I said in my other post, I've yet to get the guard to let me in... so it could take awhile... a LONG while.
The first event where the guard is sleeping is random and does not require any glow worms (they are for something else) to get. The Magma pool will paint your pet the Magma color (you can choose, it's not your main) if the guard is sleeping. Once you have that one pet painted magma, feel free to come back anytime and the guard will let you paint another pet. As for whether he's on a schedule or it is randomly generated, I don't know, but given the lack of magma pets I've seen, it could be the latter.
Say if you use an auto refresher that pauses when the guards do let you in, if you're not at your computer at that exact moment, it will not matter because you need to paint a pet almost exactly when they let you in or it'll just say the same page as before.
"I'm sorry, only those well-versed in the ways of Moltara are permitted to enter the Pool. Learn more and try again later." Is that what it is supposed to say - Until they eventually let you in? Or do I have to actually LEARN more and try again? Meaning, is there something that needs to be done first?
No that's just what he says until he lets you in. I think TNT wanted to make it seem like you did something special when you finally get it to work
Long story short: If there is a specific event that needs to be completed to trigger the event, it has not been discovered. It's probably a random event with a low chance of happening.
There isn't a specific event. I was on the boards when the Magma Pool first opened and people who hadn't done ANYTHING before visiting the pool, got right in. They didn't do anything special before hand. They just got really lucky lol. Its a matter of refreshing and winning the lotto so to speak.
And the color isn't worth it, really. But that's my opinion. I'd rather scrounge up money for other brushes or paint methods.